Sunshine-on my shoulders, Makes me happy...


OK, enough of the late winter doldrums. Lets hear some happy thoughts. Can you dredge up three:

1. I leave for the sunny Caribbean in less than two weeks.

2. My DGS has begun to notice books and gets excited when you get to the page with the OOOOOO's on it.

3. Five weeks after knee surgery and I can do the cardio from 4DS.
Funny you should post that lyric Robin, I was in a grocery store this morning and heard John Denver's 'Annie's Song' and got to thinking that his music was borderline cornball but lovely in it's sentimentality :) K...

1. My 18 year old Elizabeth has been accepted at all of the Universities to which she applied.

2. The bills are paid and I can order STS before the end of the pre sale.

3. I feel loved.

Take Care
1. St. Patty's Day is less than two weeks away!

2. A friend of mine, who has been very blue, just got an amazing new job that has made her much happier!

3. In the next couple of months I'm going to see Caribou, Iron & Wine, Lou Reed, Citizen Cope, and DeVotchcka!
Okay, Robin, I'll give it a try:

1. I have good friends who put up with my whining and bitching... frequently:p

2. I just got a small raise and fairly substantial performance bonus at work.

3. The sun is shining today, so if I keep my back to the window, I can pretend it's summer:p
1. I'm about ready to come out of the HH/HHH.

2. It's nice out and it's DD's riding lesson tonight and I'll probably run into another Mom there who I've met before who is really nice and funny and who "gets it" because she has a kid with autism too.

3. I have a BF/SO who is gentle, sweet, funny, kind, affectionate and generally just full of juicy goodness.
OK. Today is one of those days where I need to and should count my blessings...
1. I've been blessed with beautiful children and look forward to October. :)
2. I have an amazing DH who is a better father than I could have even imagined.
3. I have an amazing extended family too who are so kind and supportive.

Thanks Robin, this was a great thread to start. We all need to stop and remind ourselves of our many blessings each day!

PS Congrats on Greyor's progress! I know you are so proud!! Have you read "Mrs. Wishy Washy" by Joy Cowley to him? That always is a big hit with my boys. The repetitiveness in it allows them to participate more. I love all of her books.

Wow! Wow! This is tougher than I thought today, but I'll give 'er a go :p

1. The sun is shining
2. I managed to retrieve MOST of my iTunes library, but not all of it (don't even ask)
3. My niece, who was in a terrible accident, is out of the rehab facility and back home with her parents where she is getting physical therapy as an outpatient. It looks like she MIGHT make a full recovery. Prayers are always welcome ;)
1. I just found out that a major project has been put on hold until Monday, so when the snow hits tomorrow, I can take a snow day and STAY HOME.

2. My old horse has kept weight on through the entire winter for the first time in years.

3. I found a really cool art supply store within walking distance from work :7
>Liann, how many weiners do you have? Three? How many piggies?
>Three? Good things come in threes!

Ok, in that case:

1. Dakota
2. Cheyenne
3. Montana


1. Dharma
2. Angie
3. Karma

Hmm... I think DH might get mad that he didn't make either of these three, so here's another alternative:

1. My DH and I are together and in good health.
2. My family is all healthy and living close to me.
3. Me and DH have decent jobs that pay the bills.

Ok, I feel a little better. ;)
Okay, I'll play too!

1. The sciatica thread reminded me that MY sciatica is pretty much GONE. :D If that's not something to be happy about, then I don't know what is!

2. I have a great DH, nice house, and 3 crazy but loving cats.

3. I have DOMS }(
This is a wonderful thread.

1. It’s not raining (I live in Oregon so this is a big deal)
2. After 21 ½ years I am still in love with my husband and the love is returned 110%
3. I am blessed with two amazing little (well one is 6’1 so not-so-little) boys who tell me they love me and that they think I’m a terrific mom often.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

Let's see.....
1. I have a great son who makes me smile all the time.
2. I love my Dh just as much if not more today than when we married almost 8 years ago.
3. I have been injury free for a year.
1. I am happily married to my best friend.
2. We are happy, healthy and safe.
3. We are both employed and able to eat, pay for a home and pay for the clothes on our backs.
Ok Robin here goes....

1. I finally figured out after trying wine again after dieting really clean for the past 6 weeks, that alcohol does agree with my body. One less food I have to worry about making my middle mushy.

2. I got a ton of errands done today and snagged a last minute hair appointment for grey roots are showing pretty bad!

3.I am thankful I have sunny days here in Vegas, and know alot of you wish you had a little more of the bright stuff.

4. I have a loving, funny, hardworking DH who is the best at what he does and loves doing it. I am lucky, I don't have a partner who hates their job and complains about it all the time.;)

Whew. That was pretty nice actually. Thanks again Miss Robin!:7
I thought of another one...

I'm sooooooo happy that my car broke down while it was still in the garage x(

But really, I would've been pretty upset had it died while I was tooling down the interstate or something ;)
What a great idea! Thanks Robin!

1. Saw the first crocus of Spring today and was thrilled to think that I will be warm again!
2. I am planning a European tour with my DH. This coincides with our 22nd anniversary!
3. My DS has done an amazing job in this 2nd semester of college. This is after a less than stellar first semester.

I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing :)
I want to second to the 10th degree, what a great thread !

1. Today is Thursday so that means tommorrow is FRIDAY ! Woo Hooo !

2. The Sharks won last night and 2 of my fav players scored !

3. We have had quite a few decent sunny days here (am in CA so is kinda strange we have had to wait so long) and therefore, my Vitamin D is building and my mood is getting better and better:7 . I am definitely a Sunshine girl as in I need it or you don't wanna be around me for too long.

It's nice that this thread has reminded many of us that we have lots to be thankful for and that family and friends are very important to us.

I stopped at 3, but really love my entire family and in-laws, and that includes a little 6 month old grandson that I absolutely adore:D

Thanks for the reminder Robin!

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