Taylor or Katharine

honeybunch- agree with you 100% on elliot- he did so well even on last nights show. And I was totally surprised by the show last night, was thinking "how will they fill 2 hours" but they had a lot of guest appearances and I enjoyed watching it!
I watched during "Lost" commercials, and kept AI in the "picture in picture' towards the end to not miss the announcement.

What's with Clay Aikin and the K. D. Lang/Elton John look? Yikes! (Maybe he decided to come out of the closet?)

I also thought Katharine did better last night than in the last few weeks.

It was odd to see some of the 'first-voted-off' contestants back on stage. I'd forgotten about some them (like Kevin...who shouldn't have been there in the first place: he still seems really out of place next to the rest of them).

I'm not sure Taylor should have won, but now he's stuck with what AI wants him to do for a while, while the perhaps-better-singers who were voted off earlier, like Elliott and Chris, have more freedom to do other things.

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