The Challengers wk of 5/31


Morning girls

Today im starting that FF summer 2010 rotation, well the generic breakdown of it. Today is carido so i plan on getting on the treadmill with coach Sean;) thinking ccv5. I really need to do some abb work too, really slacking lately on that. PH abbs is my favorite abb workout so i might throw that in too.

Hello to everyone:)
Hi girls,

Sorry for being MIA last week. I did all my wos just didn't have much time for chit-chat.

Amelia: I just finished 6 weeks of the generic version of that rotaton. I really liked it. But I need a break, I added more cardio in it.

I am having a rest day today. My hip was very sore this morning when I woke up. I did a bit of the foam roller and it eased a bit.

I'm thinking I may either do an STS rotation or a 4DS one. I've been doing Cardio Coach on the elliptical and loving it!:D
I just purchased 3 & 4 and got 5 free. I can't wait to figure how to put them on my ipod and give them a whirl. My DS(15) usually does it for me but I thought I just get my own iTunes account and do it myself.

I may take this week off of weights and do cardio,abs and yoga for my hip.

Okay I think I just made up for not chit-chatting all last week.:p
Hi Amelia, good luck with FF rotation. I'm sure you will do great.

Elaine, you were missed this week, but I know how it is with computer time. Glad you are loving Cardio Coach. Hope you hip gets better.

Hi Roxie.

Today was 40/20 for me followed by Medicine Ball Abs. I hope I can keep this momentum going.

Good Morning,

This morning I did Total Body Stretching and then I plan on going for a walk later. I am just going to do stretching and yoga this week and then start something new. I was going to do Chalene Extreme but I might end up doing insanity instead.

Amelia-enjoy your workout today I to have been slacking on abs.

Elaine-how are you enjoying your elliptical take it easy with that hip

Jean-enjoy your workout.

13 min
0 in the zone
89 min hr
109 max hr
33 cals burned.
Morning, my are we chatty this it:D

I never did check in yesterday after my workout, i did CCV5 and it was so fun...i really miss doing those. Think i will do at least 1 cc a week. Then i did some core work...

Today is a full body. Im thinking about doing that MM UB Push/pull premix then 4ds legs, my favorite leg workout because there is no low-end pulses:p

My DH left a note on the wipe off board this morning( a way we will communicate sometimes when our hours don't match up) and it said " Hey babe, I'm starting my diet with you tomorrow"! Im not going to get too excited or push him too much but it would be nice to not have to sit through his night time eating or buy snowballs:p hehehe

I will try and bbl but if not i will bb tomorrow and report my workout then. Have a great day girls:)
Amelia: I know what you mean about your DH and dieting. My DH is actually doing the elliptical every morning. He always asks me how many miles did you do? I think it is fun that he is competeing with me, even if he denies that he is.:D

Jean: How is STS going?

roxie: what is planned for today?

This morning I did CCV1 and yoga, abs and some foam rolling. I burned 251cals.

Gotta get moving.
Good Evening,

Tonite I did TJ 20min Cardio Party and Ab Jam floor work. It was almost 100 degrees when I got off work so I didn't go for a walk.

20min Stats:
19 min
12 in the zone
124 min hr
146 max hr
100 cals burned.

Ab Jam:
9 min
0 in the zone
97 min hr
116 max hr
28 cals burned.
This morning was disc 4. I only had 4 hours sleep so I couldn't finish it. Made it about half way through. I'd like to blame it on all the pushups, but I think it was the lack of sleep.


Today is a KPC premix, the intermediate drills + combo's 1,2 then core. Should put me at around 50mins so then i will do some A.M yoga w/Rodney for 20mins...

Yesterday i decided on MM timesaver...i can feel it this morning,ouch! My inner thighs,glutes, rear delts and calves are all sore:confused:

Elaine-LOL at your DH being competitive. My DH isn't working out right now but just watching what he eats(even though i heard him in the kitchen last night after i went to bed:rolleyes: Maybe he made a salad or something,lol)

Roxie-Nice job on your TJ workout.

Jean-Sorry you didn't get a lot of sleep, but kudo's to you for even attempting an workout with only 4hrs of sleep...nice job!
Good morning Girls,

This morning I did MMA Boxing, heavy bag bonus without a bag. I wore 1lb hand weights. It was fun and I sweated, but my heart rate was a little low to burn any serious calories. I then did Namaste yoga.

Roxie: great wo last night.

Amelia: I like that premix. I prefer combos 1 & 2 over the third one. LOL! about your DH's trip to the kitchen. My DH has been really good about the snacking but his portions are a bit over the top. But I really can say much as I do not want him to give up.

Jean: great work on disc 4. Half is better than none,especially on 4hrs of sleep.

I still can't decide what I am going to do next week for a rotation. I really want to do STS but I also want to do cardio 4 to 5 days a week. Hmmmmmmmm.........not sure yet.
Good Morning,

Tonite I will go for a walk suppose to be cooler today and then do the upper body add on from Basic Step.

Amelia-good job on your workout yesterday and enjoy todays workout.

Elaine-I to am having a hard time deciding what I want to do this month. Can you add extra cardio to your STS workouts?

Jean-I wouldn't be able to do wt. work on 4 hrs of sleep so good for you doing 1/2 of it.
Good Evening,

I only managed to go for a 1 mile walk due to work and then DD and her DH came over and we all went out for supper.

17 min
16 in the zone
145 min hr
15 max hr
116 cals burned.

My DVR isn't acting right...i recorded a few shows last night and this morning there is nothing on it:mad: stupid &%*~ thing:mad: I will have to call about it today...argh

Today will be legs & glutes. Im not too excited about working my legs right now, there still sore from mm the other day. But i will stick to my rotation and quit the pity party;)

Elaine-I previewed the combo's on KPC and made a mental note on that third looked pretty challenging,LOL. Think i will stick to the intermediate stuff for right now.:confused: It was fun though..

Roxie-Nice job on your workout yesterday, enjoy your workout today!

Hello to Jean...what are you up to today?

Have a good one girls:)
I think yesterday was a rest day. That's sad, I don't even remember. Today was jogging. 30 minutes with one dog then a walk with the other. The one who has to walk started limping about a month ago and so I had to stop jogging with her. She hates being left behind, so I walk her afterwards so she doesn't feel left out.

Amelia, I hate it when the dvr does that.

Roxie, at least you got in a little bit last night. Diner with DD and her husband sounds like a nice distraction though.

Hi Elaine,

Ok, ladies, now I'm going to vent. Before my vacation a few weeks ago I had really been doing well and the few pounds that had creeped up were coming off. Then I went on vacation and added them back on. I started watching what I ate and they started to come back down. Now they are going up again. The same freaking 5 pounds, up, down, up down. I'm tired of it. Today I'm up and I am getting measured for my "mother of the bride's dress" for my DD's wedding. I hate ordering the dress on an up week, but I can't wait any longer or it might not come in time. I guess I should look at this way. It is easier to take in a dress than it is to let out a dress.

I think yesterday was a rest day. That's sad, I don't even remember. Today was jogging. 30 minutes with one dog then a walk with the other. The one who has to walk started limping about a month ago and so I had to stop jogging with her. She hates being left behind, so I walk her afterwards so she doesn't feel left out.

Amelia, I hate it when the dvr does that.

Roxie, at least you got in a little bit last night. Diner with DD and her husband sounds like a nice distraction though.

Hi Elaine,

Ok, ladies, now I'm going to vent. Before my vacation a few weeks ago I had really been doing well and the few pounds that had creeped up were coming off. Then I went on vacation and added them back on. I started watching what I ate and they started to come back down. Now they are going up again. The same freaking 5 pounds, up, down, up down. I'm tired of it. Today I'm up and I am getting measured for my "mother of the bride's dress" for my DD's wedding. I hate ordering the dress on an up week, but I can't wait any longer or it might not come in time. I guess I should look at this way. It is easier to take in a dress than it is to let out a dress.


Jean-I hear ya I play with the same 2-3lbs every week I lose and then I gain and you are right it is easier to take in a dress and it makes you feel a whole lot better.

I've got a cardio on tabs sometime today. Not sure what im doing yet?

A licensed electrician is coming out this morning to look at the damages caused by the storm a couple of weeks ago. Then it will take 7-10 days for the insurance company to come to an estimate of the damages and hopefully i can get some of our money back. Its too bad the insurance company isn't paying for his visit...ARG!
First I have to venture out to the grocery store with the to little frogs( my kids,thats there nick names now since all they want to do is swim all day,lol) we have nothing left in the house to eat.:confused:

Roxie,Jean-Im right there with ya. Last Saturday i made a challenge for myself! NO MORE EXCUSES on my eating. I've got about 28lbs to lose before reaching my goal weight i set out 5 YEARS AGO to reach:)o). I just told my self that i can eat all the things i crave ( in moderation of course) when i reach my goal weight. I've stuck to it this week, down 7lbs so far.

Come on Ladies...lets show that scale who's boss....

Good Morning,

Instead of a walk tonite which I just noticed I didn't post last nites I am going to do High Step Circuit to get some wt. work in and then work my abs.

Amelia-good job on the wt. loss this week and I am sure you will hit your goal. Good luck with the electrician today.
Good Evening,

I decided to do Turbo Jam 3T with the blue band.

32 min
18 in the zone
125 min hr
164 max hr
175 cals burned.

My hips can definetly feel this.
Morning girls, checking in late with a nice workout done. I did all but one circuit in HSC and OMG,im still trying to recover from that workout. Im not sure if it was me or the fact that my eating was horrible yesterday but i was really struggling with the cardio in that one. My HR was racing at one point and i couldn't catch my breath, got light headed(why i only did 4 circuts) man that workout ROCKED!

So, even though i pigged out yesterday(read my blog, i had a vent about it this morning) the scale isn't too bad this morning. I'm back on track today.

ok..have a good day girls. I've ran out of wanna go swimming.

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