Tell us about the new work-outs you created by chaptering.


I for example took the Slow & Heavy and made three totalbody work-outs by taking sections from each of the three work-outs and chaptering them because I didn't want to work only my legs & biceps all in one tape. At first I didn't appreciate this work-out but making them into totalbody work-outs hey not bad, not bad at all. I'm thinking of doing the same to the PS Series.

So tell us about your creations thanks to Cathe's chaptering.


RE: Mish-Moshes I Have Known . . .

I-Max 2 Blast Mania + CTX Step-Intervals interval segment

I-Max 1 warm-up
Body Max power circuit segment
CTX Power Circuit circuit segment

Rhythmic Step warm-up
Power Circuit circuit segment
Boot Camp cardio/lower body only premix

MIC warm-up and hi/lo segment
CTX 10-10-10 hi/lo segment
Boot Camp cardio only premix OR CTX Step-Intervals interval segment

Circuit Max straight through to end of last compound resistance cycle
then Cardio Kicks power drills


CTX Kickbox prone/supine planks and roll-ups +
Slow and Heavy traditional abs

CTX Power Circuit planks and supermans +
Cardio Weights ab section

Not that I've been thinking about it . . .

RE: Mish-Moshes I Have Known . . .

>Not that I've been thinking about it . . .
You are too funny - its like you had them all typed up and waiting to go!

So how long are the top ones (up to the ab mixes)? 1.5 hours?
They sound mighty brutal!
RE: Mish-Moshes I Have Known . . .

Hey, Miss Punky! Actually, the Body-Max/Power-Circuit mish-mosh and the Oh-My Mish-Mosh each take approximately 50 minutes, which is one reason I love them so - maximum intensity in not-so-maximum time expenditure!

And yes, they're brutal, but there's beauty in pain. }( The Oh-My Mish-Mosh offers two sets of ice breakers (not to mention squat-thrust-climbers, my new favorite torture move); the B-Max etc. mish-mosh only has the one set of ice-breakers but it's at almost the very end, when your thighs have already combusted. The MIC-10/10/10{hi/lo only}-BootCampCardio is another lulu; I call it "Hi/Lo Heaven." The C-Max/CK-power-drills one does take a bit longer, especially if you sling in a few more barbell squats and lunges at the end of the power drill segment.

Cathe and 5-disc programmable DVD players - a match made in heaven.

RE: Mish-Moshes I Have Known . . .

Oh no - not squat-thrust-climbers. Those kill me. I can do about 1 with good form and then just turn into mush. She goes way to fast for me. Do you think its better to go slower, and as long, or do a couple to pace and then stop?

I'm going to try these out when I finish my current CTX rotation (its my first time using CTX in a rotation, so I'm going to do it for a couple of weeks). If they kill me, I'll come looking for you :)

Hi/lo is the only thing I can't take. I can step 'til I drop, but if I do a lot of hi impact, my back gets sore, and everything hurts. So I stick to step, kickboxing, etc. Funny because I can run on my treadmill, but I can't take high impact aerobics!

50 minutes is definitely manageable. I do longer workouts on the weekend. Hubby and my favorite combo is S&H - we do the 3 tapes in 2 days (Sat and Sun) and then just laze around the rest of the day - hehe
RE: Those Are Some Great Chaptering Ideas...

If I did the Slow & Heavy in 2 days, I'll take the rest of the week off.:9

I bought the Cathe's 23 Pack back in August and now is when I'm using them especially the step work-outs which I'm giving myself a month to learn each. I'm alternating the Cathe's step work-outs with The FIRM & Cathe Strengths work-outs.

I'm also planning to break the MIC work-out into two because I don't think I have the lung capacity to do the entire work-out.

MIC DVD HiLo 26 minutes with Cathe's VHS SNM1 Upper Body Strength portion 12 minutes plus ABS section.

MIC DVD Step portion 33 minutes with The FIRMs Floor Legs or SBHT.

I also have a 5-Disc DVD Player and with Cathe's chaptering the possibilities are almost endless. I have not bought any work-outs since The FIRM's 1st Kit, and I don't think I'll be buying any for a while if ever.

So please keep the ideas coming in.


Good upper body workout

I've put the upper body from Boot Camp with the upper body from ME, and it makes a great workout.
I've also split CTX upper body into a 2 day workout:
Day 1 - CTX-Back & Chest followed by BodyMax Back & Chest
(I try to go as heavy as I can on CTX, but lighten up during BM)
Day 2 - CTX-Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps followed by the same body parts from BM.

Thanks to the great chaptering on these DVD's, there are endless combinations.
(I also like to do Core Only from BC sometimes after doing an ab workout)

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