Taking the A.C.E Exam on Thursday, and....


Of course I'm flipping out. :confused: I've been whining enough on my regular check in about how nervous I am, I thought I'd take the time to stress about it openly as well...lol Anyone else have test anxiety as well? To the point that you really question yourself as to whether you did enough, or whether you know enough, or whether you studied enough, or whether you really have what it takes? I've been living and breathing this material for months, and it's been kind of a slow go, I feel like I don't learn the same or as fast as when I was in school full time, which I know is normal. But it's frustrating to say the least............. :confused:

Hi Iris!

Okay, first Good Luck on the test, you'll be fine!

Now deep breath, have you given yourself a dry run of what the test day will be like? If not proceed, I used to do math problems with a timer so I'd be able to finish the tests in the required amount of time...

I don't know what your test involves but before you sleep visualize yourself going through all the motions of what that day requires, confident, poised, as if you've done it a thousand times ( you have right? ;) )

Then, another deep breath
smile, you're fine, the fact that you're stressing proves you not only want to do this, you really care about it!

Good Luck!

the only way to pass the test, is to take the test
Good luck and way to go! You're going to do well! Just be sure to also take a day off right before the test to relax and rest! You're going to need your full attention on test day!

I took the AFFA exams and they are nerve-wracking, especially the demonstration parts! You have these testers walking around watching your every move! I don't know if ACE does the same thing or not, though.

Ask yourself if you've done everything you can to get the material. If the answer is yes, relax and enjoy the ride! You're ready!
Thanks to both of you! I've taken the practice tests, practiced potential math problems, taken the review courses, etc..... and I'm still in fear of blanking out! lol

Linda, I love your quote! And all I've visualized so far is brain freeze, I will work on your suggestion! ;)

Tricia, Yikes @ the AFFA. :eek: Yeah something like that is down the road.......The ACE is just multiple choice and two written simulations. I'm pretty sure ACSM has an oral part, which is what I wanted to tackle next. It's just been so many years since I've taken a "test", I wanted to start off with one that didn't send me to the funny farm!

Thanks ladies. :)
I know what you mean Pinny! I always wanted to bet ACSM certified but just never got around to it and now, I've been out of the business so long, I'd have to start over completely from scratch!

Let us know how you make out!

Oh, and sorry, my bad, that's AFAA not AFFA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) - told you it had been a long time! LOL!
Good luck with your ACE exam...I've had ace for ten years. Timing is key, make sure you don't feel rushed at the end of the exam. You will do great....
The questions are multi layered....be confident in your answers and don't second guess....if you have to "guess" always guess the same (for ex. always guess "c") I learned that in my review classes from Exercise Etc. Your cnances increase of getting more guess questions correct!::D
Personally, I haven't renewed my ACE certification but I feel that it is worthy to have.
You will do well, think positive.
I remember my first test at the exam, Wayne State in downtown Detroit. Proctors all over the place with rules for testing, it was more stringent than my college entrant exams.
Like the previous thread, don't second guess.
Best wishes.
Woo hoo! I passed! More than passed. Thank you ladies for all your advice!! I haven't felt this accomplished in a long time. :)

Wow, congratulations! I was just reading your thread and there you go - you passed with flying colors! Way to go!

I don't get test "anxiety", but when a test seems really hard and really important to want to pass the first time, it gets you really worried. I always find the more you worry, the harder you try, the more you plan...and the more you succeed.

Hope you celebrate this great accomplishment properly!!:cool:
Hi Iris!

Woo hoo! and high fives from the crowd, I was going to post a go get 'em, "Get your game face on!" last night, but thought better of it, just hoping nerves wouldn't get the best of you...and see , look at YOU! wooo hooo!


:D Thank you ladies!!! Unfortunately, since the exam, all I've done is work back to back shifts....:confused: so no celebrating! (yet)

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