
Hey....I meant to say eighty year old .....not eight!!! I do not think 8 year olds need to worry about tatoos! And yes, the Tao of Pooh sits on my bookshelf along with the MANY Piglets. A good friend of mine gave me a coffee mug that I think sums up Piglet (and me!) says:"Tiny but powerful". It makes all 4 feet and 11 and one half inches of me smile. I would also love another tatoo, but I am waiting for the right time and the right tatoo to jump up and say....yes, put that right there!
I have a butterfly tattoo on the outside of my left ankle and I love it. I got it when I was 35 and after 7 years it has not faded and looks great. The guy did a great job. He gave me a book of butterflies to choose from and then drew it free hand. He was so proud of it, that he took a picture to hang up. I actually did not think that it hurt that much. He told me that he can actually make it hurt worse or less depending on how deep the tattoo is. I actually work at home now, but at the time I worked in a medical clinic. It actually took months for some people to even realize I had it. I guess people just don't automatically stare at someone's ankles. The funny thing is that my family as well as myself sometimes forget I even have it. So I difinitely do not think I'll regret it at age 80. I have 2 sons and they both think it is pretty cool.
I have a huge sun in the middle of my lower back and I LOVE it. I got it about 7 years ago and it hasn't faded. I could care less what other people think. My DH will joke too about being 80 with a tattoo but I'll always remember the day that I got it. The time in my life that I got it was such a blast.

Like the others said, think long and hard before you decide to get one. It'll be with you forever.
I have a couple and I love them. But they are placed in areas where they wouldn't be seen unless I was on a beach. I personally wouldn't want any in obvious areas, and I also don't want any more. I personally don't want to overdo it. However, make sure that it's something you really really *really* love, because removal surgery (which I've also had) is NO walk in the park.
I LOVE my tattoo. Waited until I was 37 to get it. I have two rose vines (purple roses) going down from my hip bones and the meet in the middle and it has DHs name in between the vines.

I have two, one that got a little stretched on my lower abs when I was pregnant. And anther that is on my lower back almost my butt and that is the japanese symble of love. I think that when I'm done having children I will add their names around that symble. I like mine, because they are in discrete areas that I don't have to show anyone if I dont' want to.

I have a tattoo and I love it. I get tons of compliments on it. I have had a 6 x 4 inch great blue heron tattooed on my right shoulder blade. DH doesnt like nor hate it. I got it 15 years ago before we met and I WOULD NEVER have it removed. As long as you keep out of the sun (I am very fair-skinned so this is a given anyway) or wear sunscreen on it, it will not fade. If you want one go to a reputable parlor and make sure they use disposable needles.
I got my tattoo a year and a half ago (I'm 32 now). I had thought about it for over 10 years, I'm glad I waited because what I would have gotten then and where are very different from what I have now. Friends of mine that did it when we were younger regret it now for many reasons- that symbol no longer means anything, they don't like where it is and well pregnancy has played a role in altering them. Mine is on my lower back, it can be hidden if needed and the picture is just a chinese style symbol that has no meaning-i didn't want something with a meaning that may not be important later in my life. I love it, i think it is very sexy.I didn't really find it painful. I've had compliments and people say they don't like them or get why people would want one. It is totally a personal decision. I would think hardest about where you are putting it and can it be hidden if you want it to be.good luck
i wanted one all through college but waited until i was 26 to get one just to be sure. it's been six years and i still love it. i got the chinese symbol for strength on the inside of my foot. however, it's not on the anke - it's actually BELOW the ankle bone. i figured that way i could cover it with a heel and still wear a skirt.

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