Phyllis is right - this country has become so full of denial and happy spins on catastrophes, that its going to take massive privation for people to wake up...myself included.
The writing was on the wall years best friend (retired at 38, self made, and very conservative) said the administration of the past 10 years has been criminal - free market works when the playing field is LEVEL - there is NOTHING level in today's financial markets..
Paul Volker broke the impending depression in the 80's and the quick recession it brought on lost Bush Sr. his presidency but got the economy stabilized - don't get me wrong - I despised Volker at the time, but today see his wisdom....the Fed won't take such drastic measures these days...
Americans were seduced by easy credit, the banks became cocky - and its VERY akin to 1929 - different set of players, but we OWE everything we eat, drink, ride, and play with to underpaid workers in China....if we want to put Americans back to work, all our toys will cost a I personally - lay back and do nothing....
I grew up during massive recessions in the 70's and 80' kids know nothing except prosperity and jobs everywhere (no benefits,no pensions, no vacations - Bush fails to mention that when he talks about the jobs created - and that they don't pay a living wage, but "the jury's out" as he says) - so the rude awakening is coming.
NEVER thought I'd see a day when Merrill Lynch would go courting a take-over! Lehman brothers (where did Shearson go anyway? OR Fenner with ML - SMith went with Barney and they both went to Goldman right?) - can't find a buyer????WTH?
And cancelling STS?!!!! NEVER thought the day would come when an investment in Cathe would be too rich for my blood!