

So, is Taebo a good workout DVD to have? I remember reading a post talking about Taebo being a bad exercise, but then I see some of us here still have Taebo. I am considering to sell mine since I am so in love with Cathe's workout:p and I hardly do any of my Taebo now.
Hello Meow,

I have Taebo myself (a five DVD set with the red weighted balls) and I'm not that crazy about them. Although many people do like that kind of workout -- it's just not for me. I will be selling mine at an upcoming garage sale. No offense Billy!

I recently purchased Lo Max (still trying to get the choreography down) and Muscle Max (my muscles are talking to me right now). I do enjoy Cathe as well. I feel that her DVDs are well made and give the exerciser a complete and thorough workout.

Mama :)
I use Billy as a rest day now. I'll do one (or two) of the Advanced Live tapes and enjoy myself. He's very different from Cathe, and while I prefer her consistancy and the actual advanced workouts she gives, I still enjoy his goofiness and the sheer energy he brings. People either love him or hate him. If you enjoy him, keep the tapes and use them every now and again. People say he's bad because he's not as thoroughly consistant as Cathe and the sets are basically campy, but he's okay. I just change sides to start with every time I do him.
Taebo remains the only exercise that widdles my waist and makes it sooooo tight.I can tell a differnce in my abs and waist when I don't do it for awhile.I had been doing km and kpc but nothing compare to taebo for my abs.I say keep them as the resell probaly isn't that great on them and you may want to do them one day.
I love kickboxing (I'd do just that for my cardio, if I weren't concerned about cross training and overuse injuries). But my 20 some Tae Bo workouts haven't gotten a lot of use. I get frustrated with Billy's uneven counting (2 sets of 8 on one side, 5 sets on the other, and sometimes he never gets back to doing the second side.)

There are also some double-time moves I find too fast and not necessary.

I've gotten rid of some of my Tae Bo's on Ebay, and I'm thinking of going through the rest and getting rid of only the ones that I like (the ones that don't make me yell at Billy!)

Kickboxing is a great exercise, and if you like the workouts, then deffinitely keep them. Sometimes you need a break from the same instructor, and it's good to have variety. Of course, if you don't like them for any of the reasons I mentioned, then get rid of them.
I love kickboxing too. My favorite TAEBO workouts are the basic live series, the advanced live nº 2 and the get ripped. I can't wait to order the new kickboxing workouts of Beach Body: Turbo Jam.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
I just ordered Tae Bo complete... comes with two dvds and a punching bag. I heard the punching bag is crap but I already have one at home to use. I figured it would be something fun to do and it was cheap! I was thinking about giving the punching bag away but then I saw these dvds and though it might make it more exciting than just hitting away at the bag. I would get a real bag but they are having and I don't have anywhere to put it, not that I have anywhere to put the cheap one! You put water in the bottom to hold it up and air in the top part.
I think it's good to have just for something different or on lighter days. I know for me it is hard to go back to my other workouts after doing Cathe b/c everything feels easier. I still think Taebo is a pretty good workout, IMO.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


Is there an infommercial for Turbo Jam. I saw this on the Beach Body website and these workouts are not yet available. Do you have the other workouts (i.e., Slim in 6, Power 90, etc.)?

I will never give up my Tae Bo workouts . I have All Live and The advanced Total Series.I say keep them .My waist line can tell when I dont do them for awhile too .
My favorite Tae Bo is the Advanced Ripped series and I always get a good workout with those. I wear half pound gloves to get an even better workout. He's too fast to use my 2 lbs that I use when I do Janis Saffel. I have a couple other Tae Bo, but they are a bit too easy and good for super sore days only. I also felt like I was at an advantage when I got Advanced Ripped because I already had Cardio Kicks and had a chance to learn proper kicking techniques, etc. from Cathe. When I got to Billy's super fast pace, I could keep up well. Cathe will always be my favorite, but it's nice to mix it up. I realize that Billy messes up counts, etc., but he's also endearing for that goofiness and positive energy. I worked out with him in person when he did a class in Dallas. It was great fun. Love him or hate him I guess.

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