Morning clean peeps
I've been running around like crazy, chiro this morning was 40 minutes late, so i was late for work!
I posted last night, looks like it got lost..
Katie, great workout, so nice you dont have to work! The cake sounds amazing!
Kate, have a quiet night at home with Mike? Order in, or make a nice dinner for just the 2 of you. Its so interesting how mom's get jealous of MIL's, mine does too, and we dont have kids yet!
Jenn, i dont have HISM, but from the sounds of it, it kicked butt!
Nice menu too, are you going out for dinner?
Robin, you playing hookey?
Hello Shirl and Colleen!
Last night i mustered up enough energy to do MIS, upper body and abs, i think tonight, in the ring, combos 3+4 maybe, i wish i could let myself take a rest day!!
B: you know it
s: you probably know it too..
l: corn chowder, veggies, hummus, apple
s: ryveta, nat pb
d: stir fry and yogurt