Technical Problem w/4 Day Split


I know I'm a little late to the party but I'm just attempting the 4DS workouts. It didn't take long to stumble onto trouble. I was playing Lower Intensity Step and found I cannot REWIND or SKIP BACKWARD, though it will allow me to Fast-Forward and Skip-Forward. When I try to rewind I get that weird little red circle with the diagonal line symbol that says "You can't do that." I've never had this problem and haven't read anything HERE to indicate anyone else has had any problem with this dvd but it's, like, freaking me out. I hope you can help me because if I can't rewind I have no prayer of ever learning any routine of any kind, especially the one's on this disc. Oh help... please?
I had the same problem with the warm up on LIS, but rewind worked on the individual step segments. I thought I was going insane when I saw the little red circle show up! Not a problem on HIS warm up though.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Yes, similar problem but only on some of the workouts in the warm-up only. Once you pass that, the skip forward and backward work fine.

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