Susan G. Komen and KFC


Selling pink buckets of fried chicken to find a cure for breast cancer??? Encourage people to eat unhealthy to raise money to find a "cure"? What's next? Selling pink Marlboro packets??

I can't say that I care much for the Susan G. Komen foundation to begin with but this is getting really ridiculous. How about encouraging prevention and a healthy life style?

It makes me want to pull my hair out, reading on all the pinkwashed products "XYZ company supports early detection". How 'bout you support prevention by not selling products that are unhealthy at best or induce cancer at worst? Where I stand an ounze of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Geez wheez!!!
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I'll post an opposing opinion, at leaset they are donationg money to cancer research. I like to eat good old fried chicken every once in a while, what's the problem? I don't think people are going to start eating fried chicken to support breast cancer the foundation. Melissa
Selling pink buckets of fried chicken to find a cure for breast cancer??? Encourage people to eat unhealthy to raise money to find a "cure"? What's next? Selling pink Marlboro packets??

I thought very much the same when I saw that ad.
Selling pink buckets of fried chicken to find a cure for breast cancer??? Encourage people to eat unhealthy to raise money to find a "cure"? What's next? Selling pink Marlboro packets??
I think that Dairy Queen is going to start selling ice cream and hot dogs in pink containers to raise awareness about the high blood pressure caused by eating KFC. And then Long John Silver's will sell hush puppies and fried fish in pink bags to raise awareness for the obesity that Dairy Queen is causing. Then Taco Bell will sell burritos packed in pink wrappers to raise awareness about all the clogged arteries LJS is causing. Then you can go to the doctor and get a Rx for the diarrhea Taco Bell is causing. :eek:

I can understand the need to raise money, but this seems like "dirty" money. Definitely sending mixed messages to the public...:confused:
I thought the same thing. It is weird. However, lots of people buy KFC each and every day, and that is their choice. so if KFC wants to share a part of their profit for a good cause, then okay. People are going to eat it any way. It isn't like one of us is going to go there just to buy a pink bucket, lol.

I haven't eaten at KFC in decades, but I do remember seeing that they are trying to improve. I think they offer grilled or broiled chicken now as a healthier alternative, and I think they are a no trans-fat restaurant.

They're probably trying to improve their image, and their marketing firm thought the pink buckets would scream health-consciousness. I think it's a quite a stretch, though.

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