SUPER tired, run down 45 yr old Catheite


Can I get some opinions? For two weeks, I have been so run down I cannot really exercise much. Usually I do 6 days a week (4 days cardio, 2/3 days of weight training, yoga here and there). Started a few weeks after having the flu so maybe I still have it? Went to do my usual run a week ago Friday and my heart rate shot up. So I went home and said, "OK day off". Happened again the next day. Sunday did yoga then last week took it pretty easy . Now on third day of no exercise - tried the running thing and made it 1 minute - I feel winded, dizzy sometimes when I wake up. No fever, just wiped out.

Is my life stressful? Well of course, being the FT working mom I am but not more than usual. I am 45 almost 46, so thinking is this the start of menopause? Notice my hair is falling out abit more than ususal. Weight the same (I am normal weight). Diet pretty good. Feel thirsty a lot. Going to the doctor next week and will get blood work.

But wondering if anyone has gone through this? Lots of threads on signs of when to take a break, which I read. But after all this breaking, I am not feeling any stronger. Clearly strong enough to write this long winded email, so let me close by saying: opinions please. Many thanks.

It could be many things. If it's just since your bout of flu, I would think it was because your body just hasn't recovered yet. But since you are having blood test have them check your estorgen, testosterone, TSH, T4 free & T3 free. You might also try to include 2 bananas each day for extra potassium to see if that helps. Low sex hormones as well as low thryoid are cause lethargy. As though you are dragging through the day and can't quite muster the umph that is normal for you.

Best of luck,
I think you're doing what you should - go see your doctor and make sure you discuss all the symptoms you've mentioned here! I hope everything turns out okay and it's just that you're body's taking longer to recover from the flu!
I agree that it could be many things - thyroid issues, combo of overtraining and stress, or menopausal symptoms, or something else entirely! Your dr. can run some tests to at least rule things out and can also determine if you're menopausal. Hang in there!
This happened to me many years ago, and it turned out I was severely anemic. So, it's good to get bloodwork done (esp. hemoglobin levels). Once my hemoglobin levels rose back to normal, I felt more energetic.

I'm very fit, but I often follow a pattern of 3-5 days on, one day off. If I feel like 6-7 days on, one off, I'll do that -- but I don't force it. I do intense workouts on those "on" days, and taking one or two days off a week seems to keep me going strong. So, if your blood work comes back okay, you may need an extra day off here and there.

Hope everything works out well!
Did you take a probiotic after you had the flu? If your flora and fauna were not properly repopulated that could have this effect.

Also, you might want to see your doctor, just to rule out something else. I hope you feel better.
I would make a short appt with your doctor and have them order some blood tests. Ask to get the works... It can show if you have viral infection...low iron...thyroid...diabetes...etc. After those results post back and take it from there.
I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Hang In There...Peggy

Wow - I am printing these replies out and bringing to my doctor appointment. You have all been so so helpful. Really appreciate it. Anemia runs in my family on my Mom's side. And come to think of it, it hit her and her mother in their 40s. Lightbulb!!!

So hard for me to learn after all these years that taking care of myself includes rest and recovery and C-A-R-E.

Thanks all.

We are the same age (but shhh, don't tell my kids, I am 22, and keep havin' annversaries of being 22). I am tired all the time as well, I chalk it up to stress. I am also borderline anemic goin' through MEANOPAUSE....

The supplements that I need to take (been off for a month) that seems to help are:
Vitamin B's
Lydia Pinkman with iron vitamins (doesn't make you contispated)
Flax seed oil in capsule form
Cleated calcium
Probotics both veggie and fruit
Vitamin C

Cantelope has more potassium and Vitamin C than bananas. Also cherries are good for DOMS as well as chocolate milk.

I try and do a colon and laxative cleanse once a month.

Right now I am bloated and feel out of balanced (which is nothin' unusual).

For the dizziness I do have an irregular heart beat which was discovered when I was pregant with my youngest but I refuse to take the medicine. So I can't do pivots, turns and burpees. I have to modify like something fierce.

I would also check any supplments for chromium which tends to elevate heart beat.

I just realized I need a whole new entire body overhaul! LOL Seriously hope you feel better and let us know. (hugs)
Hi, I am 38, went through premature menopause at age 34, and had Hashimoto's thyroiditis (autoimmune hypothryoid). For sure it could be a combination of meno/thyroid and just being run down/age/stress. Fatigue and hair loss are symptoms of hypothyroid. I would definitely recommend the following blood work/labs to see where you're at:

CBC--complete blood count


Free T4
Free T3

These also have a big impact on energy and should be tested:
Vitamin D
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I agree with the above,only with those routine labs,also the complete metabolic profile to assess your kidney function etc.

Flu takes a few months to recoup - its a population leveler and whacks one harder as you get older- so flu/pneumonia shots every area where I'm not yoga-naturalist!

2 co-workers developed thyroid problems following nasty colds last year...hyperthyroid that knocked them out...medication for awhile, and then it resolved.

Then, if all is normal..........I personally went early for my physical at 46,convinced I had thyroid failure, brain tumor, early dementia, and everything super normal (and a period that now came monthly instead of 4 times a year, who needs it at 46?!)- it began to dawn on me, that with my shoulder cartilage GONE,my hip and knee wonking,eyesight abruptly requiring reading glasses, hearing not so keen. my new dread of high intense workout, I had just rapidly entered a new phase in life, and after 2 years of fussing about it....I'm kind of giving myself permission to ease up a little....still getting Cathe's HIIT workout and the travel one (to use the bands) but not the real intense ones....its an adjustment believe me!

Hope all is well and all you're doing is entering middle age gracefully - but I suspect its a lengthy recoup from flu...
Take a break from intense workouts


I hope you are feeling better soon and that it isn't anything serious.

If I could suggest to you to take some time off from intense exercise and
just to stretching or using a foam roller and taking walks. I suggest this because
I am 48 almost 49 years old and felt very much like you do now. I took several weeks
off and feel much better doing this. I actually lost 6 lbs in the first month that I did this. My body was telling me to take a break and I finally listened.


Can I get some opinions? For two weeks, I have been so run down I cannot really exercise much. Usually I do 6 days a week (4 days cardio, 2/3 days of weight training, yoga here and there). Started a few weeks after having the flu so maybe I still have it? Went to do my usual run a week ago Friday and my heart rate shot up. So I went home and said, "OK day off". Happened again the next day. Sunday did yoga then last week took it pretty easy . Now on third day of no exercise - tried the running thing and made it 1 minute - I feel winded, dizzy sometimes when I wake up. No fever, just wiped out.

Is my life stressful? Well of course, being the FT working mom I am but not more than usual. I am 45 almost 46, so thinking is this the start of menopause? Notice my hair is falling out abit more than ususal. Weight the same (I am normal weight). Diet pretty good. Feel thirsty a lot. Going to the doctor next week and will get blood work.

But wondering if anyone has gone through this? Lots of threads on signs of when to take a break, which I read. But after all this breaking, I am not feeling any stronger. Clearly strong enough to write this long winded email, so let me close by saying: opinions please. Many thanks.

You, too? I was just lamenting I have only worked out 5 Days this whole month!! Mostly for the reasons you've stated. I've been ridiculously exhausted and get seem to get over it. I need to find another doctor and go for a check up. (my current doctor of 10 years doesn't take my new insurance; she gave me a referral and that doctor's first appointment for new patients was......March 2010!!!!!! give me a break - love the US "health care system"!!!). So first I guess I need to find a "doctor of my choice." Grrr.
Hey I am thinking the U.S. health care system needs a blog of smart fitness minded people like you all to get it back on its feet. Wow, this is great intelligence. I will admit all those "middle age" references hurt my ego (!) but well I am 45 so time to face facts.

I feel a bit stronger after the three day break and continue to take it very easy, get adequate sleep. In this heat, that would be the rigth answer no matter what.

Will check back in once I meet with my doctor and have the blood work done.

But the main question: will I have to give up chocolate?????


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