Terrible customer service ????????

I think this thread should be removed. If people have problems with her customer service, they should simply contact her or her customer service department. This disgusting public bickering on the "Ask Cathe" forum is rude and very innapropriate, since this is where Cathe is nice enough to answer our questions. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-03 AT 10:26AM (Est)[/font][p]The next time the customer service lady is rude to someone, find out her name and then report it to Cathe. Maybe she can get rid of her.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 09:28PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 09:27 PM (Est)[/font]

When you call people with whom you have no experience and no knowledge of "liars" than I cannot imagine that you intend anything other than harm.
Making your point is one thing, but that's not really what you were doing. To engage in nasty name calling, then claim that no harm was intended, is completely disingenuous. No one addressed anything to you until you decided to enter the fray in a totally childish and incredibly rude manner.

There are understandably and deservedly loyal Cathe fans. I, too, have all of Cathe's workouts but no longer order them directly from her because I don't appreciate being told that a company is "too busy" to refund $10 to me that is not rightly theirs because they screwed up on my shipping. You, however, make her fans look rabid. I completely agree with Veganeuter's post, except to say that to compare your behaviour to that of an animal's is actually an insult to animals everywhere.

No offense intended to anyone other than the poster that this is a response to.
Tonya--It's really simple: If you don't want people to be angry with you, don't call them liars!

I would hope that you would understand that being called a LIAR (in all caps yelling tone) for commenting on an experience, might just make some one mad.

Or am I silly to speak rationally here?
Hi Everyone! Oh my, I think we can assess that it is time to let this thread rest. I'm very open to constructive critisism but the issue of this thread has really gone beyond that. I respect everyones opinion, good, bad, or neutral, as long as it is delivered constructively (thank you for doing that Samantha).

Our policy is that we do not like to delete threads, and it doesn't seem that the direction of this one is going to contribute anything more of value. So please everyone, let's move on. Thank You So Much!
>Hi Everyone! Oh my, I
>think we can assess that
>it is time to let
>this thread rest. I'm
>very open to constructive critisism
>but the issue of this
>thread has really gone beyond
>that. I respect everyones
>opinion, good, bad, or neutral,
>as long as it is
>delivered constructively (thank you for
>doing that Samantha).
>Our policy is that we do
>not like to delete threads,
>and it doesn't seem that
>the direction of this one
>is going to contribute anything
>more of value. So
>please everyone, let's move on.
> Thank You So Much!

Thanks Cathe, I really hope U understand I wrote what I wrote just to tell U what had been said so if U wished to, U could look into it !!! I am happy with SNM service and I have always been !!!
I am really sorry for bringing up this thread since it took this direction !
I feel guilty but believe me....I never thought it could develope in this way and still don't completely understand why it did.
Thanks again for stopping all this !!!!
Agreed. I've never received ANY mail order item as quickly as Cathe's videos unless I paid extra money for overnight shipping. Never recived bad customer service, defective videos,etc. SNM is aclass act across the board. I'm sorry the subject of that MUM thread was dragged over here as well.

>[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-03
>AT 01:46 PM (Est)[/font]
>SNM is top notch. The
>best. Barring none.
>End of story.

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