Suzanne Somers is an actress not a doctor. She may have experience with this sort of thing, but it's with her body, and every body is different.
She was on Oprah a couple of times, and talked about the hormones that she takes, she also takes 45-50 supplements during the day. To me that is so excessive and tells me she is just nutty. Why would anyone take so many supplements? That in itself can be dangerous! She even said (on Oprah) that she was a nut, and that it's her and you don't have to do that.
I wouldn't trust her at all.
Now that I said that, I've taken the plant derivative hormones and they worked for me for many years. I did go to a compound pharmacist and we both (doctor and pharmacist) figured out what was good for me without a blood test. Also after 15 years, I only take a small amount of estrogen now, and only once a week and only on a part of my body that is private. I'm just saying what is good for one person might not be good for another person.
Don't trust anyone that is not a health profession. She is giving them a bad wrap. My doctor's listen to me and we both try things and if it doesn't work, then we try something else. It's an area that is unclear for doctors and laymen alike. You can of course, get the blood test if you feel you need to. I do have to say, though, be careful to not take too much. If you feel like you've been drugged, or heart palpitations or feel funny in any way, either stop, or decrease the amount you are taking. It took me awhile to figure it out but once you do, it is better. Maybe that's why the blood test can help you, it may tell you how low you are on the estrogen. If you have a uterus, make sure when you are taking hormone therapy, that you also take progesterone too. I only take estrogen now because it's such a small amount and it helps me not be so dry. Everything else has cooled down and not a problem anymore.