Talk About Your Misconceptions!


So I'm at the grocery store today. I stopped by after my workout and I'm still in my gym clothes...nothing inappropriate. :) I'm in line and this very nice woman starts talking to me. After a few minutes it's my turn to put my groceries on the belt. The woman looks at what I am buying (two large bags of Ruffles potato chips and two different kinds of dip) and goes, 'I wish I could eat like that and have a flat stomach like you!'. I just smiled. I didn't bother to tell her that A)the chips and dips are what my engineers requested that I bring for the Labor Day pot luck and that B)I gain five pounds of bloat just looking at chips and that C)after hitting a high weight of 245lbs many years back, there is no way in hell I would waste a splurge meal on chips and dip. :)

I would've said that they're not for me and that I work pretty hard to have a flat stomach, not a lot of details, but enough to let the woman know that I was just like her. Too late to do that now :D, but at least she knows that those are not good for her even if she left the grocery store thinking that you could eat those and have a great body.
>I would've said that they're not for me and that I work
>pretty hard to have a flat stomach, not a lot of details, but
>enough to let the woman know that I was just like her. Too
>late to do that now :D, but at least she knows that those are
>not good for her even if she left the grocery store thinking
>that you could eat those and have a great body.

You know I almost did tell her that I don't eat like that, but I had nothing else in my cart and I just decided why try to explain. I just smiled and changed the subject. She really was a very nice person though. I love when I run into nice people.:)
i hear you. i get this a lot. what really annoys me is when people don't understand why i'm not eating cake like everyone or a big heaping pile of cheesefries. they say, "your thin, you don't have to watch what you eat" or "with all the workingout you do, you can eat this" even when i tell them i gain weight and watch what i eat and i'm up at 5a.m. to look the way i do, it seems to go in one ear and out the other and they just think i was born with a fast metabolism then in the same breath if i so choose to eat a little junk food, all eyes are then on me: "oh my gosh look what your eating" why can't we just eat what we eat without the comments? when my friends and family are sitting down to a big bowl of ice cream at night or going for second helpings of food, i don't say "shoud you be eating that" or " your going to eat more". this is by far one of my pet peeves. The in-laws are known for doing this to me. but then again they have never met anyone as disciplined as I. they are 100% italian and their serving of pasta is 3 times a healthy amount and then they get seconds. and they refuse to do any type of physical activity so i'm just a plain nut since i get up at 5 to do it.
I just thought it was kind of funny becuase usually we see threads about what the over weight woman had in her cart. I guess misconceptions goes both ways.

I also get the 'You could probably eat whatever you want.' line alot too. And the fact is yup, as long as I do it in moderation sure I can have a meal of chips and dip without much visual harm. But the one thing that will suffer will be my next workout. If I eat garbage and then try to workout, I feel slow and sluggish. And the last think I want to be when my husband is coming at me with a trident (we are both martial artist...he is a fanatic though!) is to feel slow and sluggish. :)

>I hate any sentence that starts with "I wish....." My
>response is "it doesn't come from wishing!" }(


You are sharp girl.

My daughter has problems with friends pushing food on her and acting like she's starving herself because when she goes to restaurants with them, she usually orders something healthy like a salad. People just don't understand that eating healthy isn't just for losing weight. Taking care of yourself is hard work. Americans are just so used to taking the easy way out.
I would have had to send my DH in to by the chips and dip. If I went in, I'd be wandering around forever wondering where they keep the chips...and the dip. Not that he would know either. But I prefer to leave the aimless wondering to him!:+
>I would have had to send my DH in to by the chips and dip.
>If I went in, I'd be wandering around forever wondering where
>they keep the chips...and the dip. Not that he would know
>either. But I prefer to leave the aimless wondering to him!:+

Mu DH would go in for chips and dip, wonder around trying to remember what he went in for and come out with cookies.

Food pushing has gotten a little better at work these days. One of our close co-workers, and a very big eater has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. He has had to drastically change his diet, lost 40 pounds, and says this has been quite a scare. He wants to see the grandbabies grow up. It has been an interesting transition.
You know I NEVER used to pay any attention to what people had in their carts, but with all of these cart threads lately, I've started to take notice. And I actually noticed a lady staring at my cart today! I had flax seed, dried beans, tofu, and a bunch of other healthy items. She looked at me like she truly pitied me while she loaded up her assorted of frozen pizzas and other processed foods on the cart. She actually looked like she was debating force feeding me a cupcake for a minute there!
lol liann...I just recently starting paying attention to other people cart as well. I was laughing at my own cart as it was filled with beans, fresh veggies, soy milk Kashi and....2 containers of ice cream.

My DH is addicted and I buy quite a bit of it. I get lots of funny looks with all the healthy foods and then tons of ice cream

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