Teachers Help. 2nd grade is killing me

Thanks so much everyone.

I don't just want busywork. That's kind of what it feels like to me. And our son's vocabulary is well above grade level because we teach that at home. I just think some people are expecting the genius thing!!!

I'm a SAHM and am very organized, I wonder how the working parents are doing it???? I'm so glad I asked

Thanks again
Another middle school teacher here, and IA this is way too much. I think that some teachers just do not consider how much time the HW takes or that the kids need to (and deserve to) relax some. And some seem to believe the more homework they give, the tougher (and better) a teacher they are.

My philosophy on HW was shaped when I was doing my post-bac work for certification. One of the classmates I became friendly with was a mom of two kids, and during a discussion about homework, she shared how she was spending HOURS every night with her then-elementary age son. She put it to us like this: “How would you like it if your boss gave you two hours of mandatory work to do every single night? You’d start to hate your job, wouldn’t you?” That really put things in perspective for me. As a result, I've always made it a point to assign HW in moderation, and only when it's meaningful. Maybe it would be helpful to share that analogy with your son's teacher when you appeal to her about this.

Good luck!
I agree with Ellen. If talking with the teacher doesn't help, you should discuss this with the principal. Is she a young teacher? Does she have her own children? Are they in school? Someone else posted that she may not be aware of how long it's taking your son to complete everything. My eyes, as a teacher, were really opened when my own daughter started school. Maybe that is just the case. If she is not aware, let her know what it's like at home after school.

But really, I just can't imagine why any teacher would give all of that homework. Writing 20 words 5 times each is crazy. I give my students a pre-test. They work on the words they miss, but never more than ten words.

Please let us know how things go after you talk to the teacher. Good luck!:)
I'm a fifth grade teacher, and I feel that is waaay too much homework! I think ALL of this testing nonsense is ridiculous. That's where all this homework is coming from, by the way. The No Child Left Behind laws created higher standards that schools must meet every year. By the year 2012, all students must be "above average." Okay, admittedly, that's just my interpretation, but it's an impossible standard. Administrators are stressing out, so they're putting the pressure on teachers. Teachers are stressing out, so they're putting the pressure on the kids. It's insane!

Kids need to have time to be kids. They learn from play as well as from school. They will have enough stress when they grow up. They don't need it starting in second grade! But parents have to take a stand. They have to contact their legislators and tell them what this is doing to their children so the laws can change. It's not enough for teachers to say it. They think we're saying it because we don't want to be accountable, but we're not. We're saying it because it's hurting children.

I once had a call from the teacher of one of my former students. She wanted to know why he had been successful in my class and what she was doing wrong. In her class, he was refusing to work at all and was vomiting every morning as soon as he arrived at school. How's that for stress? Turns out they had told him if he didn't pass "The Test," he would be retained. He was a student with learning disabilities! He didn't know if he COULD pass, no matter how hard he tried. Poor baby. No wonder he was sick every day. In my class, we helped him instead of threatening him.

As a teacher, I take all of the stress for test preparation on myself. I rarely even mention that we're preparing for a test (although we are). I sneak it in without letting them know what I'm doing. I make it as fun and interesting as possible, so it doesn't seem like work. I give relatively little homework, and I use it as a tool to teach responsibility more than as a way of getting in more practice. My students are meeting their testing goals, and my school has met federal goals every year since NCLB began, and this is in a rural school with a poverty rate near 70%. This kind of stress and homework is NOT necessary!

We will not continue to meet our goals, however. The goal set for our children is setting them up to fail. Schools everywhere are going to fail very soon, unless there are major changes. My children will fail as well, because I refuse to subject them to the kind of stress I see elsewhere at the tender age of ten. However, I will not allow them to feel like failures. They will leave my class with their heads held high, no matter what their test scores, because they will know they did their best.

So (blushing and stepping off soapbox), yes, that is too much homework. Tell the teacher. Tell the principal. Tell your legislators. Make it stop! Kids need to learn, yes, but kids also need to be kids.
Here's another perspective on this I just have to share . . .

My 3rd grade daughter came home on Tuesday (the day she went back after the Holiday break) with homework that was far and above more intense than what she had been receiving. It was the same amount of work, just "kicked up a notch". I was laughing because it was just so much harder than what had come home during the first half of the year. Later in the week, I was talking to the teacher about something else and I just had to ask her what was up (I was whining). She laughed and said that she had two parents complain that the homework was too easy and that this was why these parent's children were not getting into the "gifted" program. UGH!
Right now I am teaching First Grade, but I was a 2nd Grade Teacher for 13 years. Let me tell you, your son has way too much homework. 20 sentences is CRAZY!!!!!!!! I can totally understand your frustration....I'm sure you're not the only parent complaining about this.
I don't have kids, but have to agree that if Teachers here are telling you that this load is TOO much for that grade level then I would definately have a discussion with the teacher... might not do much good, but at least she will know you are paying attention... have you discussed this with other parents? Maybe if enough parents comment, it might be addressed...

I did want to say that I don't recall having that much homework in college! :eek:

good luck
Hey Ellie,

I am a working Mom and it is tuff to say the least....I get in the door at six, cook dinner, and then review homework or help complete homework. Forget about the spring when baseball season hits.....that is a whole other deminsion added to the equation. Thank goodness hubby is a hands on Dad and we conquer and divide the homework duties. ;)


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