

<---got up waaaay to early this morning.x(
<---needs another cup of coffee BAD!
<---is doing Cardio and Weights today.
<---waves a big hello to Catheland.
<---wonders who else in the North East is getting pelted with bad rain and wind today?
<--waves hello to Wendy and everyone to follow.
<--just talked to DH who is at a conference this week.
<--doesn't have sore-throat-thingee anymore.
<--is still tired but on the mend. :)
<--wishes everyone a lovely day. :)

<---waves Hi to Wendy & Cath and all those to follow.

<---is trying to wake up.

<---loves her coffee in the AM and is what gets her out of bed!

<---has to teach a class this morn and needs to get in the shower.

<---is so happy to hear that Cath's sore throat is gone.

<---wants Wendy to know she is unfortunatley having the same UGLY weather.

<---has a hard time getting out of bed on such an ugly morn.

<---wishes you both and those to follow a nice day.

<---wonders who will post before I hit the post button????

<---came back to say that is a FIRST! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<---just looked at Cath's pics and thinks they are awesome!:)
<---thinks Cath and her DH make a cute couple. :)
<---is FINALLY going to make that 2nd cup of coffee now!!!
<---waves back to Debbie.
<--waves hello to Debbie too
<--also usually sees a post after she is done writing :)
<--says thanks to Wendy :)
<--tells Wendy she likes her pics too!
<--thinks Wendy's son is adorable!!!
<--needs to get some more pix on <--'s picture trail :)
<--is now craving coffee :)
<---says TY to Cathy.
<---feels better now b/c she is drinking her 2nd cup of coffee.
<---breakfast is next on her to-do list.:9
<--am FINALLY up this morning
<--might be faking it
<--drinking my morning glass of water
<--too early for coffee
<--went to the office for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday
<--didn't miss much
<--cat needs to get out of <--lap
<--rather difficult to type!
<--am going to be singing Supercalafragalisticexpialadocious all day
<--says BIG thanks to Wendy for that!
<--Hopes all is great, rain or not, in Catheland today!

<--- says good soggy morning to all in Cathe land.
<--- joins Debbie and Wendy in the dreary weather lament - it is cold and raining here in DC.
<--- likes the title of this thread and now will have jingle in head all day.
<--- needs something in head besides air anyway.:eek:
<--- tends to get deprezzled in this type of weather.:-(
<--- tells Pinky that <---'s biceps are GROWING!! DH noticed!:eek:
<--- thanks Pinky and sends hugs and a big smooch her way!:7
<--- now must go and puzzle over the coffee machine - it's reluctance to operate is unacceptable and will not be tolerated!x(
<--- probably will end up going to Starbucks.:9
<---thinks Rogue should just go to Starbucks anyway and not even mess with that darn coffee machine! }(
<---has nothing else to say at the moment so she will shut up now. :p
<--waves hello to Wendy, Momma D, Rogue, Cathy, martijean1 and all to follow:)
<--adds to the dreary weather lament but is just SHOCKED that there was no dreadful traffic to deal with this morning
<--wondering if everyone else knows something <-- don't??!!
<--of course will be singing supercalafragalisticexpialadocious all day :+
<--misses her Catheland biatches so much...especially because of insane workload and no PC at homex(
<--hoping to acquire new PC before <--goes completely insane.
<--is having breakfast right now
<--will be needing caffeine IV drip to get her through the day
<--tells Rogue <-- gets depressed in this weather too, ughh...wait till the snow gets here:-(
<--- tells Sandy that <--- thinks that maybe some folks called out of work today figuring on the traffic jams from the weather and didn't want to deal...??

<---is sleepy already b/c <----she got up to early.x(

<---will sleep like a baby tonight now that <----knows her car will be fixed soon.:)
<--tells Wendy that could be it and while very happy there was no traffic...is thinking <--should have been one of those that called in sick!!
<--asks Wendy what happened to her car??
<---tells Sandy hit and run last weekend while <---was asleep in her bed and DH was at bowling. Car was parked in front of <---house and a neighbor came home drunk and tried to park his truck in her spot LITERALLY! <----car is smashed up good! x(
<---neighbor went to cops a couple days later and confessed though! :)
<--- waves a sleep good morning to everyone
<--- is glad Wendy's car is getting fixed
<--- is jealous of Sandy's lack of traffic this morning
<--- thinks maybe all Sandy's traffic came my way instead:p
<--- tells Rogue she should hit up Starbucks fo shizzle
<--- asks Rogue to get her a pumpkin scone while she's there;)
<--- is thankful that she has cramps because it means the hell of PMS is over;)
<--- tells everyone that it is also very grey and rainy here
<--- isn't minding it
<--- wishes she was back at the Marriott with the girls
<--- tells Wendy that there is a marathon in Nashville end of April 2006 that several of us are thinking of doing:)
<---thanks Shelley for the info on Nashville.:D
<---unlike Shelley, <---IS minding the grey and rainy weather. x(
<---is going to get the little guy up now. BBL!:)
<--- gives a big holla to all the Catheites out there
<--- is happy to finally have some time to resurface at my favorite website :)
<--- is so sorry to hear about Wendy's car -- what a story!!
<--- would love a pumpkin scone too, if Rogue's going out to get 'em for us ;-)
<--- is still smiling from DS #1's visit home from college this past weekend
<--- has Cardio Coach Vol. 4 plus Pyramids UB abs segment on tap for today, and dreads those pikes (or should say, dreads TRYING those pikes)
<--- LOOOOOOVES Cardio Coach 'cause it's given new life to a boring old treadmill and is good for boring old recovered knees
<--- is looking out at a grey, overcast, cold day but is so glad that fall weather is (temporarily for the ATL, no doubt) finally here
<--- has DS #2 home today due to teacher conferences and just took a nice peek at him all burrowed down into the covers
<--- needs to get this show on the road!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
<--can't seem to wake up this morning...
<--thinking of working out and making carob protien shake with leftover coffee
<--maybe will get a "zing"??
<--wonders how many "flyladies" are on this thread??
<--am cleaning up paper clutter today, all of it
<--sending cool sunshine to Wendy!

<--sends super big hugs to Kathy and wants her to know <--misses her very much!
<--wants to know how DS #1 is liking college!
<--cannot believe Wendy's hit and run story!! So glad no one was IN the car when it happened
<--tells Shelley that <--would gladly be stuck in traffic coming up by her so can sneak in a visit with the great limecat:7 }( :p
<--needs to get back to work but is irresistably drawn back to this thread!!
<--- thanks you gals so much for making <--- forget about the dreary weather.
<--- pleads with all to not mention SNOW.
<--- is going to Hawaii in November and CANNOT WAIT!!!!
<--- hopes Sandy acquires a new PC soon!
<--- gave the coffee machine a death ray stare to no avail.x(
<--- went to Starbucks and got something really yummy.:9
<--- is sending pumpkin scone vibes to Shelley.:)
<--- is intrigued by marathon in Nashville.
<--- would probably lose legs for life if <--- tried to run 26.2.
<--- loves to run but has a quirky ITB that limits mileage.
<--- is outta here before someone mentions snow again! x(
<--- tells Rogue that there is also a HALF marathon;)
<--- thinks Nashville would be lovely in the spring
<--- actually has no idea how she's going to get there but promised, so will have to find a way
<--- wishes there was someone nearby she could carpool with
<--- still has cramps

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