The 12 week challenge got me thinking....

Did you doubt it, Kali!? ;)

I'm a bit slow at joining this one but I always end up wanting to get in on this stuff!}(
Yes...though I don't know how much shapin' up I did last summer! LOL

I for one would love to lose some body fat....I have definition in my abs that is starting to show a bit but it would be AWESOME if it would show MORE and that will only happen if I can manage to lose a bit more of the "soft tissue" around my middle! ;)

Do you have any particular goal in mind, Kali?

What about everyone else?
>I'm in and will take pictures tomorrow. I really need to
>focus for the summer. What will the date be 12 weeks from

Not sure but maybe we can keep track via the check in by stating week 1, week 2, etc in the titles along with that day's date.:)
Wendy my goal is to slim my lower body down more. I'm doing Butts and Guts right now with Marie and we are sticking to it! I'm not really focusing on weight. Mainly inches.

Talk to you in the morning! So glad you're joining in!

Twelve weeks from tomorrow will be July 13, I think. I just asked DH to take some before pictures of me for a new challenge. He just laughed, because every year I have him take before pictures, but I never take any after pictures. I hope this time will be different and I can make him bite his tongue(or at least have him drool over the new improved me LOL)

count me in too!!! i had been doing great...then i fell off. my eating hasn't been the best in the past couple of weeks. i need something to keep me motivated/accountable and this sounds like the ticket!!

when are we starting??:)
I am already trying to meet a challenge so this is right on time for me. Just took my pictures so I am in. My goal is to reshape my legs and add more definition to upper body as well.


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