Tell me something good.dumb question !


Cathes workouts are quite intense but I just can't find the motivation and the stories on here don't seem to help. I read about increased waist size??and Swelling from intense cardio ( askcathe forum). Has anyone toned up from the workouts or lost weight ? I keep starting and stopping. Any good stories ? lol
Well, since doing Cathe on a regular basis, I've lost 3 inches from my waist, almost 2 from my hips, an inch from my thighs.... it goes on. My cardiovasular health is much improved, I can run longer, faster, better, I'm MUCH more toned. The secret is that you have to KEEP GOING. Stopping and starting won't do it. And diet is a huge part of the equation too. You're not going to see the best results unless you clean up your eating.

Quite honestly, you need to ignore everyone else's stories, because only you will have your experience with the workouts. You don't know all the circumstances surrounding everyone else's experience. There are often factors involved that they don't share.

Your motivation has to come from you, not from someone else's stories. YOU have to want it enough to do the work.
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Sorry about that. I just wanted to say that you need to play around with your work outs until you find the combination(s) that work for you. Some folks have better results with less cardio (2-3x per week) while others need 5-6 days! I always believed I NEEDED to cardio almost every day to see results. I am finding out that I am wrong about that now...atleast for me. In addition, on the increased waist size issue...all I know is that some folks will see thier waist widen if they do weighted ab work or do too much oblique work but again, it's an individual thing.

HTH some.
Consistancy is key for producing results. If you keep starting and stopping, it's no wonder you have not gotten results. And it goes without saying that you have to clean up your eating habits consistantly to lose weight in addition to exercising. There have been a lot of positive stories on these forums - could it be that you are only reading the negative ones as an excuse not to exercise? Just a guess on my part.
Your motivation has to come from you, not from someone else's stories. YOU have to want it enough to do the work.

Your message

I'm with Shelley in every word! Consistency will be big part of your success.Don't give up!
Check out Momto5boys success story under the Success Stories forum. Personally, I've lost 10 lbs (ignore my weight sig. cuz' it hasn't been updated) and dropped several pant sizes since making Cathe workouts a part of my week and cleaning up my eating. I just started keeping track of my measurements on the calendar so not sure what inches I have lost yet. I have definitely toned up a lot, but have lots of room for improvement. I think what helps to keep me motivated is to set small goals for myself each month. Not generic goals like "lose weight" or "get in shape", but measurable goals - "lose X inches in waist", "lose X lbs by X date", "Survive BM2" - stuff like that. The forum is great for talking to other people who are into fitness and is a wonderful resource for questions, tips, etc... To keep going though, you have to find the motivation within yourself.
Hello. I would have to say that in order to be successful at being healthy, . . this includes loosing weight you HAVE to eat right AND exercise. There is no secret formula. I've been doing home workouts and gym workouts for many years and, . . .well you have to find a way to make fitness a part of your daily routine and FUN. What I love about Cathe's videos is that they are fun. The music is FUN and the challenge is fun. I'll admit there are days when I would much rather eat a pastry or two or three but my best form of motivation, . . my best advice to you is get dressed in your workout clothes every morning that you can and put your shoes on. Just put your shoes on, . . don't do to much to fast, . . remember her workouts are advanced (pre-mixes are great). You have to start somewhere and I think that it's great that you've started. My husband has always been athletic, . . swims, surfs, joggs, bikes, . . he did a Cathe video with me once and he was panting and crying like a little girl. Now he works out with my almost everyday. Start slow and steady. Don't be discouraged, . . . Cathe workouts DO work, . . .you just have to do them.
There really isn't anything more to tell you. Of course you can lose weight and gain definition with Cathe. Tons of us have done it. Personal stories, are well, personal stories. I imagine people are just trying to give you some inspiration. You have to internalize stories/information your own way. I have seen tons of great stats, stories, etc on here. Weed through and find what works best for you diet, cardio, & strength wise. If you keep stopping because you're not that into Cathe, that's a whole different ball game. It's not for everyone and that's okay.

BTW I lost 20 lbs pre PG and gained some awesome definition in doing Cathe stuff for two years. True story.


I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.
--Elayne Boosler

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