the core max


hi everybody

what do you think about the core is it compare to other abs dvd. can you recommand one?
I like and use them both. The abs DVD is compilations from many of Cathe's older workouts that had ab sections. I like this DVD because there is a lot of variation and I have some favorites on there. (There are several that use planks, which I like.) You can do all kinds of variations and as many as you want. Core max on the other hand, incorporates the medicine ball and stability ball so it's completely different ab work then what's on the other DVD. There are three different workouts each about 20 minutes. The first workout doesn't use any equipment.

Do you have equipment? Do you like traditional ab work? What are you looking for? Honestly I use them both so I find it difficult to pick one over the other. If you don't have a stability ball or medicine ball and don't plan on purchasing either, then I'd get the Abs workout. Do you own other Cathe workouts that have ab work like ME or Muscle Max or any of the others?

Get both!

hi jo

i have the core max and the stability ball im going to buy the medicine ball but i dont know what weight to choose.i have the kick max imax2+wights (i havent try it yet) basic step and the low impact thats it for the planing to purchase more later on.
i like the slow and heavy (i love weights) .i dont like ,only from seeing the clips, the old dvd's maybe because it looks like it taped in the 70's, but im open the suggestions


Core Max kicks butt. :)

I do a lot of pilates workouts for core work also--MTV Mix & Ana Caban's Pilates for Abs are my two favorites--but nothing so far compares to CM, it's the only one that has me sore for at least 2 days after I do it.

I'd also be interested if anyone has other recommendations............
Core Max is great. I'm still on the learning curve for this amazing workout.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Do you think Core Max and Ab Hits are good for building/ maintaining a six pack? I have both, but never thought about it.


I am almost 45, and have a 6 pack.....underneath :7 . Yes, I think you could maintain your 6 pack. Cathe was asked after the Hardcores came out how she got such killer abs. She said she did exercises like on Coremax, but it sounded like she did much more than 20 minutes a day.
someday after i will finish having babys im going to have a six pack this is my dream (one of them anyway)
If you really wanna focus on gettin a six pack, I recommend you watch Gilad!!! OMG is whole body is just one muscle that like broke into larger but smaller muscles all over his body!! Ok maybe I explained that wierdx( but you get what I mean:7. I posted something about him in the Open Discussion forum. Here's his website.

Good Luck! Hope your muscles get RIPPED}( }(

i have been working with gilad 4 many years and recently i bought his quick fit system.i admit that his ab and upper & lower body are tough but thats it i was very dissapointed. cathe is mmmmuuuuuch tougher and better,anyway thanks for the advice}( }(
I bought core max about 3 weeks ago and I love it. The only part I can't do is the pikes on the ball, I don't think I'm coordinated enough:p I just do the modification.
I really did expect to be sore afterwards, but I wasn't. However 3 weeks into it and I can definately feel the difference in all my opther excercises and day to day life. And my pants are looser, and the fluffy parts of me aren't so fluffy. I use it every day, but I'm an everday abs person. I do one section a day then go thru the 3 premixes in order, so I start over every six days. Since I take 1`day a week off, it fits perfectly, and I'm not doing the same routine over and over. I'd definatley recommend it. The only thing I don't have is the medicine ball, but I just use an 8 lb dumbell, not real comfortable trying to hold it between my knees, but it works. Now if I can just figure out the pikes....
This is for sure an advanced, sure way of getting your core in tip top shape.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

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