The 12 week challenge got me thinking....


maybe we should have one here? Does anyone think they would be interested? Put all of our knowledge to good use.You know the saying....."S&^T or get off of the pot":)
It doesn't have to be a check in or anything (or we could have ANOTHER checkin) LOL.But just give it your all for 12 weeks and see what happens.I think its awesome how we can tranform our body in such a short time.Then whoever goes along with it, could post their pic's in the success stories forum.
Any thoughts?
I would love to do something.Reading One buff Moms profile is enough motivation to get started:) We all know what to do...its just a matter of doing it! Right?
hahahaha..what do you want to do? When do you want to start? Do you want to check in? Should we check in first thing in the morning, or later in the day with our progress? Should we take before pics? I think we will have more responses regarding this in the morning...
Count me in, too! Kali and I are already buddied up on the "Butts & Guts" rotation, so I don't want her to leave me, lol.


I don't mind having another check-in since I don't check in anywhere else! I do think we probably want to determine specific goals for ourselves and then report on our progress regularly, what do you think?

I'd like to join if you don't mind. I need a challenge to keep me motivated. Yes, onebuffmom's success story is very inspiring.
Yeah, everyone as specific goals they want.Its just a matter of eating right and working out, right? So everyone can do their own thing. And challenging ones self may be just the answer. I know how great I feel when I smaller meals more often and write down everything that I eat.

Hi Ladies,

I am in Ms.Fit's 12 Week Meltdown. Although perhaps more structured than you may like, here's a good guideline to start. Also, the daily journal entries (AKA "check-ins" here on Cathe) are so supportive and encouraging. We talk about nutritional plans, workouts, setbacks, etc...

Also, you can follow your own nutritional/workout routine, tweaking it along the way. Some ladies want to get ripped and increase muscle mass while some want to reduce body fat% and others want to do both!

Here is some info:

To participate, you cannot be currently prepared for another contest or challenge. You must prove your start date by taking a photo with a current dated newspaper.

Rules and Regulations:

Transformation includes fat loss and muscle gain balance.(You should all decide on a start and finish date)

To be eligible to participate and win, you must submit:

"Before" and "after" and stats (weight and body fat percentage)
"Before" and "after" pictures
Write your 3 goals.

Before and After Pictures:

You must submit "before" and "after" pictures holding a current newspaper at the beginning of week 1 and at the end of week 4, 8, and 12.

Pictures should include front, side, and rear views. Please keep all poses the same. It is best to take them in a relaxed manner, with hands hanging loosely at your sides. After you take your standard pictures to submit, feel free to take some in different poses.

Hope that helps. Go for it, it's hard work each day but we all know that success comes one day at a time.
I am SOOOO IN! Actually, I was going to sign up for Ms.Fits 12 Week Meltdown challenge, but guess WHY! I don't own a body fat caliper (I can't find the one late DH bought us years ago). I had before pics and measurements done Monday, but I thought I'd do it alone.

I'll join if we decide to go ahead with it!

I'll keep my eyes open for posts!

I'd like to join too. I need something to force me to get my hind end in gear. Do we want to implement the professional guidelines or set up something different? Maybe something not so structured. For example I don't have access to an accurate body fat caliber. But if I'm the only one then maybe I can get a local gym to do it. Let me know your ideas.

I'm doing this to challenge myself for the next 12 weeks to eat clean and workout dilligently to see what kind of results I can get. Not win any contest. I don't have a body fat caliber either. Weighing, measuring etc. will be up to the person.

I think before pictures is a must. You don't have to post them if you don't want. Or you can post on picture trail and password protect them if anyone wants to do that.

Letting others know what you're doing, what you're eating, how you're feeling makes a BIG difference in attaining one's goals. And this will be a check in for those who want to commit to do their best for 12 weeks.

Sound good?

So what exactly are we doin' here?? :p

I don't know if I can actually work out any harder but I can attempt to eat better and drink more water and see what happens.

I'm in! :)

I'll weigh and measure in the morning (so long as I don't forget!LOL) and have DH take "before" pics tomorrow evening...if he doesn't do it then, it will have to wait until Monday but I hardly think I'll drop 10 pounds or lose 3" in a weekend so I'm not worried!;)

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