Supersize She--OMG!

>DH and I watched this a while back. It appears to me that
>female body building, at least at the heavy weight level, has
>gone out of control. I agree that the women up there, while
>they were muscular, looked sickly in other ways.

That's why the "fitness competitions" came about. Somewhere in the late 80's or in the 90's, women body builders started looking decidedly unfeminine (especially compared to the 1980 body builders like Rachel McLish and Gladys Portuguese...Cory Everson was big, but still looked feminine). Attendance dropped, and organizers looked for a way to bring the public back, thus the fitness contests (where women looked like the 1980's bodybuilders) were born. Now there are "figure contests" that go for an even softer look, because fitness contests are starting to get that less feminine look as well, at least some of them.
I don't know why some even
>find her sexy and paying to see her on her pornographic
>site...WHY? That is not sexy!

Well, people have all sorts of odd fetishes. Some would pay to see someone do #2. Some would pay to see an 800# woman naked. Some get the idea (I'm grossing myself out, here!).
I haven't seen it yet, but now I'm morbidly curious. For anyone who's interested, it comes on again September 12 at 10:00PM (EST, I would assume).

I saw the show list nite too on TLC and I felt for the parents who are worried about her little girl, they show a pic of her when she was little and she was adorable, it was hard to see that little girl in the body builder she is now, I wonder if this was an addiction, like any other, you loose your mind and all senses, she knew people critize her a lot, the part that strike me the most was in the competition, all women were looking at each other not with kindness and care, as we women are :p nurturers, I think of women as mothers, daughters, sisters, the look I saw was so evil it is beyond words, someone help me and tell me what look was that?

I felt for the
>parents who are worried about her little girl, they show a pic
>of her when she was little and she was adorable, it was hard
>to see that little girl in the body builder she is now.

She still looked feminine and cute in the video of her first contest (I wonder what she thinks when she looks at her face then and now?).

I don't see how her parents can deal with this. They didn't look very happy, especially when she said that she was going to continue to workout and work on getting her legs bigger so she was more proportionate (the reason she didn't win the Ms. Olympia).
I felt for the
>parents who are worried about her little girl, they show a pic
>of her when she was little and she was adorable, it was hard
>to see that little girl in the body builder she is now.

She still looked feminine and cute in the video of her first contest (I wonder what she thinks when she looks at her face then and now?).

I don't see how her parents can deal with this. They didn't look very happy, especially when she said that she was going to continue to workout and work on getting her legs bigger so she was more proportionate (the reason she didn't win the Ms. Olympia).
I really wish I got the channel this show was on. I heard one woman on there was at 2.5% body fat. Now that is near death status!!! I can't believe it! I wish I cold see this show!!!
You know, there is one value these people can have: to serve as a living muscle anatomy chart! Especially the lean African American woman who won the contest: you could see the separation between every single muscle in her body! But how many anatomy chart models does one need?

One thing I found odd: the "woman" they were following around wanted to win so badly, but she kept her hair down, so in certain poses (like the bending forward with arms out to the sides to show the traps and shoulders), it covered the muscles instead of showing them off.
I think it's comparable to women at the other extreme. Taking exreme measures to drop to a size 0 or 2. I think they all have a sickness and may need professional help to realize it. (Please don't misunderstand this statement as saying that wanting to be that size makes you sick, I think wanting to be that way and doing so unhealthily is a sickness. i.e. exercise bulemia, food bulemia, anorexia, severe calorie restriction.....half of Hollywood is on this list.
Was she the browon-eyed blond Brit? I saw a show about a competitor
a while back and she was certainly masculine. Rare is the woman who is genetically predisposed to put down that muscle and I say if they want to, they should. It's no different than the males who go for mega muscle. Not for me but why not for someone who wants it? These careers are short-lived but it's just another form of being very involved in something with passion and many people do that in one way or another.

Have you seen the one with the little boy who's parents had him pumped by the time he was 2 or 3? It was sickenly facinating as are the manly women but that I found appalling. He had never eaten anything but a liquid diet and it was freaky and sad and abusive. These women are adults and chose it and I find them both rather grotesque and compelling. Not for me but a little more muscle would be nice. ;)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
OMG!! I think I'm going to have nightmares from those pics! That's just scary. Makes me want to drop my poundage at the gym. (As if I'd look like that! lol)
Im not sure if this is the same show that I saw but DH and I were watching t.v the other night and there was a women body builder on there.She has a red tank top on and she was packing her bag or something...anyway...DH was saying "no way, that can't be a women,she sounds like a man" She looked like a man dressed up as a women.I can't remember if he changed the channel OR if I fell asleep.Chances are, I fell a sleep.
I think this is when exercise gets not so healthy.You can't deprive your body of food for monthes and then pump it up.I each there own I guess.God made me a women and I am going to try my darnest to stay look'in like a women:)

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