Tell me about your best & worst job

No judgment here, I considered that same worst job in my younger years. Bills gotta get paid.

None here either. If I had rhythm & boobs I'd certainly consider it! ;)

Travisli, I think you get the prize for worst job, except it definitely gave me my laugh for the day! :D
I could have worded that nicer huh? Sorry chica's...just out of old habit I guess, I get kinda bee-otchy...
None here either. If I had rhythm & boobs I'd certainly consider it! ;)

Travisli, I think you get the prize for worst job, except it definitely gave me my laugh for the day! :D

I'm glad I could provide laughter for the day -- it's not something I share often, but it definitely was my worst job. I waited until I was 35 to even tell my mother I did that job!!!

Her reaction. . . . . ------>
Worst job:
It's a tie. First, Pizza Hut. Worked there about, umm, 2 weeks? It was during college. Boring people. Boring job. Boring boss. I didn't mind the work though. It was funny, though, to see how much grease went in their pizza sauce. It took me y-e-a-r-s before I could eat Pizza Hut pizza again. Hmm. Although now I consider their thin crust pepperoni one of my faves (so much for the grease grossing me out!). :D

Second worst job was my first "real" job out of college. It was for a production company and I was hired as a Purchasing Agent. I absolutely hated everything about it. From the work. To my boss. To my co-workers. The first four days I came home crying. On the fifth day, I quit. Never looked back.

Best job:
From 8th grade through freshman year of college I nannied for a "well-to-do" family. The pay was better than any other babysitting job I had ever had. They took me on trips with the family (like to Disney World), they bought me expensive b-day and x-mas gifts (spent more money on me than my own family), they paid off the remaining balance on my car loan, paid for me to go skydiving 4 times.

My own family is middle class and I have 3 brothers, so growing up we didn't have a lot. To this day, I still don't know why they picked me as their nanny and how I got so lucky. It was nice to feel, in some ways, how the other half lived, so to speak. But, it's funny, the family (mom in particular) was really wacko and even though she had alllllll this money, up the ass, she wasn't happy. Made me realize having money isn't "everything." I'll take being middle class anyday! But, ahhhh, the job perks! Couldn't beat 'em. :p

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