
i did the first 2 dvd basic step and body fusion and the low impact i even survived ;( the kick max but when i wanted to do Imax 2 or cardio and weights i was left behind without breath so is it me or am i doing the wrong dvd. what is the next level after the first 2?:(
Check out the 'ultimate guide to Cathe workouts" that's pinned at the top of this forum. It classifies workouts in terms of intensity (as judged by forum members) and can give you a better idea of what to go with next.
Sharona, Imax2/Cardio+Weights were my 1st Cathe workouts. I'd been using the Firm for a long time and considered myself to be in pretty good shape...SURPRISE! Cathe kicked my backside but good! ;(

I adapted by taking Imax2 1 interval at a time. I would work the 1st one, rewinding as necessary, until I got it down. The next day I would do the one I'd worked through and add on another. Sometimes I'd work a new one then go to the one I'd already learned.

It took quite awhile to get it down but now it is my favorite of the Step workouts! A bonus: Once you get this one down you will be able to figure out any step routine very quickly! :7

Good luck!

You may want to try doing a PreMix of IMAX 2 (intervals 1 - 5 or intervals 6 - 10) before. You may also consider just doing the timesaver step segment only on Cardio and Weights. I am not sure whether you have your step at 6 or 8, but you may want to even go to 4 ( I guess that is what it is without risers) just for a couple of workouts.

As posted by Robin, just practice a small segment at a time. You will get it. If it will make you feel better, I have been doing Low Max for a long time and I just figured out yesterday how to do that reverse mombo (sp?) move. I knew i wasn't doing it correctly, but I wasn't moving and doing something. Each addition is an accomplishment.
When I started with Cathe (not too long ago), I also went right from Basic Step/Body Fusion to Imax 2. I found Imax 2 much more challenging than Basic Step/Body Fusion, and I had to work up to it, by doing intervals 1-5 only or 6-10 only, as other suggest. I remember feeling discouraged, because I found Imax 2 so much harder than Basic Step/Body Fusion, but it IS a more advanced workout, and you just need to work up to it. I think the suggestion of starting with a 4" step is a great one, too. You'll get it soon enough, and then you'll really enjoy it. Just keep plugging away! Good luck!
I agree with the others, Sharona, that you should just keep trying at I-Max 2, trying to do a little bit more each session whether with the aerobic sections or the blast sections until you have the whole workout.

You WILL be able to do the entire workout, we all promise. Just keep at it consistently (at least once a week), again trying to do just a bit more each time.

Go for it!

As I started my Cathe journey with Low Max, I really couldn't tell you where to go from BS&BF. I just started working with Imax 2 slowly 2 wks ago (intervals 1-5 only for now). Low Max may also be a decent choice for you as well.
You can do it. Take your step down to 4 in and take longer breaks in between the blasts.
Aso you can do a premix of the step only.
Like when you do straddle sideways step ups maybe a few straddle taps.
Any can be modified. I still modify Imax 3 to an extent. Do what you can do and take it down ....
It will eventually come.
Rome wasn't built in a day...
Go light on the weights at 1st. Most of these girls have been working out for quite a while.
These are advanced.You can make them intermediate.
Don't overdo it or you will quit...
Work it up slowly.
Also , You can just do 1/2 the step and blasts.
Keep on trying.
thank you for your answers u r all very helpful.
the problem is that i have the reabok step and the lowest is 8" so i have to buy a new stepper.
thank again:) :) :)
I also started with Basic Step/Body Fusion and Low Impact Step. I then went to Low Max. It was difficult at first, but doing Low Impact Step helped me bcuz there are some of the same moves in it as Low Max. And Low Impact Step was a good start for me to do intervals. Have you thought about Low Max? It's fun...I'd suggest doing the premixes first then doing the workout. Once you learn the moves, time flies by. I love Cathe's personality in this workout. At times, I find myself laughing at some of the things she says bcuz I'm also thinking it. Especially when she says "just 7 more!" :p

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