tahw secalp evah uoy detisiv

Most note worthy places for me recently are The Bahamas and Anchorage, Alaska.

And material girl, what the heck were you doing in Sudbury, Ontario? I live about 1 hour from there and I don't think of it as a place to go to on my wish list!!!;-)
Mexico, Bahrain (Persian Gulf), St. Petersburg Russia and all over Greece. Was supposed to go to France in May but decided to save some $$, since I was off work nearly 5 months (2 carpal tunnel surgeries and recovery from a car crash). I'm taking a trip called Berlin to Bavaria n June 2009 because I saw THE PRINCESS AND THE WARRIOR and became fascinated with Germany.
Let's see: So far, I've been to:

Other countries: Argentina, Bermuda, Canada, England, France, Italy
(would love to go back and see more of all of them!)

In U.S.: Hawaii, California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida.

Side note: My DS's 4th grade teacher last year was just wonderful for a thousand reasons. Here's one of them: she's a single mom (in her 50s) and she had promised her son that she would take him to all 50 states before he went to college and she did!. (and just "driving thru" didn't count) She finally finished when he was about 17 yo. (They went to Hawaii.) Her DS is now a freshman in college. I thought that was a terrific idea and shows, even if you have a limited budget, you can cover a lot of ground--literally!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>My DS's 4th grade teacher last year was just
>wonderful for a thousand reasons. Here's one of them: she's a
>single mom (in her 50s) and she had promised her son that she
>would take him to all 50 states before he went to college and
>she did!. (and just "driving thru" didn't count) She finally
>finished when he was about 17 yo. (They went to Hawaii.) Her
>DS is now a freshman in college. I thought that was a
>terrific idea and shows, even if you have a limited budget,
>you can cover a lot of ground--literally!
>Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

That is soooo awesome. I had a friend from England whose parents thought it was so weird that they'd seen more of the United States than me. And they'd driven all over and seen everything. Unless I win the lottery I'll never have that kind of time. And I have 5 cats so...
>And material girl, what the heck were you doing in Sudbury,
>Ontario? I live about 1 hour from there and I don't think of
>it as a place to go to on my wish list!!!;-)

LOL! I have been there on business twice - I had to go down into the nickel mines. It's not exactly a great vacation destination, but I did enjoy going there for work. There's the most FANTASTIC little restaurant in Sudbury called Tommy's Not Here - ever been there? The food is outstanding! :9
I never thought I would see Sudbury on this discussion board!

My husband got 3 black bears there years ago when he went there hunting all the time...and yes, they are all 3 on my wall! :p
Going to have to think a bit.

several places in Texas
Lawton, Oklahoma
various places in Missouri
Nashville, Tennessee
Centreville, Virginia
Haarlem, the Netherlands
London, England
Nyack, New York


New Mexico
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Jersey

There are still vast parts of the U.S. I haven't been to, and I haven't spent the night in all of those states--some I just criss-crossed on road trips.


(though they are both part of the U.K. so maybe shouldn't list separately)



Yrros, tub I dluoc ton etirw lla esoht sdrawkcab. Ironically, backwards is a really hard word to right backwards.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
dream blog: http://dreamerfig.blogspot.com
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/f]
OK hteB, ay tnew rof ti huh?}(

(For those wondering, see beth's thread about IMax2 yesterday)

ev'I ylno neeb ot a wef secalp os s'ereh ym tsil . . .

nrob ni AC os nevird revolla rof ylimaf, strops, la te.

revuocnav, adanac (rof eht s'dlrow raif ni eht dim s'08)
nodnol, dnalgne
sirap, ecnarf
xuaedrob, ecnarf

Enough of the backwardness for me - need a few brains for Frieday at work tomorrow.

Love to travel but need more $$$ - finally have independent kids so my time may be coming soon. We are planning a two week or so trip to Australia/New Zealand for our 10th in 2 years.:7

Many of you have been all over the world, so for those of you:

Was it for fun, work, family visits, service, etc?

Mine was as a spouse for a few business trips (England and France, Colorado, Oregon), northern states to see my brother's family who live in Idaho, Mexico was a real vacation as were Nevada and Arizona.
>Yrros, tub I dluoc ton etirw lla esoht sdrawkcab. Ironically,
>backwards is a really hard word to right backwards.
Eek, I said "right" backwards! See what that practice did to my brain? I have an English degree, for Pete's sake.

Jacque, a lot of my travels came from living in Europe for four years. We were there for my husband's job--he's a globe-trotting accountant, which often surprises people. They always ask if he's in the military or something. He got to see several more places than I did on business trips, but I was often stuck in London or Haarlem with my babies while he went to Stockholm or Helsinki or Budapest or wherever.

My U.S. travels just come from moving around too much for various reasons. Then had travels based from those various places. Oh heck, I just remembered I went to Seattle, so I could have added Washington to my list of states.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
dream blog: http://dreamerfig.blogspot.com
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/f]
>LOL! I have been there on business twice - I had to go down
>into the nickel mines. It's not exactly a great vacation
>destination, but I did enjoy going there for work. There's
>the most FANTASTIC little restaurant in Sudbury called Tommy's
>Not Here - ever been there? The food is outstanding! :9

I figured it had to be on business, that's why I moved up north too, but I'm really liking it. Only been to Sudbury a few times to go to Costco but I'll check out Tommy's. I think I've heard of it. It's not until you move out of the big city (ie T.O.) you realize how good you had it for restaurants and shopping!
>I never thought I would see Sudbury on this discussion board!
>My husband got 3 black bears there years ago when he went
>there hunting all the time...and yes, they are all 3 on my
>wall! :p

Tell your husband to come back up here and kill the panther that's on the loose for the last 8 months. He's visited my job site several times, as recently as this week. We have pictures of his paw prints in the snow and they're huge! (He got loose from some local wildlife zoo - as we normally don't have anything bigger than bears on the loose - didn't want to give your southerners the wrong impression of the wild here in the Great White North;-) )
I'm not going to attempt to write backwards...hurts by brain just thinking about it!

Mississippi (live in MS)
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
New York

Canada (British Columbia)
Jamaica (Negril)
England (London)
France (Paris)
I don't get far, but I live in Utah. There is fabulous camping and hiking here--and nothing gets your glutes like a good mountain! My favorite is Mount Timpanogos on the Wasatch range not too far from my home in Salt Lake City. There just can't be a more beautiful hike; including wildflowers, waterfalls, mountain goats, and an incredible view from the saddle and summit. There is also a cool cave, but that is a different trail altogether.

Southern Utah has incredible scenery, hiking and mountain biking.

Zion National Park
Arches National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Numerous State Parks

and fortunately we're not too far from. . .

Grand Teton and Yellowstone--our family's favorite vacation destination.

One day, I'd love to travel. But until then, this backyard is pretty good.


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