Hello. I would have to say that in order to be successful at being healthy, . . this includes loosing weight you HAVE to eat right AND exercise. There is no secret formula. I've been doing home workouts and gym workouts for many years and, . . .well you have to find a way to make fitness a part of your daily routine and FUN. What I love about Cathe's videos is that they are fun. The music is FUN and the challenge is fun. I'll admit there are days when I would much rather eat a pastry or two or three but my best form of motivation, . . my best advice to you is get dressed in your workout clothes every morning that you can and put your shoes on. Just put your shoes on, . . don't do to much to fast, . . remember her workouts are advanced (pre-mixes are great). You have to start somewhere and I think that it's great that you've started. My husband has always been athletic, . . swims, surfs, joggs, bikes, . . he did a Cathe video with me once and he was panting and crying like a little girl. Now he works out with my almost everyday. Start slow and steady. Don't be discouraged, . . . Cathe workouts DO work, . . .you just have to do them.