Tank top rotations....again


Hi Everyone,
I have been doing tank top rotations...I am going into my fourth week.The only thing I have really changed is that sometimes instead of doing MIS I will do Power Hour.Not for any particular reason,it is just that the video is newer and I really enjoy the music.Is this a good idea?
Before I did this rotation I was only working my chest once per week and now I am doing it twice and I can really see a difference in my strength.I have been able to do push ups for a while(advance) but sometimes wouldn't be able to do them all ...now it is a breeze(almost) hahaha.And I have had several comments lately.People asking me if I work out, well, yes I do.
Thanks everyone,
p.s what will be the next option once I get the 6 weeks finished?
Hi Lori,

I'm doing the same thing. I will substitute Power Hour, CIA 2102, and the strength work from Bodymax for MIS, just to keep the boredom factor down. I think it's OK to do that, because the workouts are similar.

I plan on going back to an S&H rotation after the summer, because it works very well for my upper body.

Sandi M
Hi Sancho!

The Tank - Top Rotation is as follows:

Day One: All Upper Body work from PS Series (chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps)
Day Two: Leaner Legs from CTX
Day Three: Triceps, biceps, and shoulders from CTX
Day Four: Lower Body from MIS
Day Five: Upper Body from MIS

As you can see, it is really easy to substitute different workouts in this rotation. Really, the point is to make sure you are hitting your biceps, triceps, and shoulders three days a week, and your chest, back, and legs twice a week. I have been on this rotation for five weeks and have really shaped up my upper and lower body. Good luck! I hope this helps!
Quick question: what can I use to sub the CTX arm workout with?
I finally got my PS DVD yesterday!!! But don't have CTX. Will the BMax upper body portion work or maybe GHAS or just repeating the PS portions?
I am also interested in this rotation because I want to become stronger in shoulders and arms for tennis.
I have DVD's Slow & Heave, Pure Strength, Power Hour, Max Int. Strength and Body Max.

I think you should be okay to substitute the BMAX Shoulder, Bicep, and Tricep work. PS would probably be okay, but I think what has helped me to stick to this rotation is the variety. Trust me, by day 3 or 4 you may be wondering if you can really force yourself to get up and lift. Knowing that I was going to do a "new" weight section has really helped to mix things up. Personally I don't have GHAS, but it would probably work. I don't think I would use Slow and Heavy for this rotation however. The original author of this rotation (Marlene, I say a prayer of thanks for you everyday when I look at my new toned arms!) had great success by using the tank-top rotation for at least 6 weeks (I can't remember how long) and then switching to a rotation of Slow and Heavy for three weeks. Her Slow and Heavy rotation was something like this:

Day one: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day two: Chest, Back
Day Three: Legs
Day Four: No weights
Day Five: MIS
I have done the rotation using GHAS when I didn't have CTX. It works great. I've also substituted BodyMax upper body as well. I recall Marlene123 saying that the CTX upper body section is more of an endurance workout, hence the use of GHAS (obviously endurance more than strength) and BodyMax.

I noticed that the last time I saw Marlene post (which was a couple of weeks ago when I last visited Cathe's site), she said that she had substituted Power Hour for MIS and was seeing great results. So, as long as you work out bis, tris and shoulders 3x, chest/back/legs 2x a week, the tank top rotation should give you killer results!

Here's a good portion of Marlene's original post - and then a good portion of her post about using power hour in the tank top rotation:

Here is my current rotation which I have been doing for 10 weeks. I plan to do two more weeks of this, then two to three weeks of Slow & Heavy and then back again. I have had such incredible success with this rotation that I hate to let it go even for a few weeks but I know I must to cause some muscle confusion.
Anyway, here it is (and I admit, it's a killer):
Day #1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day #2: CTX Leaner Legs
Day #3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio
Day #4: Cardio
Day #5: MIS
Day #6: Cardio
Day #7: Cardio or rest
As you can see, this routine works shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week, chest and back twice and legs twice. I do abs 4-5 times per week as well.
Everyone is different and this may be too much training for some but it works for me. In order to develop cuts and definition I have to work the muscles frequently, making sure there is a day of rest between. My abs, which I work the most, have become fabulous - I even have a six pack that I can actually see and feel. Awesome. So in my case at least, the three times a week sessions for the shoulders and arms have produced the best results. I am ready for tank top weather.
I love this rotation, and it gave me great results, I'm doing S&H as she suggested for this week and the next 2 weeks, then I'm going back to this for one more round before summertime! (I think you can find this original post under a search for "show us your tank top rotation" in the subject line)


Here's her post on Power Hour:
I just had to jump in here to comment about something you said regarding the Power Hour tape. You mentioned that because it is purely endurance you would not really build muscles or cuts from this one.
I realize we are all different and all of us repond to various exercises in our own unique ways. That is, what works for one may not work for someone else. That being said, I would like to share with you my own experience with Power Hour.
During the spring I was using a Pure Strength, Max Intensity Strength and CTX rotation and getting fabulous results. You can do a search under "tank top arms rotation" in these forums of you want more details. Basically, I decided that to build muscle and get cuts I would work the following body parts two times a week: Legs, Chest, Back and work the following body parts three times a week: Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps. I would do all the Pure Strength upper body on one day, skip a day, do MIS, skip a day or two and then do shoulders, biceps and triceps from the CTX series in one day. I would add in either Pure Strength legs or CTX Lean Legs for my second leg workout each week.
After 12 weeks of this I changed to a Slow and Heavy rotation for four weeks.
When it was over I decided I was getting bored with MIS and needed a change. There is absolutely nothing wrong with MIS, mind you, but I was just tired of it. A good indication of this was that when it was my day to do MIS, I found it hard to get started and it was easy to make excuses to avoid it.
I decided to plug in Power Hour instead of MIS for a full body workout.
I have been on this particular rotation for 8 weeks now. I was cut and muscular before but as a result of doing Power Hour once a week I have gotten even more cut. I have not added any bulk (I don't need any more muscle size so this is good) but Power Hour has given me much sharper definition in the arms, chest and back. People I don't even know ask me where I work out when I am out and about. This never happened before.
Now, I don't know what kind of results one would have just doing Power Hour once or twice a week by itself. But don't count it out for definition if you include it with other things.
I have read that muscle definition is created by using lighter weights, more reps. Muscle size is the result of performing less reps, heavier weights. This has certainly been my personal experience. Power Hour's endurance routines have done great things for me.
Can you all tell by this point that I have become a Power Hour advocate?

This is the link to the post:
I remember that PH post...and I take it back! After 5 PH I was hooked on it. Well, not hooked but definitely impressed. That's why I'm reluctant to give it up now. But who can keep going on a PH rotation indefinitely? Those lunges kill. I honestly take it back : PH rules when it comes to de-pudging! Don't ask me why when it isn't cardio but the results were noticeable and fast. Now it's on to PS with the hope of seeing cuts! I would just die for upper body def. Even just the anterior delts would make me a real happy person! I finally made the connection and realised Marlene was the same person I e-mailed when I was new on this site asking about PS...kept the e-mail and the other day while I was looking at the Tank top rotation it hit me...It's the same person!
All I can say is that Marlene's rotation ideas kick and I have had great success with them even though I don't eat as clean as I should / could. I always look forward to her input / advice on this web page.

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