Taebo T3

I haven't tried this one (actually I was hoping your post was a review :p ), but have you tried Tracey Staehle? Her KB Sweatfest is a killer, & she has a new DVD coming out--I believe it's called Strike Zone--that looks unique & fun. I also really like P90X Kenpo X. Doesn't require a lot of space & it's a great workout.
Mine's in the mail, so I should be able to give you a review soon!

It's supposed to be comparable (really comparable this time) to the old Live Advanced workouts, and it incorporates a 1lb hand weight for oomph.
That would be great! I loved the old Live advanced. Let's hope the new taebo w/o's are like old Taebo w/o's. Some of the new dvd's are a little on the soft side. From the preview, Shelly looks really great- especially after having a baby!

Looking forward to your review :)
Please let us know how you like the new workouts -- I have ALL of the old Live ones and they were the best. I've ordered others from Billy Blanks after that, but was very disappointed because the "intensity" was not there like it was in the Live videos (some I felt were just way too easy!). I don't want to order anymore stuff from him until he gets back to the "old" ways!!

Thank you -- Julie
>Has anyone tried Taebo's new T3 workout? I'm looking for a
>new kb w/o and have all Cathe's, Bento's, etc.
I caught the last 10 minutes of the infomercial and haven't been able to catch it again. I have lots of TaeBo and like Billy Blanks alot.

If anyone gets it; please review.

viki-nyc :)
I've gotten my videos. I've previewed Sensei (an instructional), Ignition, Acceleration, and Transformation. I've done Ignition and Acceleration. First of all, let me say that I have been doing Tae Bo for 8 years now and I am a BIG Tae Bo fan.

There have been a few minor form tweaks that really increase the sculpting factor. I have absolutely no doubt that these workouts will really help you to change your body. That being said, however, they have absolutely no fun factor for me. I can't see that I would reach for these on even a somewhat regular basis. There is WAY too much instruction on Ignition, especially since they made Sensei. Acceleration starts out with some form instructions and I just forwarded right through that and got on with the workout.

I was REALLY hoping for something along the lines of Get Ripped Advanced or, even better, the old Live Advanced. A lot of the folks from the web club really like them but it's just not what I was looking for. Unfortunately, I am disappointed and for once I am actually going to call customer service and return my videos for a refund. It kind of pains me to do this, but I see no reason to keep them when I really don't think I will use them.

thanks for the review. i was about to order these last night but decided to wait to see what others said. thanks to this thread i just ordered the other kickboxing workouts by Tracey that were mentioned in the beginning of this post in hopes that they will challenge me.
Thanks for your review- I don't think I'll be getting the original program, but did you try the second part of the T3 program called T3 Pure Power? It says it's an advanced program with 3 different w/o's-

1 Pure Power DVD: Dedication
1 Pure Power DVD: Commitment
FREE BONUS WORKOUT: Pure Power Empowerment DVD

I wonder if this one is a little harder-
I had ordered the Tae Bo 90 minute workout he put out before the newer ones you guys are talking about and it totally sucked.x(

Note to Billy: Bring back the old advanced series on DVD or make new ones! Those I reached for every morning! They are what made Tae Bo famous and fun, not this latest crap...its just not the same.:-(

I had hoped for the longest time that Billy would convert his original Advanced Live tapes to DVD, but he lost the rights to them...these workouts just aren't the same, you are so right!
Jerry, they're not boring, but they're just not what I was looking for. Don't get me wrong, they are good workouts and will definitely help someone get into better shape, but I was seriously hoping for something like the old live advanced or get ripped advanced. I would also have appreciated different, recognizable music. I just really did not see myself reaching to do these workouts.

FYI, I had absolutely no problem returning them...I called CS this morning and got a return authorization number and mailed them back this morning. They asked why I was returning them and I just told them it's not quite what I was looking for. Simple as that.
Oh this really bums me out! I was hoping for more too.

I may just return mine when I get them, in light of your review.
They had a survey a few months back, and one of the things that I really focused on is how I feel that he's basically ignored his more advanced exercisers for a long time now.

I understand that he feels his target audience is people that are in need of motivation and just beginning to work out. But there are also a significant amount of us that have been with him for years, and perpetually disappointed with what he's been putting out. It seems like he doesn't pay attention (videos or otherwise) to any of us that already work out consistently as a part of life, and have a more advanced level of fitness.

I even asked for a thread on the boards for those of us. I'm not an instructor, and I'm never going to be. But I'd like a thread for like minded folks that don't need encouragement to work out daily.
The last straw for me was when I was asking for which workouts people were doing while pregnant...and of course I got the tired old "check with your doctor first"...
Well, OK, let's assume that I've already done that (as I said that I had) and am just curious to see what others are doing.

It seems that everyone is so lawsuit conscious that you can't even get basic thoughts like we can out here. (Thank god for Cathe!)

Sorry for this vent. I just feel pretty alienated by Billy in the last few years. I still do the older videos, but I have come to look to Cathe for anything weight or intensity related.
Thanks for the update -- I love Tae Bo as well, but the only ones I use on a regular basis are the 12 live ones and the two Get Ripped Advanced ones. All of the others (to me) are just no fun.
I am a big Tae Bo fan too. But I agree with those who find that the last few Tae bo workout series, just haven't been very good. When I saw the video clip of the new workouts, I immediately felt they weren't going to be anywhere nearly as good as the old Advanced Lives, or Get Ripped series. I could see right away that there is a lot of instruction on these videos. That would drive me crazy. I don't understand why Billy didn't just do an instructional on one DVD, and get right to the workouts with the other DVD's. I think a lot of us intermediate to advanced excercisers have pretty much been left in the dust with the last few workout series. The workouts must be deceaving because if you look at most of the Tae bo instructors, you will that they are pretty ripped, and have great abs, but I'm just tired of seeing strength thrown into these videos, while using 1-2 lb. handweights. That's not going to cut it for many of us.

I recently left the TB club myself, and one of the reasons is that I felt my opinion and those of many of the club members didn't even matter. I would love to see them take more of an interest in what people are looking for in a workout. Just like Cathe listens to all of us.

Furthermore, apparently some of the new workouts seem to have glitches. From my past experience with Amped, nothing will be done about it, other than asking for a refund within 30 days. They will justify the glitches somehow. I hate to admit, but the price of the workouts this time around just isn't worth it to me, when you consider the kind of quality Cathe puts out. I say if they ever go on sale at a Target or Walmart, I may buy them, but not at the prices they are at now.

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