Tgif! Melters!

Breckie - a "little ball of hate." LOL. Yes, that's sort of how I feel towards that lovely co-worker of mine. Why did she have to come back to our department. Hey, I have a 50-mile commute one way! I 've got you beat... but thank heavens I don't have DFW traffic! So I'm probably much better off.

Leanne - me? A sweetheart? Ha. Ahh, the joys of the internet. You've never actually met the "real" me. :p I'm a grump. :mad: But my co-worker is worse. Just come on down here anytime for that sabotage!

Just 27 more minutes to go, and I'm a free woman. I imagine I'll have another mostly computer-free weekend, though I do need to check out the jobs. Yes, I'm still searching..... so maybe I'll drop by. Have a good weekend!
It's me Again!



As for the I-Treads I have, most are 35 or 40 minute ones, if that is ok? One of my favorities is #27, Drills.. I like #21, but it's a walking one, no jogging or running.

Yes I am serious about the KB..I just don;t want to buy it, with some lame DVD that comes with it and have to try 5 of them before I get one I like! You have tried a lot of different DVD's so I am looking for one good one that you, Tneah, and others really love! I viewed the one by Lauren that a good one to start with? would 15 lbs be too hard?


Hey girls... just got back from dropping Sophie at her dad's. Now all I want to do is roll up in a ball and cry. I have to work out, clean bathrooms and dust. And do laundry. I guess I can't really do those things from the curled up position, but I suppose I can do most of them crying.

Off I go.
Hello kittens -

How are you bunch of lazy arses? Oh wait, that would be me. You are never going to believe what I did. I started doing 4DS bootcamp pre-mix. Short, like 33 or 37 minutes. I did the warm-up. Wow what a workout. That was it. I was just not into it.

Leanne - Don't stress about the weight and by the way smarty pants, 16 pounds is a lot of weight. Just think how much healthier your heart and all your organs and everything are. I think the reason you are eating icky-for-you food is because of that bastard BIL. You are stress eating sweetie pie. From now on, when you want to stress eat, try to do something else, such as going outside for a quick walk or read a book, or if all that fails, do what makes everyone of us feel wonderful--SHOP!! Duh!!! Seriously, that sounds like what is happening. But also, like Tneah and Breckie said earlier, muscle weighs more than fat and I am sure you are toning and building muscle. That's what happens with those kettlebells.

Deb - the only two KB workouts I have are the one from Lauren and Art of Strength - Providence. I like them both, but get a much better cardio aspect workout from Lauren's. I'm not kidding. Yesterday when I did her workout there were several times my heart rate was over 90 percent of max. It will kick your arse. I have a 25 pound KB and can do all of her stuff. It is extremely hard doing some of the presses on my left side though. I cannot believe how much stronger my right side is. I think I could probably do 30 easily on my right side, but definitely not on my left. 20 would be perfect on my left. I am going to start doing some extra reps on my left side to build up the strength.

Lainie - Have a great trip. Hope you packed undies.

Allison - Hope you are having fun at RT.

Shelley - sending happy thoughts your way.

Robin - where are you?

Kristi - where are you?

Tneath - I do the same thing with cereal. Although I cannot remember the last time I ate cereal. Lucky Charms with a half gallon of milk. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -- yummy.

Kara - Where are you?

Hope I didn't forget anyone.

Shannon - Sorry I forgot you. I had to edit. Hope you have a great weekend and you are not a grump.

BTW - just in case anyone was wondering, work sucked today. Our computers were screwed up for most of the day, and since I am behind from staying home with Tayler (she is better), now I am even further behind. I have about 20 tapes to transcribe and a whole box of other stuff to do. I'm sure once I start ERT stuff, I will be much busier. I better try to get more organized.

Weekend plans - NONE.

Last edited:
Shannon - that sounded stupid. I meant that you are not a grump, not that I was hoping you wouldn't be a grump this weekend. Sorry I was such a dork:eek:
Pegster, I'm the biggest dork round' these parts sista!:D Sorry bout your sh*tpile of work too, that sucks. Wish I could help you out, your work just sounds so fascinating!LOL about your "workout"...hey, we have all been there for sure! Its better than nothing. Got your address and as soon as I get to Vegas and assess my stockpile, will be shipping kay?

Shelley, oh sweetie! No! Do not cry, please? Are you sad about the RT? Is the weekend kinda looming? Go have stupid hot sex with Chris, do something crazy...Its an order! Nothing like a good old roll in the hay to make you feel better about, well everything! PS. The only place I actually feel sexy and good about my body is in bed! Isn't that weird? I can actually let go and do not even think about rolls and lumps...geez, maybe I need a go this weekend too, watch out DH!:cool:

That was sorta TMI huh?

Leanne, for heaven's sake, you are bordering on underweight chica, plus you are building lean mass, please, please know I wouldn't lie to you, I have seen you in person and know these things to be true. A few pita chips and a glass of wine does not a fat arse make. Crap, we all work so dang hard that we should be able to enjoy the junk when we want. PS. Losing bodyfat takes a long time, especially when you are building at the same time, so just put it out of your pretty little head, and get on with those kickarse workouts and get your protein.Plus as women we all have that little thing called water weight that can drive you nuts!

Shannon, Sorry chica bout the work demon, or what BG called "little ball of hate"....sometimes I am thankful I am not dealing with the office folk face to face anymore.

BG, "little ball of hate". That is priceless, do I have your permission to use this term whenever I choose? :p Send me your address if you want the goods darlin'.

OK, cleaning lady was here today, I left. I went and got the nails done.HA! Good for me. Tomorrow we leave for Vegas, I will check in in the am though, I really wish Robin would get back and show us her pics too, hope you had a good time Miss Robin!

Time to feed the pup, will think about the Prius, have to go actually look at you all!
Just to make you feel better Leanne and whoever might be angsting over food choices here....I discovered a little frozen yogurt shop called "Fiji Yogurt"...yummy! All of it is fat serve yourself, and yes, by golly I did thank you very much. I enjoyed a combo of peanut butter and chocolate milkshake-a small size of course, but boy was it delicious and I do not feel one bit of guilt!:D
Hi melty friends. I’m home from my trip to New Jersey. I had a great time and still insist even the most introverted of you would have a wonderful time at a road trip. It was wonderful to see familiar faces and to meet new ones. I was so excited to meet Kristi and have to tell you all that she’s a peach. A lovely peach. A lovely peach with a great Texan accent. I wish I could have spent more time with her. The workout with Cathe was a joy. After the class, she took us to a small room for a few minutes of chatting before she had to leave for a meeting. She looked right at me and said, “Robin?” O.M.G! Cathe knows who I am!!! I could have fainted on the spot. Oh, a got a chance to talk to Tracey and made her give me a private tutorial on spider webs. Someone videoed it, so you all may be able to share in my goofy happy dance! After a lunch a Ruby Tuesday, I hit the road. In spite of the terrible traffic giving me white knuckles, the drive down and back was good.

Shelley, don’t fret. There is always next year. But you were very, very missed. I was watching an infomercial about kettlebells before I went to sleep last night. I may have to invest someday. But I was surprised at the cost. What is a Zoodle? Some kind of Canadian junk food, I bet. Oh, I read a little further. Sounds delicious.

Peggie, did you get to a workout? What did you do?

BG, hope work wasn’t too sweat inducing. I liked your grocery shopping tale. Sounds like a good idea for a theme party or something…

Tneah, that’s how I eat cereal too! When I was a fat kid, I think I would get about 3 servings out a box of the sweetest, marshmellowest cereals they made. Good job getting out of cleaning. I sure hope it’s all done when you get back.

Shannon, how exciting that your car is arriving soon. Care to make a little road trip to PA? You want we should show up at your writer’s house and show her some Cathe-style kickboxing?

Lainie, hope you and your boys are having a great time.

Deb, your unexpected day off sounds great. I always love being able to leave work early.

Leanne, I sure hate to hear you down on yourself. You’ve had it rough, with your BIL screwing up your life. Try not to let a few pounds get to you. Take a deep breathe, go workout and start again. Life will get better and BIL will move out someday!

So I'm back to work tomorrow. And tomorrow is CCPP. So I better hit the hay. Smoochies to all. Smile, it's good for your teeth!
Hey ladies,

Shelley, sweetie -- Are you OK? I'm worried about you! Is it everything that's been going on with Chris and his work situation, or missing the RT? I wish I could come rescue you and take you out and do some fun things with you! We need a Melty Rescue . . . we'll all take superhero form and come kidnap you way . . . and do fun things . . . and eat lots of that yummy frozen yogurt that Tneah was just talking about . . . and chocolate . . . and those fu@*in pita chips!;) Sending you great big {{{HUGS}}}! We're here if you need us, OK?!

Shannon -- Oh, I know you're a sweetie. You truly have a heart of gold, lady.

Tneah -- Oh, chica, you are so good to me. Thanks for the kind words, and sorry that you have to say them to me so often. :eek: Usually I'm like you, where I feel least self-conscious about my bod in bed, but since I got the hair cut short, I feel all kinds of fat goin' on. I think attacking Mitch this weekend sounds like a fantastic idea! ;) That frozen yogurt sounds soooo good. I also love that Ben & Jerry's flavor you mentioned earlier. Yum! Glad you had a fun afternoon getting your nails done!

Peggie Kitten -- Oh no. Now your review of the Lauren DVD makes me really, really want to get it. Sigh. Thanks for your sweet words about the weight. I hate to be a wet, broken blanket record about it (mixed metaphor there!). Oh, I am so, so sorry that today was such a crappy day at work and that you got so far behind. That just sucks big time!

Deb -- I would suggest getting the DVD that Peggie mentioned since it looks like it has a good tutorial OR maybe The Kettlebell Way DVD since that's a good beginning one to get, too. I haven't heard good things about the Sarah Lurie ones at Target, so I'd say to not waste your money on those. The Keith Weber one that Kara originally recommended is also awesome! I can send you links if you want. Let me know. :)

Edited: ROBIN!! So glad to read your post! Can you post photos when you get a chance? How cool that Cathe knew you!!!! Thanks for the pep talk!

So we went and saw the X-Files movie and then hit Costco on our way home, and I actually resisted the fu@*in pita chips! Can you believe it? Instead, I treated myself to some steel cut oats and some of those delicious flax waffles.

Ah, pizza just arrived. See, I can't feel too bad for myself when I'm eating like a horse!;)
Hi everyone. I'm in our hotel in the mountains. The boys are sharing a bed (but a queen which theoretically should be plenty big for two little boys) and not doing so well right now. Right now Brian is lying between them to keep them from messing around so much. I would like to write more, but the internet connection is a bit unreliable and I'm terribly worn out (though it's not like we did much strenuous today, mainly drove around the area a bit).

Maybe I'll hop on tomorrow--not sure. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Hidy ho to all you lovely Melters! I have read all, but do not have time to respond to everything. I'll be back tomorrow for sure to chat more. Just got back from the hospital from visiting a dear friend who had open heart surgery and I'm pooped. But I had to come check in on everyone - because I missed you!

Just have to say I dearly love you ALL, and feel so blessed to have been adopted into this little corner! What an amazing group we have!

Hugs and love to all-

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