The Butt???

Fl girl


Just wondering if the GS legs also works the butt area (still waiting for my dvd's)and if step will tighten it up too.......if not does anyone have any suggestions for that area? Thanks so much for any comments!! ;)
The lunges, deadlifts, squads, all work the butt, the floor work on GS focuses on the butt. If you have Legs and Glutes which comes in KPC DVD. That workout works your glutes very well too.
On Monday I did the 82 min. premix from KPC/L&G. It didn't seem that hard while I was actually doing the premix(great workout, but I wasn't dying or anything) but the next day I had a little bit of DOMS right in the butt area. It is a fun premix and it includes the abs too.
I purchased The step super aerobic step bench, can I use this bench for the GS legs? Or do I also need to purchase the step that Cathe uses in the DVD? I know I still need to get the high step. I dont know if Im being to anal, I just want to make sure I have all the right stuff. THANKS! :)

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