Thanks all for the wonderful ideas! We will definately have lots to think about in the week to come! We were also throwing around the idea of cornish game hens (garlic/lemon style) beercan on the grill! still on the lines of "fowl" but just not so many leftovers... I'm not really a left over kind of girl... especially poultry (it tastes funny to me the day after) so will see what we come up with!
I guess we would consider ourselves pretty non-traditional, DH moreso than I, as I was brought up on the whole "traditional" family get togethers... but the longer I am away from all that, the more crazy it all sounds to me... My family doesn't get it, but then again, they don't have to!
and I'm too far away for them to just drop by!
Liann: I can't believe you guys do the WHOLE meal for yourselves and THEN go to T-day dinner with the folks?! LOL!
Anne: Beef stew actually sounds GRAND! we will have to try that soon too! We did a crock pot roast a few weeks back and I miss that kind of down-home cooking! DH and I have extremely different tastes but manage to merge them at times... this is one!
Thanks for the suggestion! and I better not mention the chorizo chili... DH is a HUGE fan of that stuff!
Wake Up Eager: I am also one for staying home rather than going to friends... We did one year, and to tell you the truth all I thought about is how much more comfy I would be in sweats and no screamin' kids!
Nancy: We might hold off going out for Black Friday! but others have suggested going out too! Never done that on a Holiday... but hey... I'm all for letting others do all the work!