
Good Morning!

Well it's finally Friday!...just getting us started...I hope to be back before I have to leave for work..

Morning all~

I chose to turn my alarm off this morning and get some extra sleep. Chris is away and I don't usually sleep well when he's not here. I shall fit my run in later.

Shelley--I didn't get up to workout either. x( Now I'll have to fit it in after work.

My car finally kicked the bucket yesterday. Right as I was on my way to school. My mom had to come pick me up. Of course she arrived with her boyfriend in the car. And he was driving HER car. :eek: WTF?!?!
Anyway, that's not the point of the story. The point is that now I have to get a new car. x( Ya. Like I have money for that shizit. I don't even know how to go about buying a new car. My parent's gave me the crappy old one I'm driving almost ten years ago when I got my lisence. I'm going to have to fit in car shopping this weekend. But I'm watching my 2 year old niece ALL DAY tomorrow by myself. Anyone done car shopping with a two year old before? ugh. I don't see how I can do that to her. A day with Auntie Allie is supposed to be fun. And not involve trips to car dealerships. CAN ANYTHING GO RIGHT FOR ME LATELY?!!?!?!?!?!

Ok, I'm off to work. I'm driving my Mom's adorable VW Bug--a five speed. It's super fun. I'll post again when I'm sitting in hell (aka my desk at work.)

Peace out.


Hello Melters.

Just enjoying my day off before I fly out of here at 7am, one hour away to New York. My nerves were a little frazzled last night thinking about flying and the deer running about.

Sorry, I haven't been around much. Too nice to be indoors.

Have a Great Weekend.
Ok, I'm at work. x(

So yesterday I did manage to get in that Hardcore Extreme Workout and I did the KM Leg Conditioning Drills for the first time. Today I.CAN'T.WALK. Honest to god. I can't walk. I'm in so much pain! I LOVE IT! I haven't had DOMS like this in a really, really long time. Last night every time I moved in my sleep I woke up because my legs and butt hurt. It's awesome!

I feel much better today physically. My sore throat is almost gone. Now I just need to tackly my mental issues. ;) hehe. I'm feeling better about my breakup with my SO and I know I'll be busy this weekend so there will be little time for self-pity. ;) I'm so glad the weekend is here. It's been a brutal week.

Robin--how's the new fridge? Did your DH end up listening to every CD before he put them back? That's hysterical. Totally something I would do. And yes, I'll mail you my doctor's note for two weeks off. You'll just have to change your name to Allison. ;)

Tneah--how are your toofies today, sweetheart? I read your doped-up post yesterday when you were on the Valium. I was LMAO. You're too much. I hope you're not in too much pain today. :*

Leanne--wow, you're BIL's forwarding mail already, huh? You're a better woman than I, darling. I would totally be making him pay rent. ;)

Kristi--I'm glad you got in the Christi Step w/o yesterday. Is your body all recovered from your crazy challenge? Even if it feels like it is, it might not be so take it easy, k?

Shannon--I'm sorry about the arthritis in your thumb. You're right--if it isn't one thing it's another. Story of my life right now.

Kara--how's the house? I still haven't bought iTread and Tush yet. I want to though. Your combo of doing it with Leaner Legs sounds awesome. Maybe once I recover from these debilitating DOMS I'll give it a go. ;)

Lainie--how are YOUR doms, darling? Is your house staying nice and cool? I love the temps right now. No humidity, 70's. Perfect. And no a/c. Gotta love that low electric bill...

Shelley--I'm sorry you had a crummy sleep last night. Once again...story of my life. Will Chris be back tonight?

Deb--how's the little spitfire?

Hmmm....is that everyone? I hope so. I've got to get to work. I have a bunch of stuff on my desk that I have to do from being out yesterday. Hope everyone has a marvelous day! I'll bbl, I'm sure.

Jennifer--you snuck in on me! Hi! I'm kinda new to this checkin. But I'm loving it here in this corner of Cathe-land. It's a pretty special place. Hope you have a great weekend and vacation!


Good Morning All:)

Boy, okay, the valium is outta here!:7 I was pretty messed up yesterday...thankfully the tooth or lack thereof, doesn't hurt too much, nothing I cannot control with ibuprofen thats for sure!:7 Sorry, for my drug induced rambling yesterday, I probably should have kept to myself until my drugs wore off.

How's it going everyone?

Deb, how was Niagra Falls? How's little Keegan, when do we get more pics of Kelsey and Keegan?

Shelley, I do not sleep well when my DH is gone either...its a security and comfy in the bed thing for me...besides he is my bestest friend so I miss him. Did you get your package and my response email? I get so paranoid about losing things once I send them out...I apologize if you already told me you got it, I have been a little dopey!:p Do you get Sophie this weekend? I am reading your July check-in so I can get excited for all of you and live vicariously I think.:)

Allison, oh dear! Not the car...well, that just means the perfect car at the right price is waiting for you somewhere right? Let's look at the sunny side of life shall we?:p You can slap me now...your workout sounded hard, I have done one of those Hardcore Extreme's and about killed myself...at this point I have to really watch all that high impact stuff. You niece will love spending time with you regardless, just buy her candy and off you go car shopping right? Then promise a trip to the toy store or something fun like that, or the zoo, or whatever little two year olds love to do...:)

Jennifer, what on earth are you talking about with the deer running about? In your yard? Anyhoo, its good to see you around again, have fun in New York!

So my instructions state "no vigorous exercise" a few days after surgery. What defines "vigorous" to you guys? Certainly Hardcore Extreme would, but what about gentle walking on my treadmill? I need to move and rid myself of the lovely PMS bloat that has settled round the tops of my thighs and my belly. Gotta love that water weight gain...
Oh! Valerie Waters the Red Carpet Ready chica wrote me back after seeing my photos--at her request...told me obviously I have trained very hard, and in order to get smaller, her workouts will work for me, not to up the weights too much at all, just remember to move fast between exercises so its much like a cardio workout. Ugh. I hate circuits, but am willing to try. She was very kind to respond to my email I thought. She also said she would help me tweak the program to suit my needs after a few weeks if I was not seeing the results I wanted. What I like about this workout is it is something I can take to the boat and do, I will have to live without my Cathe for three months, so thought this might be something totally different to kinda shock the body a bit. I need to be careful about the versaslides though...anyway, I will be back to chat you all up later today!
Have to run out and buy some Edy's Slow Churned baby!:9
Good morning, friends!

The play last night was really fun, but I didn't get to bed until midnight (waaaaay past my 9:30 bedtime!), and then woke up at 6:00 this morning. Tonight we have a concert to go to, so I really need a nap, but probably won't have time since I have a hair appointment later on. I hate weeks like this, when everything is super busy.

I woke up in a funk and am feeling so depressed and fat -- the stupid scale is up again, which means that I'm up 3 pounds from where I was a few months ago. :-(

Jennifer -- Glad you checked in! Hope you have a blast in NY!

Shelley -- Sorry that you got a bad night's sleep! I'm another one who doesn't sleep well when Mike is gone. Hooray for your half-day today! Will Sophie be with you over the weekend?

Deb -- We've missed you the past couple of days! How was Niagra Falls? How has Keegan been? Do you have any new photos to post? I'm going through cute-puppy-photo-withdrawal! ;-)

Tneah -- I'm so glad that you're doing OK today. Don't apologize for rambling yesterday -- it was just great that you checked in since we were all worried about you! :) I bet if you walked slowly on your treadmill you'd be fine. Just don't overdo it, OK? :) How cool that Valerie Walters asked to see your photos and then emailed you back again. It sounds like this will be the perfect workout to take with you on the boat this summer! :)

Robin -- Glad that the new fridge is in, and that DH's music-listening didn't interfere with getting it in place. :)

Allie -- Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your car! {{{HUGS}}}! What else can go wrong for you?! Hopefully things will go better SOON. Are you sure you should be back at work today? Just take it easy, OK?!

OK, got to get Clean Max started. I'll BBL to check in with everyone else!
Good morning ladies!

Allie—I am so sorry your car died! I hate buying vehicles and don’t envy you one bit. Maybe try your local paper or craigslist? Good luck! Hey, good goin’ with the DOMS! Those leg drills are brutal! Have you tried them with ankle weights??? I am glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your weekend!

Deb—What happened??? I imagine a cute little puppy needed attention! I hope everything is going well with you!

Shelley—Sorry about your sleep. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Is Sophie out of school yet?

Jennifer—Safe travels! Have fun!

Tneah—I enjoyed your posts yesterday! That is so cool that you are corresponding with Valerie Waters. I am really interested in how this program works for you. I have been thinking that I need to change things up and this might be the ticket. Enjoy your ice cream! Yum!

Leanne—How was the play? Oh no! BIL’s mail already??? I really hope all goes well with this situation. {{{{HUGS}}}} That is so neat that your DH took your last name! Any plans for the weekend? Oh, I just saw your post from today! That stupid scale! What is going on? Are your pants tighter? Could it be too much sodium from eating out? One thing I tend to do in the summer is to take a walk after dinner. This always seems to help me avoid gaining weight with my extra ice cream consumption. It also is relaxing!

Robin—Did your DH finish putting away the music? LOL! Do you like your new fridge?

This morning I ran and will play with my kettlebells soon. :)

Have a good morning ladies!
Hi, all,
I'm happy it's Friday because my babies will be home tomorrow. YEA! I've missed them, as always!

Last night we had a fun night out with an old friend. We ate dinner at Sandra Bullock's restaurant -- Bess Bistro. It was pretty good -- not the greatest menu IMO. No Sandra sighting, but our server did say that she is in town.

Deb -- how are things with Keegan? How's Kelsey handling the little guy?

Shelley -- I understand not sleeping well when the SO is gone! How long will he be gone? Is Sophie out of school yet? When will she start back?

Allison -- ugh! I'm sorry about your car!!! What a pain! I hope that shopping for a new one goes quickly and smoothly so you can enjoy part of the day with your niece! Isn't it weird how much we enjoy the pain of DOMS? Do you think the antibiotics could have caused the nausea? Do you have fun plans for the weekend?

Jennifer -- Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Kara -- I'm sending you lots of sympathy vibes; I know you must be going crazy!!! No resolution on our chair yet; they have to send someone to look at it and see if it's just "characteristics of the leather" because the pictures DH took in didn't really show them anything. That walk after dinner sounds like a good idea -- I may try to incorporate that.

Lainie -- How are you today? Has your heat improved? I thought of you and your a/c yesterday when I opened my ginormous electric bill.

Leanne -- Good grief about your BIL's mail! That is sooooo cool that your DH took your last name -- wow! I'm glad the play was fun. What is the concert tonight? I'm sorry you are feeling down -- I really think we all need to ditch our scales like Tneah did! How are your clothes fitting? My weight can fluctuate 3 pounds one day to the next. Please try not to let it get you down! Yesterday I tried a scoop of Carribean Cooler with water, ice, and about 1/8 tsp. xanthan gum. I didn't want the calories of a whole smoothie since I knew I'd eat a bunch last night (which I truly did). Anyway, it was delicious!

Robin -- feeling un-grumpy today? That's cute about your DH and the CDs. Sucking vacuum is a much more apropos (sp?) description of this machine -- wow, it can eat up time!

Tneah -- Your drug induced rambling was darling! I'm glad your mouth isn't hurting too bad! I loved your babysitting advice for Allison -- that is definitely the way to manage a little niece. :) As you decide how much to exercise, remember that we are fanatics, and vigorous to us is not the same as vigorous to the rest of the world. ;) When do you go to the boat?

Shannon -- Happy Friday to you!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend planned!
Last edited:
Hi everyone. Just hopping on to say "hi" before I do my workout (4DS LIS cardio only--might keep going and do HIS, too--see how I feel). I have already been to the dermatologist (again!) and to get groceries this morning. Now all the groceries are put away so I need to get my workout done. I think I'm going to start an all-Cathe (or almost all) rotation in preparation for the August RT. :)

BBL to catch up on personals.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Okay, whew, I'm back!

Allie - oh no, not your car! Ugh. I hate car troubles! Especially having to buy a new one! I love Tneah's advice for taking your niece with you! Is the nausea gone? I hardly ever do KM leg drills. Maybe I should add them in somewhere.

Tneah - you were awfully cute drugged up on Valium yesterday ;) Yes, I got the package. THANK YOU! Yup, Sophie comes home today! YAY!

Leanne - ugh... I can't believe that BIL is already forwarding his mail. You are gonna have to keep on top of this guy lest he settles in for life! And I agree that it's totally cool that DH took your last name!

Kara - I can't believe you do KM leg drills with ankle weights. You're an animal! What weight of kettlebells do you think I should start with, you know, in case I decide I might like to try them? :p I like your idea of a walk after dinner.

Kristi - YAY for your girls coming home! You must be thrilled! Chris will be home on Sunday. But at least Sophie will be home with me. The dogs are very confused though:p

Hi Lainie!
No, Shelley -- don't do it! Please step away from the kettlebells.

(I'm the anti-enabler. }( ) Get them if you want; I just wanted to save you from yourself, and I hope you'd do the same for me.:)
OMG I'm so nauseous. Someone kill me now. I'm pretty sure it's the antibiotic for my throat that's doing this. Can I stop taking it before the 5 days are up? My throat is fine now...

Guess what?!?! I'm test driving a Toyota Corolla tonight! I'm so excited. I'm going to be so poor it's not even funny (I don't have any payments on my current crappy car....) But at least I'll have a new car!


Allison -- DON'T stop taking the antibiotics without talking to your doctor!!! Maybe you should call the dr's office or the pharmacy for some suggestions on managing the nausea. I'm sorry you're going through that!!!! ;( It sounds like you are looking on the bright side on the car situation.:)
Okay I just puked. Yep, Allison, you sent me your pukey vibes girl and I threw up for you!:p

I took my own antibiotics and made my normal protein shake, but added this weird green stuff I got at Whole Foods called 'Green Super Food" or something like that. Its gross, but chock full of seemingly good things for you. So then I went and did the Red Carpet Workout ( I need to shorten that darn thing, how about RCW?) I chose two circuits and did them three times each. My tummy started feeling weird, and then I ran into the bathroom and well, puked, green stuff. TMI?:eek: I then tossed the green food crap, made some egg whites and steamed some fresh spinach in the microwave and now feel 100 percent better.

Thanks for sharing Tneah....:7

Lainie, yeah for you getting a great workout in today!

Kara, I too like your idea of an after dinner walk, but here in Vegas, its still like 99 degrees!}( But in SD that is a great idea...Oh, and I like this workout okay, its tough enough I think, I am just so used to working my bodyparts with heavier weights, doing sets, etc...I feel like I am not going to stay as "tight" as I like, but am interested in reducing muscle size, especially in my lower body. Will keep you all updated on my progress...I am going to stick with it for a few months and see how it goes.

Allison, have fun test driving! I love Toyota's, I used to have on of those little MR2's back in the day...a little convertible, red, it was so cute. Sending you good tummy vibes and car finding vibes today!:)

Leanne, I had no idea DH took your last name, that is too cool. I have kept my own last name, did not want to go through the hassle of changing it. Maybe someday...Girl, you are a twig for crying out loud, what is three pounds seriously? I think everyone needs a 5 pound leeway to play with...I can lose and gain the same five pounds overnight, plus I know how great you look, so chill sweetie. I will not tell you to toss the scale, but I sure wish you would. ;) Oh, or save it to bang BIL over the head if he starts to outstay his welcome. Whats up with him receiving mail at your place? Wouldn't it have been more polite for him to go get a mail box at a UPS place or something? I am starting to not like this guy....sorry.:+

Kristi, I just read about your chair drama...I hope you get it squared away because the chair does sound fabulous! Yeah, for your little campers returning home this weekend!

Shelley, yeah for Sophie being home this weekend too! Georgie gets very upset when DH leaves, he mopes around..he follows me around all day but loves his "daddy". I never got much out of those leg drills in KM for some reason...they just kinda bored me...but maybe with the ankle weights...Oh, and now I have to get Slo-Mo cause you said the legs workout was good...:)

OK, time to go get more spinach...I think I might need iron or something cause I am craving this stuff! Oh, and more ice cream too...fat free of course, cannot go that crazy....:7
Hi, all --
No stories of puke or nausea here. Hope you pukey ones feel better!

I just finished Jari Love's "Get Ripped to the Core." I have another one of hers that I like okay, so I got this one from Netflix. It wasn't bad, but I don't think I'll run out and buy it. Everything felt good, but I can tell that my legs are still not 100%.

Allegedly the guy is coming to replace my elliptical motor later. Yeah, we'll see.

One DD texted and one called to say they are on the bus. They are supposed to be home by noon tomorrow barring anything unforeseen.

I'm off to make myself a big salad for lunch!
Hey all,

Allie -- Hooray about that new car test drive! I hope it all works out so that you can get it. Like Kristi said, DO NOT just stop your antibiotics. Call your Dr. and ask about what's going on. Sometimes eating more yogurt while taking antibiotics can help with stomach issues. I'm so glad that your throat is doing better!

Kara -- DH and I were actually just talking last night about talking a walk a few evenings a week after dinner. What a coincidence that you suggested it! I think that the weight gain could be from eating out twice this week. UG! Wow -- I can't even imagine doing the KM leg drills with ANKLE WEIGHTS!

Kristi -- How great that your girls will be back tomorrow! It sounds like you had a nice visit last night with your friend. Glad you liked the shake! Has Todd noticed the bins of protein powder yet? ;-) I;m trying not to stress about the weight, but I'm feeling really glum. :-( Ah, well. We never go to concerts any more (we're too old and tired!), but the band we're seeing tonight -- Death Cab for Cutie -- is one of my favorite bands, so I have to see them. :) Edited to say: We were just posting at the same time! Glad that the girls are now officially on their way home. I bought a few of the Jari Love DVD's at Ross for $5 each, but I've only done one. It was alright, but I missed my Cathe. :-( Enjoy that salad! It sounds delicious!

Tneah -- Oh you poor thing! Hey, doing that RCW is NOT what I would call taking it easy. Seriously, sweetie, you're NOT supposed to be doing any strenuous working out after the SURGERY you just had. What happened to that quiet walk on the treadmill?! Don't worry -- I'm not being too nice about BIL either. :)

Lainie -- How are the KB DOMS? What kind of Cathe rotation will you be doing? :)

Shelley -- I know -- I'm going to try my hardest to make sure that BIL isn't too comfortable around here. Now do you want to be enabled with the kettlebells or not??!}( How is Karen doing? Will you be able to see her this weekend at all?

Hi to Robin and Shannon! Miss you ladies!

I'm feeling so wiped out today that I called and canceled my hair appt. :-( After I get my workout in and shower, I'm going to try to take a nap. Still feeling glum and self-pitying. Sorry for always being a downer. :-(
Ok, I'm back. I'm watching Doctor Who again (haven't caught up with the episodes saved on the DVR).

I need to fix my hair a bit at some point--it's a bit of a frizzy mess at the moment. We've got stuff going on later. We've been invited to a Happy Hour Play Date by a dad at the bus stop. The whole bus stop gang is going over there for drinks (and croquet, I think) for the adults and play for the kids. It's actually 3 happy hours--4-7, but we have our last T-ball game at 6:30 so we won't be able to stay that long. So after I pick up Isaac from the bus stop, he'll have to put on his T-ball uniform and go to the party in that.

Allie, sorry to hear about the car and the nausea. Enjoy the car-shopping, though. I remember when my first car went kaput and I had to get another one. I was living in the town where I'd gone to college and my family was about 1,000 miles away. So my favorite professor introduced me to his car salesman and co-signed on a car loan (just a little used hot pink Mercury Tracer). Anyway, my DOMS is a little better today--legs still hurt but I managed to creak through the 4DS LIS cardio, at least. Tomorrow or Sunday I'll do full body weights again, I think.

Jennifer, good luck on your flight to New York.

Tneah, eek! Sorry about the puke. Maybe the green stuff just didn't go so well with the antibiotics? Be careful with your tummy, honey.

Leanne, hope you get some better rest tonight. Get to bed early. I don't know yet what kind of Cathe rotation--probably nothing formal yet. Next week I'll just do full body workouts alternating with cardio and choose mostly Cathe stuff (and one KB workout, I think).

Kara, any good kettlebell DVD recommendations?

Kristi, glad your kids are coming home! :) The weather has been pretty pleasant lately, plus I have this great portable a/c now, which at least helps when I need to work out. I haven't needed it otherwise, though. I have done all Jari Love workouts and Get Ripped to the Core is personally my least favorite. I like the original or Get Ripped and Chiseled the best. But maybe that's just me.

Shelley, hey, girl, hope you get a good workout in later. I keep meaning to start getting up early to work out--then it doesn't happen. When I was trying not to trip over Ewan today I remembered another reason I should get up earlier to do it.

OK, just realized it's 2pm and I haven't had any lunch yet. Better find something to eat (my food is getting slightly more solid, by the way).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]

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