The Best Weekend of My Life :-)


Oh gosh, I still can't decide where to start, but I can only describe this last weekend as the best weekend of my life! I'm still walking on air! Of course, another real important weekend was when I met Logan 3 years ago but more on that later. IT HAPPENED!! Last night he proposed and I am the happiest girl alive! :-jumpy :-jumpy

I don't have time to tell the whole story now I've been so busy. but more details later. And its only gonna get busier, a lot busier in the next month. Wheeee, we're getting married!! :-jumpy
More later.

Maxy :-jumpy
SO happy for you Maxy...congratulations & sincere best wishes to you both.
When's the big day?
How did he propose??
Ruth :)

[marquee]CONGRATULATIONS MAXY & LOGAN!!![/marquee]
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-01 AT 12:37PM (Est)[/font][p]
i dont know you Maxy but i am thrilled too...

I can only imagine how incredible it would be to have a man i love propose to me!! such heart, hope and future ...
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
it makes my heart swell and brings tears to my eyes to just rhink how wonderful that would be .. Best wishes for everything good.

( i cry easy )
~~~~ splash :) sniffle splash :) ~~~
Woo hoo ~ Congrats Maxy! Sounds like you're in love and lovin' it! Keep us posted on the date and arrangements and stuff, okay. It's really easy to let weddings get stressful, so just remember to have fun with it! So, does he like to work out ;-) ?
RE: Love From Your Cyber-Bridesmaids . . .

Congratulations on your engagement!

Does Hubby-Elect understand that he's marrying a wonderful harem? Maxy, Cathe, and a cast of thousands from The Educated Crowd? :) :) :) :) :)

All the best -

Congratulations Maxy!

You must be so happy! I am glad that you found your love. I can't wait to hear how you met. I am a hopeless romantic and I love to hear how couples have gotten together. I know you will enjoy every minute of it!
Take care!
RE: Congratulations Maxy!

Congratulations from me too! You sound so happy! Makes me want to plant one on my hubby and we've been married for 13 years. May you always be as joyful as you are now and may all your troubles be LITTLE ONES! hehehe (But not before you're ready for them)
RE: Congratulations Maxy!

That's wonderful! I'm very happy for you and your groom-to-be! Enjoy these days and don't let it get too stressful!!!!!!

Let us know the details....SOON!

RE: Oh My!

Alright everyone, here are the details I'm so happy to share!! :-jumpy :-jumpyWe went on that weekend trip I was telling you about under "How to workout away from home" last week. We visited Sarah & Mike in Bowling Green and enjoyed a weekend of fun activities. It rained Friday afternoon alot, and I was worried at first things wouldn't go too well for our visit. It rained hard which forced Logan & Mike to cancel their golf game. But they decided to go to that car museum first and had a good time. Sarah and I didn't feel like driving all the way back down to Nashville from where we'd just been, although only the airport, so she took me shopping at their mall and a few other places and we ate lunch at this place downtown called Mariah's I think and the chicken salad & bread was delicious!

The balloon glow event for Friday night was also cancelled due to rain that made everything too wet to have the event. So we decided on a movie instead at this new megaplex that had just opened there. We saw Shrek which none of us had gotten around to seeing. We're all adults here, but we still have little kids living inside us somewhere so on recommendations from friends of there's we decided to see that. It was a real cute little movie.

Saturday I got in that morning workout some of you recommended and then we went to a local orchard and bought some delicious peaches and peach pies they had made there. It had dried off by noon enough for Logan & Mike to hit the fairways even if the course was still a little damp they had fun I think. Sarah and I just spent the afternoon talking and catching up while waiting for them, Logan and Mike to get back in.

Saturday afternoon, the skies had cleared and everything had dried off enough for the afternoon balloon race so out we went to see it. It was wonderful! An exhilarating and beautiful thing to see. They had 65 balloons this year. After the balloons had all flown or floated away, the country band Restless Heart performed. I'm not a big country fan but they were still pretty good. Then we all got back to their house, had a late dinner and yummy peach pie. :7

Okay, Sunday was the big day although I had no idea how big at the time. They took us back to the airport in Nashville for our ride back home to Seattle. When we finally got home, we rested a while then Logan said he wanted to take me out to dinner. I told him I was beat and just wanted to stay in. Logan, always the perfect guy he is said Okay, dinner's on me. Stay and take a nap and I'll tell you when its ready.

I said, Hey cool!

Logan fixed the most wonderful salmon filet and I thought THAT meal with dessert was going to be the highlight of my day. HAH!!
As he brings over dessert with a bowl of butter pecan ice cream, my favorite guilty pleasure, he says "Your chef tonight has a special treat made just for you madam" with a funny fake French accent.

And there it was-that little blue box maybe 1 1/2 square. I just looked at it stunned even though I should not have been cause a good friend told me she had seen him at Zales a week before when she was there. I looked at it, him, it then slowly opened it. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen, a 1 carat diamond and gold band that to me was more beautiful than any of the crown jewels. Then he got on his knees and offered to place the ring on my finger. I just started crying right there like a little girl.

May I have an answer? he said.

All I could do for a minute was cry and I think he was getting worried at this and my delay. I finally wiped away my tears and cleared my eyes long enough to say, Of course! still crying. I leaned over and hugged him and the rest you don't need to know.

Well you did ask about how we met and that leads to our plans which he proposed also. We met three years ago at a friend's party over Labor day weekend. I guess it was on Labor Day being a Monday as clear to me as yesterday was. So Logan says "How about the Saturday of Labor day weekend. I know that's a busy weekend, but it doesn't have to be anything really big. Maybe something smaller and we can have a quiet relaxed wedding without having to worry about making a big production of it. Then we can surprise everyone at the barbeque Steve and Jenny are having. Then we leave for wherever you want." He actually said that! :7

So I don't know yet. We need to tell our family first and Mom and Dad might have some ideas. Do you? Where have you been that's really great, but not too too expensive? Logan suggested an Alaskan cruise but I'm worried about the price. He reminds me that Alaskan Air flies out of here every day and he knows someone who could pull some strings. I don't know; I just know that anywhere with him is heaven for me! :) :) I'm so excited!!
I can barely contain myself!! How does that old disco song go?
I heard it on TV awhile back. Something like:

"I'm so excited and I just can't hide it..." :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Have to go guys, have to fly on up to Cloud 10! :-jumpy :-jumpy
RE: Oh My!

WOW... I have goosebumps... what a great and romantic guy you have! Reminds me of my wonderful husband and the way he proposed! That day was one of the fourth! greatest days of my life, the first three (tied for first!) was the birth of my beautiful first son, the birth of my beautiful second son and the birth of my beautiful third son! Whatever you choose for your wedding day, make sure that it is something that both of YOU want. Big, small, grand, intimate...make it your day because it will be with you forever. Good luck, GOD BLESS, and keep us posted. Reading about it brings back such great memories...sigh...
RE: Oh, that's Great!!

Hi 3XMom & Murph,

Thanks for your story; however many times I become a mom, I'm looking forward to it. Murph, this upcoming wedding has been 3 years in the making. That and the fact that in an unofficial capacity we've already been married the last 6 months considering our present living arrangement. I've been dropping a few hints this summer about how great it would be if it was legit. You know, actually married. We've managed all this time to keep this from my parents which has bothered me all this time too and it's been difficult. Now it will be a burden off our shoulders. And we'll both be glad it's official. Can't hardly wait! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy



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