The "funniest" T shirt slogans yourve seen?

Yummy Mummy

A T shirt with:

GOOD BUSH on the front, with a picture of a "ladies lower regions"

and on the back, BAD BUSH with a picture of the "President"

Another oldie but goodie

A T shirt with the slogan "Im with Stupid" and an arrow pointing to the person your standing next to


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: The

I've seen a maternity t-shirt that says "I'm with stupid" and has an arrow pointing down.

One that says "If you can read this, you're over-educated" (only it's written in Latin.

I used to have a t-shirt with a really fat cartoon bunny on it. Below the bunny it said: "I used to have three bunnies but two of them must have run away or something."
RE: The

ROFL! i love the wine one!! my friends and i were just discussing how unfortunate it is that some consider this wine.....last night at dinner. Funny!

RE: The

We have an odd man in our town who owns a roofing business. On each employee's shirt it says:

"We strip them in the morning, and lay them in the afternoon."

No, I'm not kidding!!!
RE: The

Ya'll are making me hack! that is hysterical Wendy! since i am doing all of dh's book-keeping now, i am having a t-shirt made that says "i'm shagging the boss" (in honor of Bridgit Jones)

does that count?

RE: The

Jes, Yep I think that counts. I wonder what people who don't know you will think. Oh hell, who cares?:)
RE: The

I saw one once that said, "Smile if you're not wearing underwear." Try NOT to smile when you see something like that.

RE: The

These are all hysterical! LOL!

jes...........perhaps you should start printing some T's to sell with these slogans and make yourself an honest living instead of "shagging the boss"

And I hope he's "paying" you with MORE than the ovious " Big Bonus"


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: The


Some of these are so funny!! DH has one that says "I look so good, i'm jealous of myself". He has another one that has a large beer mug and says "I am on a high carb diet".

RE: The

Put this in perspective...

A friend took her 16 year old son on a cruise. Let him go BY HIMSELF with a friend into the city at the port of call in Mexico. Drinking age in Mexico??? There is no drinking age. He gets into a tequilla drinking contest with his friend. He gets really trashed, ends up spending the night in the ships doctor's office being treated for alcohol poisoning. Teach him a lesson? Nope. But I bought him a t-shirt for Christmas...

"Got Tequilla?"
RE: The

My Uncle has one he's a packer fan. Its green and yellow and it says.......SHUT UP I'M WATCHING THE GAME! This shirt his perfect for him because NO Talking when football is on:D
RE: The

>A T shirt with:
>GOOD BUSH on the front, with a picture of a "ladies lower
x( (what, no "blech" smily"?)
RE: The

My brother-in-law is a stone mason and has a shirt that says "Sorry ladies I only lay stone." My favorite is one that has says "would you like some cheese with that whine?"

RE: The

When I was in college I used to see a weird guy around campus who wore a t-shirt that read "Nobody knows I'm a lesbian".

My Dad used to have a t-shirt that had "Try me on your bed" on it. I don't know whatever happened to it.

RE: The

I have seen many t shirts that I thought were kind of funny, but wondered who would wear them. I am not big on logos on my t shirts. I guess I do have a Gumby one for the grandchildren's benefit. I don't wear it out to the store or anything. Some seem like if you wore them out you would be looking for a huge debate or a fight. Some of us like our president so may not think that is so funny. Not really wanting to put a damper on this thread. Just y thoughts.
Diane Sue

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