Survey: reverse flies


Hi everyone! Slow afternoon here at the office... so I'm posting another survey :)

I've been weight training for about 4 years. I still cannot go over 5 lbs when doing reverse flies. I can't lift as high as cathe during reverse's either. I'm pretty defined in my upper back/rear delt areas, but can't seem to lift very heavy. Other back exercises like one-arm rows, barbell rows, etc I can go very heavy. But with reverses, I feel weak. Not sure why this is.

My question - how much can you guys lift during reverse flies? Can you lift up & back as high as they do?

Thank you!! I learn soooooo much from you guys!

Not sure that you want to hear this, but on MIS I use 10 pounds (a 10 in each hand) for reverse flies. Could probably use 12s but don't have them. I think I take the weights thru a full range (up as high as them). If I am doing my own self designed rotation and am moving a little slower and taking more rest between sets I can use 15 pounds. About a year ago I was doing a very heavy lifting routine and little cardio and was up to 20's. I am actually surprised you can only go as high as 5.

Sometimes I don't sit on the edge of my step, but rather on my weight bench and I lean over more. But other times I stand more upright to hit more central back and less rear delts.

Interesting. I look forward to others' responses.

Hi Marnie

I too only use 5lbs but I can lift up that high. I'm thinking about trying my 8's but I still feel I get a good burn from the

I also lift heavier on the other exercises. Sometimes I feel like I can lift heavier when using a barbell instead of hand weights. Something about the way the weight is distributed I think. When doing the slow and heavy with tricep extensions using both arms at once I feel a little weaker. I noticed that before and was going to post about it but forgot.

Anyone else notice the same thing. Barbell easier than hand weights?
Reverse flies are a weakness for me as well. I use 8's, but I know I don't go as high as they do. That's one exercise I really have to concentrate on, they are just not "natural" for me, I thought it was because of the bent over positioning, but whatever the cause, reverse flies are probably the one exercise I don't look forward to!
I usually use 5lb. weights. If I attempt to go heavier my form usually suffers, so I'm content with a lighter weight and perfect form. I think that it's possible to build up to a heavier weight, but the jump from 5lbs. to 8lbs. is way too much.
This thread has me thinking about buying Weight Mates or figuring out a less expensive way to micro load.
With Cathe's tapes, I use 8-10lb dumbbells. If I were to just do one or two heavy sets, it could probably use 12-15lbs...depending on how many reps. I just got S&H but have not done them yet, so I'll be curious how much I'll be able to lift on all exercises, since those tapes are really different than her other lifting tapes!! :)

Interesting. I can go up to 8 or 10 lbs, but I can only do like 4-5 reps at the pace cathe goes in MIS. So I always stay at 5. Jeanne - 12 lbs - WOW! I use 20-25 lbs for one-arm rows, but reverse flies are a challenge. Gotta keep working at it I guess.

Interested to hear more responses

I have been lifting for about 12 years now and have been doing reverse flyes the whole time. I started lifting with Margaret Richards of Body Electric. She used to do them with this pulsing movement--you pull back and then pulse/hold for two counts. I remember progressing from 5's to 8 with her tapes. And it was a big jump.

I also feel I can handle more weight with a barbell than dumbbells. Maybe it is easier to stabilize ourselves with the barbell because the weight is so evenly distributed. But it is interesting--wouldn't some law of physics say the barbell would be heavier because the bulk of the weight is further from our center of gravity?

Hi, Marnie! Reverse flyes have always been a part of my strength training workout, and I'm up to 16 reps with a 16-lb weight load per arm per session.

Because flyes are long-lever work, the weight load we can comfortably do with them is usually less than any short-lever work like a one-arm bentover row, barbell rows, or any other lift that involves a bent elbow. Plus, flyes abduct the weight way out to the sides of the body rather than keeping the arms closer to the trunk.

It took a lot of time for me to get up to a 16-lb. weight load for reverse flyes. I'd add reps, then add weight and drop reps. And I have to do 'em slow, or my back over-arches.

I too can only use 5#! I was curious, I also use only 5# during front delt raises. But for overhead presses, side laterals and other shoulder work, I use 12# with no swaying or trembling. What the heck! Does Power Hour have a section with reverse flies or front delt raises? I'd really like to beef up my endurance in these two areas! Sorry ot go off on a tangent Marnie!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-02 AT 11:16AM (Est)[/font][p]I have a hard time with them too. I can do 5# on a good day, sometimes if it's at the end of a workout, or I can only do 3# for the final set. It has always been the hardest for me. It always looks so easy for those on the tapes (Cathe & Firm). All other shoulder work I can go up to 10# no problem. I usually do 8# or 10# but not the rev. fly.
Marnie: i know you asked about reverse flyes, but wow - i thought i was doing well with 15# on the one arm rows and you do 20 - 25!

It sounds like we all have different areas of strength. I struggle w/8# on reverse flyes.

By the way: I don't particularly like shrugs ( i think they're in the PS series), but Cathe says you want to go light. What is light? What do you guys use?
Sorry Marnie, but this is a cool topic! i like to see what other people are lifting :)
I can comfortably do the reverse fly with 10lbs. I am able to use 12lb but my right side is weaker than my left - when I use 12lbs right now - my left side can handle it but my right can't.

I am going to experiment adding 1lb wrist weights to help my right side catch up.

Keep lifting - no matter what the weight is! What is right for you may not be right for others!
on the p/s series when she says light I go 3lbs for the shrugs - I figure light for Cathe is heavy for me!

Thanks for your replies! You guys totally inspire me!

Well, I did MIS this morning and I used 8 lbs during reverse flies... for both sets!! With full range of motion! I guess I needed to challenge myself. I got a boost of confidence reading your posts. I am so impressed with you guys!

Jillybean, don't aplogize for going off tangent, I love these discussions! Power Hour has a really interesting front delt raise section using a barbell plate. To me it feels a lot different than using dumbells.

Aquajock, as always you blow me away! 16-lbs... whoa! That's amazing! You are so strong. I've got to patient. I've been a runner a lot longer than I've been lifting

Lynn, for shrugs I use 10 lbs. I always wondered what cathe & the girls use because she makes a point of saying to go light on shrugs. I'm afraid of going heavier because of her comment about muscular traps on women!!! :)

Anyway, thanks for the responses so far!

RE: update...

Reverse flies have always been a strength challenge for me as well. I use 8 #'s and it's TOUGH!

For lat rows, I use a 25 # dumbell.

About the shrugs in PS, I also use 10 # dumbells, but have never known what she meant by "light". I think I'll lower my weight on this because those neck muscles are definitely an area I DO NOT want to make bigger.

I will have to say that Cathe's MIS and PS Series have really helped me with my strength gains!!

Jeanne :-cool
RE: update...

Hi, everybody! I love a survey! I too stay with 5 to 8 pounds on the reverse flye. I feel it is important exercise for me since it's so much easier to train the front of the shoulder and to neglect the back. Since I do the reverse flye to zero in on my posterior delt I have never considered my self wimpy for preferring the 5 pounders. (I stand in awe of Jeanne and Annette!) Still, I cannot imagine ever using that much weight to work that tiny muscle! Well, MINE, are tiny. LOL! In fact, part of the problem is finding a comfortable position doing a seated reverse flye. And then there's the fact that my arms are long. It's just a really awkward one for gawky old me! I was very happy to discover the Slow/Heavy rotator cuff exercise at the end of the legs and shoulders tape. I feel the back of the shoulder so well with that exercise, I am trying to incorportate it weekly!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: update...

Bobbi wrote: Still, I cannot imagine ever using that much weight to work that tiny muscle!

Jeanne writes: When your wrists fact each other--as in MIS or Body Max- I think more of the upper back muscles also come into play on the reverse fly. Note Cathe puts it with back. This is the move I can perform heavy.

When the wrists face back--as in CTX shoulders--I think more focus stays on the smaller shoulder muscle. I can still use 10's here, but prefer to use 8's and really concentrate on the shoulder.

For those looking to increase their weight, do the first movement. Jeanne

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