Tamilee Webb


Has anyone done her I Want Those Arms or I Want Those Abs videos?? I was wondering if they were worth purchasing. I know they cant be as intense as Cathe's, but using a challenging amoutn of weight, I wondered if they were worth it.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-02 AT 11:24AM (Est)[/font][p]I got DVD at best buy. I liked it much more then I thought I would. I got it because a lot of people of VF recommended it. I really glad I did. This DVD would be perfect for travel. There are two parts for abs work; the second one is very tough. I still have trouble to go through with it. Unfortunately I cannot compare with Cathe's because I did not have a chance to do them yet. I preordered her DVD.

I bought her 'I Want Those Abs Videos' and I like it. There are two workouts on it, each 15 minutes. The first one is easier than the second. The second one has some unusual exercises that really work! She does the standard crunches, then she does some crunches/leg lift combinations, than my favorite old Jane Fondas! I can't describe it very well, but it's kind of an oblique twist but laying on your side instead of your back. This really works the muscles!

Although I really like her abs tape and do it a couple of times a week, I don't think I'd want her I Want That Body tape. I've heard it also just two 15 minute workouts on one video.
I just recently got the DVD that has the arm, lower body, and ab workout. Although I haven't used the ab segments yet, I am very happy with the arm and legs/buns workout. Because Tamilee waste no time, these are short but effective workouts. I highly recommend the series.
I have the DVD, which I think that is a great purchase because for almost the same price as one VHS, you get three videos: I want those abs, I want those arms, and I want those buns.

I love the abs' programs. The exercises are very effective. I want those arms has traditional exercises, but they are effective. If you use more weight you can get a good workout.

I don't like I want those buns because it is endurance. She goes fast and she doesn't use weights. Although we can use weights, she doesn't explain how to add weights to this workouts. But for people whose goal is to trim their lower body, this may be a good workout.
Worth getting, IMHO. I had all on VHS, sold them on ebay to buy the DVD. Some people find these easy, I've read, but quick, concentrated reps with lighter weights and no breaks KILLS me, and that is exactly what this series is about. The series consists of 2 15 min. blocks of supersets of maybe 5-6 different exercises each. No breaks really. Just concentrated work. It's a great change of pace! I think the lower body workouts can kind of double as a little 15 min. add-on cardio/tone routine to tack onto another workout, because your heartrate (mine anyway) stays up in the aerobic range throughout. I have used it that way. Actually, my hr stays up with the arms workouts, too. this arm workout really gives me that muscle swell feeling and lactic acid buildup. I feel the burn. I hope I'm not being to 'graphic'! Just telling it like it is. Anyway, hope this helps.
I ordered the DVD on an impulse buy and I, too, am pleasantly surprised by how much I like it. I have only done the workouts once, but I did both segments at one time and I felt I got a great workout. Although Tamilee Webb doesn't use weights in the Buns segments, I just put dumbbells/bodybar on my shoulders for most of the exercises and leg weights for the standing long lever pulses. Tamilee's stretch DVD is also quite nice and she has such a wonderful personality as well.
I like Tamilee to.I just received I want those abs.I wish the second part were a little longer but I guess you don't need to work those muscles to long.SO I just ordered I want that body,d.v.d.She is in awesome shape and looks great for her age.I am assuming she should be close to 40?
got it!

After reading all of the good reviews here, I got the DVD (buns, abs, arms). I've done arms and abs and really like it. With arms, she moves fast so you think you need a light weight, but should probably try a med-heavy weight to see results. It can get boring, but moves fast so it's fine.

The abs is great because she adds some new, effective moves.

Tamilee looks great (although I do keep staring at her to see is she's had a facelift or her eyes done!)
On the dvd, there are also sections on nutrition, diet, the science behind the moves, and q&a.
The one reason I'd like a video tape vs the DVD would be so I could stop the ab section halfway thru and pick it up the next day- 15mins is too long for abs somedays.

For the price, I'd get it for those "short on time workouts"! (got mine at bn.com- free shipping if you buy 2 items)
Hi! I have "I want that Body," which I believe, incorporates the videos you mentioned and yes, they're worth it. A very good overall workout in a shorter time frame and as an regular MIS user, I guarantee you'll feel it. Be nice in your rotation!
RE: got it!

I was thinking the same thing.It looks as if she could had a couple of tucks in that face.My husband said hmmmm she looks good.And I said yeah,for her age but I think she may have had some surgery done.There is something going on around her mouth to...
RE: got it!

On Tamilee's website she says her husband is a plastic surgeon, and she has a link to his site.

How old is Tamilee?
She's been around forever! Looks great, but definately not fully "natural."
RE: got it!

>On Tamilee's website she says her
>husband is a plastic surgeon,
>and she has a link
>to his site.

Some girls have all the luck!!! :D
RE: Age??

I think she looks good but her skin looks very wrinkled. She most be older than we think. (Anyway, just a comment. I don't have anything against her.)
Tamilee was the only person's tape I would get. I purchased "I want those arms" and think it is great! "I want those Abs" is ok, but after doing the ab routine in PH and MIS, I feel my abs get a better workout with Cathe. If you are in a time crunch, I think the arm work out is a very good purchase. I also purchased "I want that Body". This one is ok, but I would use it only if I had a long layoff of not working out and needed to get back into shape before resuming a Cathe workout. But I love Tamilee. I had only heard of Cathe about a month ago and just jumped right in to working out with her. As far as Tamilee's husband being a plastic surgeon, I say use it or lose it. I could care less!

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