The Bar Method


I was over at VF and saw some positive posts on the Bar Method. Has anybody here tried it, and what were your thoughts on these workouts? Also, have any of you tried the Winsor Pilates Maximum Burn 20 minute workout? I just started doing my original Winsor Pilates and am enjoying it (my first time at pilates) and was wanting to branch out.

Thanks for any input.

I have the Winsor Pilates Super Sculpting Maximum Burn (50 minute workout) and the results I've seen so far are amazing. 2 1/4 inches off the waist in 4 weeks and 6 1/2 pounds gone. I love this workout and I'm completely hooked. I do it about 3 times a week and some cardio about 2 to 3 times a week.

Check out the reviews on The 50 minute Winsor Advanced Burn workout is getting rave reviews.
Thanks for the reply, Dani!! I actually won the 20 minute Maximum Burn off ebay this morning. Now I am bummed. I guess I will have to go to Collage and buy the Maximum Burn 50 minute dvd!!!

Congratulations on the great success you have had. That is wonderful. Are you also doing any kind of weight work, or just the pilates?

I've used both Bar Method and Lotte and I have noticed a slimming down of my pear shaped lower body when I've included them into a rotation. These workouts do make all those troubled spots of my lower body feel tighter. I find them to be more effective than endless squats and lunges, plus a lot easier on my sensitive knees! I'm not using them now, but I'm going to start another Lotte/BM/Cathe rotation soon to get in shape for my bathing suit. I know a lot of people on other forums have gotten incredible results when they stuck to a long Bar rotation.
Hi Leslie!! Can I ask what your rotation is going to be?!? I was wondering if I got these how to incorporate them into a rotation with weights, etc.


Hi Kim. Thanks so much. No, not really doing any kind of weight work right now. Just the Pilates and cardio, mainly. Every so often I'll throw in a Timesaver workout that includes a little weight work but not much.

I'll eventually go back to more weight work but I'm on a Pilates kick right now.

Hi Kim! Sorry I didn't respond sooner! You asked about my rotation. I haven't come up with one yet but I was thinking of doing Cathe for cardio and upper body 3 days a week, and Bar or Lotte 3 days. Kind of like this:

Mon-CTX Step and Intervals, PS BBA
Tues-Fat Free
Wed-Rhythmic Step
Thur-PS CST and Lotte HRA or Bar Fat Free
Fri-First 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sat-Designer Sculpting, Supersets (upper body 2 sets premix)

Designer Sculpting uses upper body weights and I prefer Cathe for upper body so I'll either keep the weights very light when I do this workout or skip that section entirely.

Hope this helps!
I also really like the Bar Method. I just completed a 4 week Cathe fatblaster rotation, and my backside is bigger than when I started. I don't understand! I did the Bar method a few times this week and loved it. I was so incredibly sore. I think I will do Cathe cardio/circuits several times per week. Then, I will throw in some Bar Method also.

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