Supersets/PushPull DVD problem


Active Member
I can't use the premixes on this DVD. They start with something nonsensical like the stretch, and then I end up at the Mix N'Match menu. The Workout Blender and Mix N'Match functions don't seem to work either--completely different selections from the ones I enter get played. The other DVDs in this series seem to work for me, though. Have other people had similar problems? How did you solve them? Any advice would be appreciated.

wow you too?? i bought supersets/pushpull from ebay. i can't use the premixes or blender at all. sometimes it starts with the pushpull warm up, then replays the warm up again. if i try to go back to the menu, it replays some other part of the workout, or just freezes. and i cannot get supersets to play at all! it just replays the pushpull warmup over and over. and get this - the first time i worked out to pushpull, it replayed the deadlift segment 3 times and i thought "are we supposed to do 3 sets of deadlifts??" ha ha ha then i knew something was wrong when it went back to the warmup again. i contacted the seller who told me it worked fine when she played it. but she offered me a refund so i could buy a new copy. i JUST NOW ordered a new copy from and then decided to check the forums! just saw your post. oh man i hope the copy i just ordered will play normally cuz i am dying to do these workouts!! my pure strength DVD plays just fine. i hope supersets/pushpull is not defective. so to answer your question, i didn't really solve the problem, i just ordered a new copy from please let me know if yours works or what you're doing about this. thank you!!

If only the Premix and Workout blender will not work and everything else works okay, then the problem is with your players firmaware. Premixes and the workout blender will not work on all DVD players. About 3 to 5% of players will have issues with premixes and the blender.
thanks, that is good to know. however if i can't play the entire supersets segment, or pushpull keeps replaying the warmup, or it skips around, or freezes, or the menu will not play at all (i like to do abs after my runs for example, i could not get a specific exercise to play).. does this mean the DVD itself is defective?
In that case it would be possible for the DVD to be defective. What you would want to do is try playing the DVD on another player. This is the only way to know if the problem is the disc or the players firmware.You should also try cleaning the disc just to make sure that a "smudge" is not causing the problem.
It can be very frustrating because there seems to be no logic behind it. In the last series, I could play some of the DVD's on either of my players, but on a couple of them I could only play them on my exercise player, which is more sophisticated. (Even so, it sometimes has trouble with a Charlene DVD I use.)

I'm starting to think the DVD players are alive, like computers!;-)

well i ordered another copy of supersets/pushpull from and i still have the same problems in my DVD player. i played it in my neighbor's DVD player - same problems. i cleaned the disc, same problems.

so exactly what brand/type of DVD player do i need to play this disk??? i am afraid of ordering any more cathe DVDs because this is so frustrating. for $50 you'd think it would play!!! very disappointing. it skips around, replays the intro etc etc IT IS WORTHLESS!!!!

thanks for an unplayable disk :(
This is the first Cathe DVD I ordered. The first TWO that I was sent were both defective ( I had the same problems as Marnie). I had to send both of them back to SNM to have them verify that they were in fact defective. They replaced the DVD twice and I now have one that works.
It was somewhat frustrating but after I got the problem fixed I've ordered many more! Keep working with them until you are satisfied.
I am so frustrated by this dvd. I've had some problems freezing and such with other dvds, but have always been able to rectify them, but with this dvd...I CAN'T GET IT TO WORK! It's driving me nuts.

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