The Ask Cathe Forum

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone!

I appreciate when the questions in the Ask Cathe forum are specifically for me. But I realize that not everyone always understands that when first coming on to the site so I don't post a reminder until it becomes excessive.

I also don't mind when others help out when I am busy with projects. The only thing I ask is that others state their comments as their own personal beliefs and not say something like "I have heard Cathe say this before too" or "I know Cathe feels this way too".

The type of questions that I really would like to keep out of the Ask Cathe are those that truly belong in Open Discussion or any of the other forums. An example of this would be a question along these lines...."Hi All, what did you think of that show on Fit TV the other day?" OR "Does anybody here like kickboxing (or any other activity)"? OR "Is anybody else waiting to hear more about the new workouts?" These are obviously open and general questions for all to contribute to.

In a nutshell.....The Ask Cathe forum is simply to make things easier on me. But I am happy to hear from all of you and if some questions get lost in the shuffle, its really ok. Your questions and comments are welcome here no matter how they arrive.

Thanks for all your help everybody

Hi Cathe,

I'm new to this site but have been watching you on FitTV for several months...I teach 9 fitness classes per week and have taught fitness for 23+ years. Love teaching but especially love how your show makes my job much easier! Some of my younger students call me "da bomb" but YOU are truly "da bomb"!

I want to purchase some of your videos, step in particular for now, but don't want to duplicate what I've watched from FitTV. Could you or someone that knows recommend a couple for me. My classes are intermediate and advanced.

I have just started using your DVD's and just finish your basic step witch I enjoyed because I did not get confused. Just Wondering if you have another DVD that is not to confusing.
Just a suggetion for the future but perhaps Open Discussion should be split up the way it is on other forums. Have a general discussion for those questions that are about your videos or fitness in general and other "Off Topic" forum for everything else like eating healthy, TV shows, health & beauty etc.
I'm new to cathe workouts. I love the workouts. I've been working
out for 16 years and haven't ever been this challenged. I want to get lean this year. I've been fighting about 10 pounds. I'm 5 ft. 11 and a size 12. I would love to be a 10. I try to workout 5 days a week. But sometimes squeeze in 6. I run 5 miles on my treadmill in 1 hour or a workout video for 1 hour or weights. I need some advice on how to trim my legs down. Please help me I know I can do it. I'm 45 and have ahusband and three teenage sons all at home. Thanks Cathy K.
I guess I put the question in the wrong place...first subject 47700 I shoes ....I'm down near the end (21march2005).....
Would love your input and or suggestions....thanks... Jane:)
Hi Cathe

I've just started using your products and want to know where I can get the tubing you use in your basic step + body fusion dvd and the high step beginners circuit dvd. Can I order them through your website - I got a bit confused when I tried to look on the STEP website as there were so many!


I'd love to hear an anwser to this as well. Hard to get legs smaller when you really workout, unless you starve yourself. Blah! I'm wary of heavy-weight lower body muscle conditioning.
Thanks for the question ... hope Cathe has time to answer :) she's super-busy I know, or anyone else that feels they have some good advice it is welcomed.


Hi Cathe,

How are you i am a instructor in ny i teAch about 10 classes a week and have a couple questions that i hopE YOU can answer.

First i teach about 6 cardio classes a week and do them all as well as 4-5 strength classes but do not really do those cause i do my own strength training workout.

Here is my qestion how did u get that body of yours i would like to know if u find some time to answer this your workout schedule do u workout besdies the classes u teach.

Can u send me a copy of your workout schedule including what you eat i would like to try and follow it and see if i can get the same results.

Right now for my strength training i do a push one day legs the next and a pull the next. Then the next week i do a whole body training 3 days a week. This includes 3 sets of lunges one leg at a time, squats w/a shoulder press, lat pulldowns, knee up on the step w/5 risers and weigths, incline chest press and abs weights pull from over head to outer thigh hold. All done 3 days a week on day two all exercise done together in 3 segments and i throw in 2 minutes of cardio between each 2 exercises.

I also was wondering how i could get on a fitness show as one of the people working with you as u teach. I am afaa certifeid and johnny g certified. i Currently teach hi/low, hip hop dance, Step, Body conditioning, spin and kick box.

Please feel free to contact me at the email address listed in my profile and i thank u so much for your time.

Me'chele E.
Dear Cathe,

I teach various formats of aerobics and am always looking out for new music. I just saw Step Blast. Did you use just one Cd for the music or various ones. If possible will you let me know the song/artist list? I would appreciate it so very much.

Also are you ever presenting in the Chicago area?


Debby Simmons
Dear Cathe,

I teach various formats of aerobics and am always looking out for new music. I just saw Step Blast. Did you use just one Cd for the music or various ones. If possible will you let me know the song/artist list? I would appreciate it so very much.

Also are you ever presenting in the Chicago area?


Debby Simmons

I hope Cathe doesn't mind me responding. Here is the info for Step Blast. Unfortunately it doesn't list the artist. Hopefully you can find the songs.

Step Blast is a 55 minute high intensity step workout which features new and exciting choreography as well as a fun and motivating soundtrack.
The format is as follows: A warm up, three step segments, a step blast challenge, and a cool down/stretch.

The soundtrack is as follows:
Warm Up (7 min)...........Whats Up
Step segment #1,2,3 ( 35 min):
I wanna be your lover
Video killed the radio star
Feeling Good
Ministry of funk 1999
Disco Fans
Ready Set Go
Step Blast Challenge (13 min):
I'm Glad
Paint It Black (extended version)
Cool Down/stretch (5 min)........Fast Car

After the warm up, you will learn three separate step routines. Each routine will be taught and then its finished product will be performed a couple of times. After they are all taught you will be ready to take the Step Blast challenge in which you will put all of the finished products of each combo together and then follow it up with an intensity blast. You will repeat this cycle three times. Here is the Step Blast

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I hope Cathe doesn't mind me responding. Here is the info for Step Blast. Unfortunately it doesn't list the artist. Hopefully you can find the songs.

Step Blast is a 55 minute high intensity step workout which features new and exciting choreography as well as a fun and motivating soundtrack.
The format is as follows: A warm up, three step segments, a step blast challenge, and a cool down/stretch.

The soundtrack is as follows:
Warm Up (7 min)...........Whats Up
Step segment #1,2,3 ( 35 min):
I wanna be your lover
Video killed the radio star
Feeling Good
Ministry of funk 1999
Disco Fans
Ready Set Go
Step Blast Challenge (13 min):
I'm Glad
Paint It Black (extended version)
Cool Down/stretch (5 min)........Fast Car

After the warm up, you will learn three separate step routines. Each routine will be taught and then its finished product will be performed a couple of times. After they are all taught you will be ready to take the Step Blast challenge in which you will put all of the finished products of each combo together and then follow it up with an intensity blast. You will repeat this cycle three times. Here is the Step Blast

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe, I started doing your workouts last fall and I love them! I didn't think there was anything more challenging than Tae Bo get ripped so thank you!

My question is; how many hours a day do you recommend working out? My friend thinks I'm overdoing it by working out 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day. I do total body weights M,W,F (including 20 mins. of abs) plus 40 minutes of cardio, on T,TH I'll do 1 hour of cardio and 1/2 hour of pilates. Is this too much? And is it true that as you build muscle (especially in the legs) that your pants will fit snugger in the leg area?

Please let me know! Thanks so much
Hi cathe'
Can I please ask a question if any one knows?What is the name of the songs and who sang or played them on power max?
Thankyou and have a nice and Happy day.
Hello, I just started reading your forum and am trying to lose a few pounds...I was wondering if you could assist me with a rotation with the "few" Videos I have: Low Max, Kick Max, Kick Punch N Crunch, Cardio Kicks and Body Max... I have other interval workouts by other instructors as well...Thanks for your help....:)
To the last few posters:
This particular thread is NOT the ask Cathe forum, just an announcement from Cathe about how the forum is to be used. If you want to ask Cathe a question that she will see, then go to the "ask Cathe forum" (where this is one of many threads) where you see the list of threads. Hit "post" at the top of the page, which will start a new thread (that's what you want to do). Then type the subject and message of your thread.

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