The Firm

becky v

Does anyone do these videos anymore or are you turned off by them because they sold out by doing infomercials & selling their products at Target? Like Cathe tapes, I've been working out with the Firm for over 8 years, but unlike her tapes the first one I bought was at Osco Drug!! Personally I still like their videos and alternate them with Cathe, my elliptical trainer, and my faves in my collection of over 172 videos. Just wanted everyone elses opinion!!
Actually, I prefer the Body Sculpting Series over their early stuff. I started with the first series and LOVED it, bought the second series and didn't love it, bought some earlier workouts and HATE them. The outfits are ridiculous, the music is...well, just goofy. I haven't seen the movie "Stepford Wives" but I imagine that is what they workout to...on oriental rugs with Greek statues staring at them and violin filled music playing while wearing tights and body suits. They remind me of robots, speaking in a spooky monotone. Just my opinion...not worth jack, BTW:D
I still do mine as well. I frequently do Firm, then Cathe rotations. I like the change of pace. Mostly I do the pre-2001 Firms, but occasionally I will do the newer ones as well ( I have Firm BSS1, 2, and 3).
I haven't done my Firms in quite a while, but yesterday I did Volume 1 and I didn't like it as much as I used to. I now think that Volume 1 is more of an endurance type workout, Susan Harris just goes too fast to be using heavy weights. Am thinking about selling it.
I started with the Firm back in 1991 and have all the workouts up to the BSS Era, and purchased a select few of the BSS1-3s. I still do Firm workouts but only seven of them, and all older ones - Volume 6, Tough Tape, Hare, Sculpted Buns Hips & Thighs, Tough Cardio Mix, Cardio Step Mix and occasionally Firm Strength. Once in a while I'll throw in sections of 5 Day Abs and 5 Day Stretch.

I'm not disturbed by their informercials or mass marketing, but I did like the old (preBSS) workouts a lot better than the new Firm.

My fitness level has progressed and so have my goals - aerobic weight training doesn't allow me to increase my strength or cardio capacity significantly anymore. I prefer Cathe (and a couple of other instructors) who focus more on heavy weights and strength building, or straight cardio work.

I really like the Firms from the Cardio (aka: Strong Heart) and Strength (aka: Strong Body) days and around that time ( after Tortoise and Hare, and before the Goodtimes Firms). I still have about a dozen Firm workouts in my collection, including several by Tracie Long. The "Hips, buns and thighs" workout is one of my favorite lower body/glute workouts for floor.

The Goodtimes Firms (BodySculpting System 1,2,3 and , coming soon, 4) seem like a step down in intensity from those. And what's with introducing a new "exclusive" piece of crap (I mean equipment) that you have to buy for each one: the Fanny lifter, the "stick" (what a joke), the "Box," and, coming with BSS4 "The Firminator" (a new box: I'm not kidding about the name!).

I don't think they "sold out" by doing commercials and selling their productis in Target and Walmart. But I do think they "sold out" in a way by taking the intensity of the workouts down. This seems to be the case with everyone who hooks up with Goodtimes (like Billy Blanks).
I am with you one the new piece of "crap"...I mean equipment...that goes with each series. They do that to jack up the price. It's worth about $2.00 but they sell it for $50.00! I also think they do it so that you HAVE to buy the whole system to do the workouts, instead of just upgrading what you already have with new videos.

I will say, I used my fanny lifter with Cathe's workouts for a long time before I finally bought my high step.

I am so THRILLED that Cathe's workouts do not require you to buy a whole bunch of crap that can only be found through her more reason to love her till the day I die!!:7 :7
I totally agree with how ridiculos it is to have to buy new equipment with every couple of new videos. I also agree with the decrease in intensity in their videos.
I just started Cathe and have been with the Firm for about 3 yrs. I'm just getting to the point where I'm fed up with GoodTimes. I'm going on my 3rd replacement of the box and the crap they'll send me will probably break again. I will not be purchasing the BSS4 because you will probably end up having to buy their equipment to use their DVDs. I'm looking forward to getting some of Cathe's DVDs. I watched some of her stuff on Fit Tv and it just looks like so much fun (and tough).
The Firm's BSS3 box. I had the original one and it got recalled and sent out a redesigned box and that one just broke the other day. So now i'm waiting for them to replace that one.
Geesh, now I'm scared mine will break!! I've been using it for all of my Firm videos, not just the ones in the 3rd round of new videos. Hmmm....
I used the Firm almost exclusively before finding Cathe and although I haven't done a Firm tape in a month or so coz I've been "Cathe-Happy" ,lol, I plan to continue using them along with Cathe. I am getting rid of the Firms (and other tapes) that I no longer use but the ones I was using up until I purchased Cathe I am keeping to use in rotations in the future.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I started out working out with the firm with Volume 1 and continued buying them until they "Sold Out" (the Body Sculpting System). Since the BSS I have not liked the workouts, since Anne Benson (I think that is her name) left The Firm is just not the same!! I have also tried her Fit Primes, and they are way too BORING!! I liked the classroom settings of the old firms. I think she has went back to her roots (as far as the classrooms are involved). I have also tried Tracie Longs new DVD's can't remember the names of them they are not too bad.

I have many Firm w/o's. I'll be honest - I haven't exercised in a loooong time. I pre-ordered the Hardcore Series. I'm planning on dusting off my Firm videos to get back into the swing of things (also because I think they aren't as hard as Cathe - don't think I could make it through a Cathe tape now).
Hi there,
There are quite a few of us that still do the Firm. I always say you get out of a workout what you put into a workout. We can't always blame the workout. I have had great success with the firm. I lost 45 lbs with it. Anyway, a group of us have already got together and decided we're going to do a Firm/Cathe rotation as soon as we all get our Hardcore's. If you would like we can get you a copy of the rotation. And even if you didn't preorder Hardcore, we're going to list substitutions. PM if you are interested.
It's a continuing process.....
I don't use the Firm workouts anymore, but not because of where/how they sell them. I just prefer Cathe. After I was with Cathe for about 6 months I realized I was never using my Firm workouts anymore. I waited another 6 months (just to be sure I wouldn't use them anymore) and sold them all on eBay.

Cathe, for me, is just perfect. I absolutely love her workouts and find great versatility with her workouts & her premixes/workout blenders, etc.

I've never found anyone better. :D

I do supplement with some Pilates DVDs, and I just purchased a Lower Body Challenge workout (stability ball), but that's it. Everything else is Cathe.
I have lots of Firm workouts and I still use them. I have never gotten bored with them and will continue to use them. But I really
like Cathe's workouts too, in some way I am still working up to her
but rotate I her and The Firm, I think they compliment each other well. I guess one good thing about The Firm going retail is that you don't necessarily have to deal with Goodtimes. I have all 3 BSS systems and the "middle era" videos, the only Firms I really can't get into are the classics, I have Volume 1 but I never use it.

My chief complaint about The Firm is they need to chapter their DVD's.
They could really take a lesson from Cathe in this department. Cathe's DVDs are state of the art. All in all I like The Firm, they
got me started, but I am very thankful I discovered Cathe too. Her
workouts are great and I love her personality and style, I like her background exercisers too, they are so motivating. I definitely will
be adding more Cathe's to my collection.

Amen to chaptering the DVDs! This is my chief complaint. I really think we could get a much better workout if we were in control of the mix!! However, like you, they got me started with weights and I still use the workouts at least once a week.
I was a "Firmy" for several years and although I did see some results, they were nothing like what Cathe's videos have given me. I've been working out with Cathe exclusively for 2 years and see a lot more muscle definition ( under the fat layer! LOL) and stamina. One of these days I'll go back to a Firm tape to see how it feels to do that workout, at my current 'Cathe capacity'. Regardless, I think Cathe provides the most interesting, challenging, motivating workout I've ever found. So,I ask my self "why even bother with the old Firm tapes?"

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