Talk to Me About Supersets & Push Pull :)


I don't hear much about these workouts...what do you think of these? Are they different than Cathe's other workouts? How are the DVD's chaptered?

I have only done each work out once but I liked them both. They are not Cathe's hardest total body weight work outs but still goodies. I have them in my rotation a few times each this month...

I can't recall the chaptering on these...If you pull up the descriptions of each work out here on the site, the chapters are usually listed if you want to check it out.

Maybe someone else can give you more specific info on them...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Hi Marianne. Here you have the SS/PP chaptering:

Push Pull


Title, Chapter, Time, Description
1 2 2:50 Warmup
1 3 (continued)
1 4 2:13 Squats
1 5 1:32 Deadlifts
1 6 (continued)
1 7 3:32 Static Lunge
1 8 (continued)
1 9 1:15 Leg Press
1 10 (continued)
1 11 1:23 Bench Press
1 12 (continued)
1 14 1:22 Deadrow
1 15 1:13 Chest Flys on Ball
1 16 (continued)
1 17 1:14 Fonz on Ball
1 18 (continued)
1 20 1:08 Inverted Shoulder Press on High Step
1 21 2:00 One Arm Rows
1 22 (continued)
1 23 (continued)
1 24 0:54 Front Raise
1 25 0:44 Rear Delt Fly on Ball
1 26 (continued)
1 27 1:57 Bicep Curls with Leg on Ball
1 28 (continued)
1 29 1:29 Tricep Dips on High Step
1 30 (continued)
1 31 0:52 Tricep Kickbacks (Two Arms)
1 32 (continued)
1 33 2:29 Outer Thigh Lifts on Ball
1 34 (continued)
1 35 2:07 Inner Thigh Squeezes using Ball
1 36 (continued)
1 38 1:26 Supermans on Ball
1 39 1:26 Reverse Crunch using Ball
1 40 (continued)
1 41 1:46 Calf Raises
1 42 (continued)
1 43 (continued)
1 44 1:21 Tibialis Anterior Toe Lifts with Ball
1 45 (continued)
1 46 4:37 Stretch


Title, Chapter, Time, Description
41 2 3:58 Warmup
41 3 1:39 Squats
41 4 (continued)
41 5 1:11 Deadlift
41 6 (continued)
41 7 1:14 Bench Press
41 8 (continued)
41 9 1:43 Shoulder Raises on Ball
41 10 (continued)
41 11 1:18 Wood Chops on Ball
41 12 (continued)
41 14 1:34 Plié Squat
41 15 (continued)
41 16 1:31 Pullovers on Ball
41 17 (continued)
41 18 1:21 Incline Flys on Ball
41 19 (continued)
41 20 1:47 Shoulder Rotations on Ball
41 21 (continued)
41 22 2:07 Ball Rollouts
41 23 (continued)
41 25 2:53 One Legged Squats
41 26 (continued)
41 27 1:17 Seated Shoulder Press
41 28 (continued)
41 30 2:30 Preacher Curls
41 31 1:12 Tricep Lying Extensions on Ball
41 32 (continued)
41 33 (continued)
41 34 2:25 Bicycles
41 36 1:46 Explosive Lunges
41 37 (continued)
41 38 (continued)
41 39 1:50 Rear Delts on Ball
41 40 4:54 Concentration Curls
41 41 (continued)
41 42 1:39 Seesaw Tricep Pushups on Ball
41 43 (continued)
41 44 (continued)
41 45 2:35 Side Lying Crunches on Ball
41 47 5:21 Stretch

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
These are not my favorite workouts since I'm not into doing the entire body in one day. I do like the idea of working with a stability ball, so I use the premixes in this DVD. My favorites are P/P-lower body (2 or 3 sets, depending on how strong I feel that day) and SS upper body blast.

They are shorter & a bit easier than Cathe's other strength workouts. That can be a good thing! They do use a lot of equipment & Cathe moves quickly so your workout space will look like a tornado hit. I don't recall much stretching during the workouts. The premixes are good.

They are good workouts. However, I am not the biggest fan of them because ALL The equipment change. And the mess is there because you don't have time to put one thing away to grab another. UNLESS, you pause...but this gives you too much down time. I'm not saying it's not a good is! I just don't have a big space to tripping over my "bels" both barbel and dumbels are NOT fun!
I was watching push pull on fit tv yesterday.I bought the whole bb series and sold all of them but timesaver.Once I started watching the pp on fit tv it actually appealed to me I had only done it once.The premixes looking back I think I would have liked upper body 3 times lower body 3 times now I wish I would have kept it.I think I may have been wrong x( about pp and ss.
I really like these a lot although I have only used the premixes. I like doing lower and upper on different days. I think the main thing is if you choose to do them as is, up the weights to as heavy as you can go. Actually using the Super Sets
Blasts as heavy as I could go helped me past a plateau.
Diane Sue
I have the entire Body Blast series, to include PP/SS. I really enjoy these workouts. For me, its all about changing things up and keeping my body guessing. I get bored quite easily, so I need variety. PP/SS gives me another tool to keep things fun and different.
SS is one of my favorites. If you use heavy weights the workout will not seem easy. I use mostly the Premixes though to do 2 or 3 sets instead of the one set "As is". The lower body blast will give me DOMS, where no other w/o really has. I like PP too, but dont do that one nearly as often.
I also use a w/o sheet to log what weight is used, so since I know what exercise is coming up, changing around equipment is not a problem for me.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Supersets is fun and has some of the best music of any Cathe strength training workout. I could never go back to doing MIS after this!

It is as challenging as you make it, so go as heavy as you can and yes, the *2 premix is a killer! The ball adds nice variety. I don't find the change in equipment to be bothersome or messy, certainly not as bad as the High Step challenge from Hardcore series or Bootcamp, where you have the band and high step to contend with aswell.

I think it is good to include Supersets once in a while for variety. No, it is not the hardest Cathe strength worrkout ever created, but the body needs different intensities. Supersets put the day before or after a really tough cardio is a nice combo that should leave your muscles singing and you very happy. No-one can work "all out" the entire time.

Push/Pull I do not like because the music is dull, dull, dull, and I hate the mid blue costumes they all wear. Hate this colour. It should be banished from the planet. Blue is so over-rated. So, aesthetically, it does not please me!

I really like them both, especially the upper/lower premixes, where you can do more than one cycle of the exercises. I think they have a lot of potential, and a lot of people seem to feel they are not as intense as Cathe's other weight workouts, and see this as something bad. If you do them a couple of times, and let the stability ball work (ie: add more instability by keeping your feet closer together, or when seated, lifting one foot off the floor), they can be very effective functional workouts. If they are less intense, they make for perfect recovery week workouts.
I like these workouts. Since she came out with the hardcore workouts I have become a fan of the Gym Styles because I do not have to change the weight on my barbell as much. Plus I have a small living room in my apartment so I have trouble making room for all the stuff. However they are good for a total body workout. I like using the ball as a incline much better than stacking the risers in one side of my step higher.
I think these are must-haves, because you can do so much with the premixes. You can make this workout as hard or as easy as you would like, it is totally up to you.
My only negative comment - the abwork is too short, imo.

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