Thanks/Powerstrike Recommenders


A big hearty THANK YOU to everyone out there who recommended that I give Powerstrike a try. I bought the two Millenium tapes. This morning I did tape #1 and I absolutely LOVE it. It is ten times better than the CIA K'boxing videos on my shelf (Janis Saffel and Sheri J), and it is comparable to Cathe's CXT Kickbox. The instructors are awesome---like Cathe, they are personable, as well as being excellent teachers. The routine was easy to follow and fun, but fierce in intensity and sweat production. Believe me, I'm feeling it in my arms, abs, and back! I hope Ilaria and Patricia decide to do some more tapes like the Milleniums soon. Luckily, I still have tape #2 to preview and learn. Thanks again! Suzanne
Are they not absolutely AWESOME?!
I LOVE the Millenium series, and beware~I could feel the after effects of the arm drills in #1 the next morning when I got up, and this is something that NEVER, EVER happens to me! My shoulders, biceps and triceps still had a "burn" to them the next morning! And talk about your high intensity warm ups! :) I still cannot believe they do push ups as a "warm up!" And every time I do either video I say to myself, "oh yeah, get ready to sweat girlfriend!"
I'm really hoping they come out with another video, I can see that they'll be just as addicting as Cathe! :)
Glad you like them, they're pricey, but boy are they worth it!

p.s. Thank you Nancy C. for recommending them to me! :)
I agree! I ordered only Millenium 2 because I had read that 1 and 2 were very similar. A great workout. Amazing how you can stay in almost one place and build up such a solid sweat! I'm wondering, though, please help me here Donna and others, how do ou think this classifies as a cardio workout compared to, say, Cathe cardio videos?
It's the trickle down effect!

You're welcome Donna LOL....but I have to say it's sort of person tells a friend, that person tells two..then those people tell two's everybody helping everybody LOL. I avoided these tapes when they were newer a couple years ago. The scuttlebutt was they had poor production. Being that I put that high on my list...I avoided them...but thanks to the persistance of JulieR...I finally risked buying one...with low hopes of liking them. Well...needless to say, I have almost all of them now!:)

They really are great workouts and Patricia and Ilaria do a wonderful job teaching together...heck, some of us are great at dancy stuff..some excel at hi/lo...some are step'll take a side kick, jab, hook combo over a mambo, pivot, chacha anyday;-).

Crossing my fingers Cathe honors us with another KB tape;-)...hint hint...with lots of drills..hint hint

Side note on another good tape...Aerobox by Michael Olajide. It's not the Kathy Smith tape, it's something new by Michael and it's all punching and boxing drills. I think the subtitle is Fight or Flight, Round 1. This is NOT kickboxing, so I don't want to mislead's all arms(with a few leg squat drills), but if you really want a good cardio endurance for your arms...this tape is incredible. 3200 punches...yup...3200. Some combos are lightening speed. When trying to do them for the first time yesterday..I was lost, but realized I could just keep punching and get a good workout free form anyway. But I think, once you learn the's going to be an incredible punching drill workout. There's also a thread at VideoFitness if you want more info.

Info: or call 888-237-6586
How do they compare...

I think they are fairly similar in how they are relentless and challenging;-).

I think that's what makes them Cathe. Even though they are very different from Cathe's kickboxing and other cardios, I'd have to put them in the same intensity class for cardio. Powerstrikes have the same ability to push you to the next level like Cathe's vids do. When I do Cathe's stuff and video workouts like the Powerstrikes...I know that they are pushing me to be better. Many videos lack that drive.
RE: And one more key feature...

I agree with everything Nancy C said!
For me, Powerstrike is on the same level as a Cathe workout! That is what I was looking for so I would have some alternate cardio choices. Cathe offers a mountain of step cardio, but only 1 full length kickboxing video, so since I wanted to add kickboxing to my weekly cardio, I needed to find something comparable. Powerstrike was it!
Now~if I could just find some advanced hi/lo, I'd be a well rounded girl! But so many people offer 30min hi-lo/30min step. Cathe is all the step I want, I just want some hi/lo in my life that compares to Cathe's intensity and lasts at least 45-60min.
RE: And one more key feature...

Hi guys, I think I am totally out of it. I have never heard of Powerstrike or the Millenium series. Who makes them and how to I find out about them? Do they have a website, or did you get your info on videofitness? Excuse my ignorance :) Thanks, Heather
RE: And one more key feature...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-02 AT 01:49PM (Est)[/font][p]I know what you mean Donna. I'm still looking for the hi-lo... Wished Cathe would consider making a full hr hi-lo next time. I've heard good stuff about Christi Taylor, but hers is not as intense. It IS dancier and fun, but I want to sweat like pigs! I've tried CIA (Franny and Mindy), but I don't think CIA is for me. They just don't 'click' with me. Please post your finding... if you ever find a good hi-lo.

On the right topic - I'm getting my Powerstrike Milleniums next week! I love to get rid of my other kick boxing (except Cardio Kicks)... and do my rotation with Powerstrike and CK.

RE: And one more key feature...

Hi Heather,

Their website is You can order from there but there's not really a lot of description of the videos. For more of a description try searching around at videofitness. Karen (yet another Cathe/Powerstrike fiend)
RE: And one more key feature...

Shipping is a little high ($8), but you could e-mail them for different shipping option. They'll tell you to mail in your order and it will be shipped via UPS for $4. Or phone in your order from (prices in Canadian $)... pretty reasonable.

You made me do it

I ordered the two Millenniums from CK Sales today! And ditto what Donna and Haslina are saying about Hi-lo- I wonder if Andre (Houle) has it? He has a video called Advanced Step but frankly when the intensity doesn't match Cathe's, I don't want to do it. I don't have his tapes, but Hi-Lo suggestions anyone? Intensity first, and I don't mind complex Choreo! I like Christi's Hi-Lo Heaven (I have it).
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-02 AT 04:21PM (Est)[/font][p]You know what I like the best - or really what keeps it being FUN FUN FUN for me? I never get tired of the interaction between Patricia & Ilaria - love the spontaneous interaction between them - little goofs up here and there that always make me laugh no matter how many times I do the tapes.
Where to buy older tapes

Hi - Now that I discovered and LOVE Powerstrike Millenium's, where can I buy the earlier Powerstrike tapes? I want MORE. Thanks, Suzanne
RE: Where to buy older tapes

I'm not sure, but you could try swapping your videos at VF or FitPrime. I think they are working on Powerstrike Millenium III which will be on DVD.
This forum is as bad as VF!!! Now, I've ordered these 2 Powerstrike videos and not only do I have to figure out how to sneak them in the house, I have to explain why our credit card has exploded. I'm gonna get caught, I just know it......


P.S. Can't wait to try them!!!
you are so going to love them!

You are going to LOVE them! They are such great workouts! I'm waiting now on the arrival of the Tae Bo:Get Ripped Advanced 2-pk, and I'm hoping they won't come until my hubby goes back to work on Thursday! I've ordered A LOT lately and it seems they always arrive on his day off! But at least it's only 2, you should see his expression when I get a Cathe shipment! You know it's better to buy her stuff in bulk because of the discount, so when I make a Cathe order, it's always at least 5 videos coming in at one time! But I remind him that he has his addictions too, Playstation 2 and beer, at least my addiction is healthy! :)
RE: you are so going to love them!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-02 AT 10:42AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-02 AT 10:41 AM (Est)[/font]

Tae Bo? Did you say "Tae Bo"? I read somewhere around here that the Advanced Get Ripped tapes helped them burn off the last bit of ab fat that they had. Did you read that? I was trying to bury that statement into my subconscious, so that I wouldn't buy them, but now you've brought it to the surface!!!! HELP!

I have a question. Can you get the Tae Bo Advanced Get Ripped tapes at Walmart? I know I've seen Taebo there. That way I can save my remaining credit card. Poor thing's on life support and we're not sure it's gonna make it. One more tape and......


Robin, you are too funny! Good Luck with yor "sneaking!! Let me know what you think of the tapes. Not that Donna doesn't have me convinced to GET THEM at this point. I am starting to waiver on my strength to not order them at full price! YIKES! I'll be waiting for your review.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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