


I am sure this has been asked before hopefully you can answer it again.

I have all 3 of the intesity series dvd's and was thinking of ordering the terminator. For those of you that have both which do you use more. Do you think the workouts are harder more intense. I guess I better go back and look but I think the workouts are quite long on the terminator but I will check that again. I just wanted your opinions;-) thanks in advance;-) :+ :7

Deb:) }(

chinc ching here goes another purchase maybe
Would it be a wise purchase even though I have all the intensity series in the dvds:) :7 :+

or is it a must have}( :p :) ;)

Thanks Ladies

Yes, you have three awesome intense workouts and a bunch of killer mishmoshes from these workouts that have been posted here. This is a relatively new purchase for me but I am glad I bought it even though I also have the Intensity Series.
>Yes, you have three awesome intense workouts and a bunch of
>killer mishmoshes from these workouts that have been posted
>here. This is a relatively new purchase for me but I am glad I
>bought it even though I also have the Intensity Series.

Thanks Cathy
I might have to order that dvd I have heard a lot of great things
about it too
:) }( :p

Have a great day today.


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