Thank you all so much!

You are so welcome. What a beautiful baby, makes me want to have one more. Good luck and what a beautiful family you have. Amy Jo Hauge
Cathe, you are SUCH a sweet lady! Thank you so much for sharing this very personal part of your life with us.
Kyle is absolutely adorable. That sweet face makes me believe in miracles again too when I look at it.
Take care & get as much rest as you can. I hope you're feeling more like yourself soon. I only had one baby, but my sister said her second was much harder than her first to recover from.
Love & best wishes to you, Jon, Eric & Kyle!

I haven't checked in in a couple of weeks (started my new job), and the first thing I saw was that you had delivered Kyle. He is soooo sweet and cute! How nice of you to share this very personal event with all of us.
It's so nice to see a healthy baby. Eric will adjust, too, believe me. The love you feel for both your boys just seems to grow exponentially, doesn't it? It's like your heart just suddenly expands to include another little bundle of joy.
Again, CONGRATS! Hugs to ALL of you!
Lynn Finn
Cathe, he is absolutely gorgeous. What a face!!! Are those little arms near his head???? How cute!!

Congratulations to you and your husband! Please rest and recover - don't push, remember, you're our queen of moderation. :)

Whenever you need a babysitter - I'm here for you (he, he).

Congratulations, Cathe!
I am a huge fan and have made many Cathe believers by sharing my videos and giving them as gifts. I am a mom of two and a small-time personal trainer. You are one of my idols!
God Bless you and your family!
Long time-but not forgotten

Hey Cathe,
I am at Nancy C. today, and she has been keeping me up on the latest news!!!:7 Congratulations on your new cutey pie!! I am so happy for you Jon, and Eric!!! I am always thinking of you. Nancy and I hope to come and visit you this summer! I owe her a fun trip for all her help with the wedding. Again, congratulations, take care, and enjoy!!
I'm new to your forum, but I just have to tell you that your new baby is adorable. I know you are so proud! The name you chose caught my attention because I have a son named Kyle. (His brother is named Karl). Kyle is 18 years old, and pretty much on his own now. They grow up too fast! God bless you and your beautiful family!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-14-02 AT 11:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe!! and family!

he is beautiful!! You and your family are what i would hope mine will be one day ..maybe.. Love to you and yours.. can't wait to have you back!

I love those pretty, pretty sweetheart lips on a baby! He is just plain beautiful. Enjoy your family. Kath

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