The Break Up


;( OK....many of you posted comments to an earlier post this week by me, concerning my fiance and I.'s the update.

I haven't seen him all week. lol. Which is one of our big issues..the fact that we each have our completely separate lives and our schedules pull us in different directions, resulting it being VERY hard to get together. BUT.....I called him tonight (while I sat at DS's baseball practice, nonetheless) and we got into a conversation after I told him that, "I've needed to talk to him all week and didn't want to have this conversation over the phone". Once you say that, it's like a flood gate. We also said that with DS's baseball this weekend and DFiance's schedule early next week, we're looking at a whole other WEEK before we can make the time to get together (yes, pathetic, I know, but you wouldn't believe our schedule conflicts). I just couldn't let this go on for another day, let alone a week!

After 40 minutes on the phone, we pretty much agreed on everything, which I knew we would. We're both on the same page and understand that although we are great for each other and we each have the qualities that we want and need, it's still not 100%....and that's what we want. We chatted about taking the risk of "saying goodby to eachother for the time being" with the chance to find somebody that would fit the bill for us 100%. We also agreed that PERHAPS this split will result in one of us (or both of us) seeing that WE are what we want, but we won't know that until we let US go.

SO.....long story short, although the words "the engagement is off" were not spoken, we both know that's what this is. When I see him next, I plan on giving him the ring back.

I'm sad.

Planning on burning off some steam with tomorrow's Cardio Coach Press Play Day with fellow Catheites.


p.s. thanks for listening. There was SO much more to the conversation, but it would make for a lengthy post. I felt SO much better having sadi some of the things I said, AND having him agree with me. Made me realize it was not just ME with these feelings that something is just missing.;(
Boy, this makes me want to cry for you. It must have been very hard and you are very brave. Make me very thankful for my husband and want to go hug him! Best of luck to you!;(
((((HUGS)))) Oh Gayle, I'm so sorry. It sounds like you had a good talk with him, and the good thing is that you two are in agreement. Still, it's so difficult to say goodbye to such a big part of your life.

And CCPP will definitely help you blow off some steam. :)
Gail - no insightful words of wisdom here, just wanted to send you some hugs! <<<<HUGS>>>>
Dear Gayle, this was so sad to read, but I know you made the right decision, especially since it was mutual. Another paged turned... I'll be joining you in the workout today and will think especially about you. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Gayle, huge ((hugs)) for doing something so incredibly difficult, but what you needed to do for yourself right now. You are a very strong woman. Have fun burning off some steam with coach Sean ;)


I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!
So sorry that you're hurting, Gayle. But it sounds like you listened to your heart-of-hearts and did what is best for both of you. More (((HUGS))) comin' your way.

~Cathy :)

HUGS to you! I just went through a break up and it's hard but you did the right thing. It's interesting that we had some of the same issues that you had. Working out will definitely help you get through some of the emotion. It did for me. Hang in there! You a very strong lady.
Thanks, everyone! I do feel much better after sleeping on it AND after doing that CC workout! LOL

The next big step is taking the ring off. I'm not a big jewelry person, but giving up a diamond is HARD too! LOL

Gayle, I am so sorry. I can hear the sadness in your post. It takes a lot of guts to make the move you did. You ARE strong and will come thru this fine. I will continue to say prayers for you and keep you in my thoughts. I'm glad you have the boys to keep you busy. Good for you for getting up and joining Coach Sean this morn. BIG HUGS 2 U & the boys!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!

I am sorry you are feeling sad but I hope you realize that is a completely normal feeling. Even though you both agreed that something was missing and you both deserve 100%, you can still be sad about the loss.

I think it is good that you did not close the door completely. Just focus on other things and see where life takes you. Only time will tell if "absence makes the heart grow fonder" or "out of sight is out of mind."

I will be thinking of you today during PP.

As Sean says, "See you in the workout!"
(((HUGS))) to you sweetie! You did the right thing. You'll get through this! It just takes some time....

Having him agree with you and not get mad and/or argue is wonderful. I don't mean that I am happy you guys broke up. I am just happy that you didn't have to suffer through somebody who doesn't want to leave or whatever and gives you a hard time. Sounds like a very amicable situation and that's good.

I'm was so sorry to read this post! I am, though, so amazed by your courage to do what you know to be right for you and your boys. I'm glad that the conversation went well. You worked it out as two adults should:)



I hope you are feeling good about your decision soon! And dang it!! Do you *have* to give the ring back???

It sounds like you did the right thing and I think you're awesome for recognizing what you needed to do and then doing it.
Breaking up is hard to do, no matter who does it, or even if it is a mutual decision, but it sounds like you made the best choice for you.
I agree that it takes strength and self-awareness to make the decision you did.
Hang in there, and use your 'exercise therapy' as often as you need!
{{{{{GAYLE}}}}} I don't know what I can possibly add to what's already been said, but know that I think you're a strong and courageous woman. I'll remember you in my prayers.

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