Tank Top Weather is coming!

Hi Deborah,

I'm signing on to the challange, except I'll have to do it from home since I don't know all the info they want in the sign up off the top of my head (measurements, etc.). I really need this since I've been slacking badly lately.

I hope you don't mind, but I plan to stick to Marlene's version for at least the first couple weeks (only S/T/B hit 3x plus the cardio). I hope that's ok.

Thank you for presenting this challenge, I've been wanting to do TTA for a long time.
Hey Deborah!
Can I join you guys? I took a look at the rotation and it looks great!! My questions are for you or anyone else who have already done the original TT Rotation: What were your results? Did you feel like there was enough cardio? Did your arms bulk up too much? What about the overall lean-out factor? Sorry for all the questions - I'm just excited!!!

Hey Kristine,

Definitely do the the rotation as Marlene original suggested--the first week is only missing that extra cardio session on the second day of upper body.


I did the rotation last year for about 6 weeks. I slimmed down more than I thought I would & my arms didn't bulk but got a little more curvey. I'm going for MUCH MORE curve this year & will be lifting as heavy as Cathe by the end of this rotation.

I do better with less cardio. I've been trying to lose 15 lbs for about 2 years & have just recently quit doing cardio at all for a while. I've immediately dropped 3 lbs & have lost an inch in my hips, an inch in my waist & half an inch in my thighs. So, while I haven't lost "weight," I've gained muscle & lost body fat. My BMI is down .5 since starting this "no cardio" rotation. I will NOT be doing any cardio until April 21. So, on those days that you all are doing cardio, I'll probably find a way to work my legs or just do abs. Too bad someone hasn't created a six pack rotation. LOL

See you there!
Hey Deb

I have been playing around at the fitnessvideo site and I just wanted to tell you, that I love the way you put this together, you go girlfriend :)

I am really excited about this. This rotation is just what I need, really. Lately, my motivation level has been so low, my mom passed away a few weeks ago.

Question, when I joined I was skeptical about posting my measurements. Altho, I did, the info I entered isn't correct, sorry. I'll be taking my measurements this Sunday. Can I go in and make corrections?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, Deborah! I've been reading more and more lately about the benefits of cutting down on cardio, but it is really hard for me to break the old mind set of "more cardio, more fat loss". Cutting out cardio is a scary idea, but looks like you are doing GREAT without it! I like your idea of a six pack rotation LOL! I think I'm going to add in some extra core work from the Intensity Series...maybe I'll get some cut abs to go with those tank top arms!!


I'm so glad to read about the benefits of anaerobic workouts. I'm not much of an aerobic lover so this fits into my style perfectly. Now if I can just get my intake of fruits and vege's up, I'd be doing great.

See you during the challenge!!


I've looked at this challenge a few times. I would like to add more cardio - is that possible? Also, I need work on my hips, thighs, abs. Is there enough of that in the challenge? Right now, I'm going between Tank Top Arms and RU Ready for Heavy Challenge.
Hi Michele,

Absolutely add more cardio if want to. I think Robin had the same concerns--check out the article she sent & my response to her. But if you feel the need for more cardio, go for it. It can't hurt, right?

Hey Robin,

Don't worry about those measurements! No one else sees them! They're there for your "enjoyment." LOL

See you on the board!
Hey Deborah, fellow Goddess!! LOL!!


P.S. This is my first "challenge" on the Fanatics site...how do we "talk" to each other?? Is there a forum, do we do personal emails, or do we "talk" over here??
Hi Guys,

Here's what you will need to do for us to communicate on the forum there....

you will no longer be able to go to the see this challenge listed on the challenge page. Click on "MyFitnessCenter" and then click on "MyChallenges." A box will pop up & you'll see the challenge there.

The forum there is differen than the "normal" forum. It took some getting used to but I like it because it tells you what day it is & what tape to be using!
On Sunday morning when you go to videofitnessfanatics, you will need to click on "MyFitnessCenter." On the right side of the screen, you will see some buttons, look for "MyChallenges." When you click on that, a box comes up & will show all of the challenges that you have ever joined. If this is your first one, it will be the only one. You can actually do this now--the challenge is there for you to preview. Click "Go to." This will bring you to what I call "challenge central," not what Liz calls it but what I like to call it. Anyway, you can't post until Sunday but you can see how the page looks. What you will see on Sunday is the Date & tapes assigned for that day. Under that are two boxes, one "blueish box" with a red broken line & then a white box with a solid line around it. You type in that one & then hit save. Then you comments will move up into the "blue" box. You don't have to check in daily but it helps keep me accountable.

As for not having all of the videos, I don't have the actual Upper Body Split but I have the CTX set so I'll fast forward the tapes to the exercises needed. I am going to try to set that up the day before so I can move through it quickly. I may even try to record those tapes onto a separate VHS for simplicity sake. You can do that legally if you are not going to sell it.

As for the profile, Liz created this so that you can put whatever you want in there. Whatever you want us to know about you. I was supposed to update mine a few days ago but never got around to it.

I have class today (I'm in a crazy MBA program & this is my LAST CLASS). So, I'll go over there & post a quick note so you can see a little of what I'm talking about. I will workout tonight.

Ok, my post is there, you type in the box directly below where I typed. You change the font by clicking on the boxes below that. To add a smilie, just click on it. You can move them around by just dragging them.

I have to run & get ready to leave. I'll check in this evening.
Thanks for starting this rotation. I would like to join also. The rotation looks excellent. I want so much to wear sleevless tops and have nice defined arms instead of the sausage arms that I currently have. Can't wait to get started!:7
Finally I could see this rotation!! It turns out it was my security program that wouldn't pull anything up. I shut it off and it worked!! I am going to look over the rotation and join tommorrow..

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