Summer Fitness Challenge

Hi Girlies,
Sounds like everyone is having a good day.I feel so sleepy.I think its b/c I don't have anything to do.If this place cleared out, I would watch a bit of t.v , and just hope that I didn't get caught:) The boss usually goes home around 4 so I can watch a bit later.
Lori- Its so hard to workout when you have food in your belly.I can remember when I would not eat a big dinner so that I could workout.Now, I just eat and it is an excuse not to workout! How times have changed!
Lori-DH was very sweet last night,hey? My DH stays safe and doesn't say much.Until he notices big changes.
Shelly-Are you gonna try a new workout today? I would have to.You gonna love these new workouts.

I have to admit...I am STARVING! I am trying to follow BFL and eat 5-6 small meals.I ate at 8,10 and I am going to try putting it off until 1 but I may have to eat at 12.Just goes to show how much eating I do, that I don't even notice.I have had 1/2 orange,cottage cheese/yogurt and two nature valley bars.(400 cals)
My run went good.My legs felt like j-ello at first.I don't think that body is made to move that fast that early in the morning.
I will check back later,
I just got home from a garden show. I am going to do KM now because it is on the rotation, and hopefully get a light run in when hubby comes home.

Hi girls, I just finished KM. I didn't do the leg drills, but I feel proud for getting it done. I am keeping my workout clothes on until hubby gets home, (I know it's gross), and I am heading out right when he gets home.

I have a 4 mile run coming up on March 26, that's next Saturday. I am a nervous Nelly about the whole thing. I shouldn't be because this is my first race, I am running with friends, and I don't care if I have to walk a little. It's on the beach, so it's more difficult than asphalt.

I might go look into my BFL book and remind myself on the way of eating. That might be a good thing for me to do so I can have energy for the upcoming beach run. Lori, I noticed you said you are hungry. How long have you been eating BFL?

You know, when I am eating healthy, I say to myself 'this is so easy, I will never have a binge again'. Well I always do, and it ruins my morale. I wish I could just stick with healthy eating 99 percent of the time, and have a piece of cake or something once in a while. Anyway!!!!!!

I will check in after my run. Have a great weekend!

I have a question. Is HC Extreme worth it? I don't own it, and really don't want to spend any more money on DVD's. I was just wondering if everybody likes it.

Lori-I just started today:) I have to get some sort of pattern set.I have done good all day.I just ate the other 1/2 of my sandwich.With BFL ,I would think,the calorie range is around 1400 a day.Maybe even less.If I was off today,I probably wouldn't have been so hungry b/c my first meal wouldn't have been that earlier.Its just me and DH for dinner so I am wondering what he will suggest.I have just come to the conclusion that I am not going to see any results until I fix my diet.My diet is not terrible but when it comes to the last 10 lbs,i think you have to be fairly strict.
I don't know if I think HC Extreme is worth the money.I think you could live without it.
Well, I learned something today. I've been eating pretty clean all week, and tonight, with no food in the house, we decided to get pizza. Vegetarian, of course. I thought I was going to throw up after eating it. Ugh.

Tonight I did KPC and tomorrow is Imax 3 and a segment of my new Core Max dvd.

Night everyone!
Good Evening. I never ran. It's very cold and rainy tonight. I just didn't have the motivation. I will check in in the morning.

Good Morning,
Not feeling to perky today.I am sleeeeepppppyyyyyyyy! Even though i went to bed around 11:30.
Funny story.My little girl was at a sleepover last night.I got up at 6 today to go for a run (which I didn't do) and I went into her bedroom and she was on covered so I covered her back up.I then decided that my legs weren't going to move this early in the morning so I crawled back into bed until 6:40.I then went into her room again,(on my way to the shower)to see if she still had bed sheets on her.Then I got into the shower.While I was washing my hair...I thought....My God,why is she home? How did she get home? She is at a sleepover? I thought I was losing my mind! Apparently she called the house at 11:45 and DH went and picked her up.I think she is going to be one of those people who are like.." I have a bed at home, why am I sleeping on the floor"? Needless to say, I didn't hear a thing.I slept through it all.Sometimes I wonder, if the house were on fire would I know it?
DH and I went out for dinner last night.I didn't eat much but what I did eat wasn't the healthiest.I made myself feel better by saying I would run it off today,which I didn't do.
I get off at 6:30 and I have a bridal shower at 7:30.Maybe I will only stay until 9-9:30 and when I get home I can workout.We will see.
Hope everyone as a good day!
Lori, that's funny about your daughter. I bet she missed her bed and home. I hope you don't mind me asking, what is her name? My oldest is Will, my youngest is Adam.

Well, the scale is up quite a few pounds. It is so depressing. Yesterday was a good eating day. I had a light to normal amount of food. I guess 2 days of eating poorly made me gain 4 pounds. How, I don't know.

I didn't run last night as I posted, and I haven't worked out yet. I am going to workout when I get home from another birthday party we are going to. The birthday parties never stop!

I will check in and post my workout. Have a great day!

It's nice and sunny here this morning. My SO and I are going to a surprise birthday party for his best friend tonight, so my daughter is having a sleepover at her Grandma and Grandpa's. And I'm taking her to get her ears pierced today! As a reward for passing her latest round of swimming lessons.

Later on, before party-time, I'm going to do Imax 3 and try a segment of my new Core Max dvd that arrived yesterday:)

Hope everyone has a super Saturday.
Hi guys! I've been out of the loop - I was on a business trip in St. Louis! So I weighed in today - a day early because I am going to VA beach and I know I'm going to eat some serious crab legs... :)

The results for phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (1 week 6 days - only 1 week of working out due to the business trip)are:

11.5 pounds lost
almost and inch lost around biceps
1 inch lost on neck
3.5 inches lost in chest
2.5 inches on my waist
2 inches on my hips
1 inch around both legs

I am very pleased with myself! I was planning to do another 2 weeks of phase one and now I know I will!

Hope you all are dong well! :)
Hi ladies!

Its been awhile! I think I was depressing myself too much posting about how terrible I was doing, so I stepped away to remotivate myself. I've been doing fairly well keeping up with my rotation. Today is MIC, although my legs are already killing me from L&G last night.

I'm reading Tom Venuto's book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle and am really liking it. I am really feeling good about the goal setting stuff and hope that having written out my long term and short term goals clearly and reviewing them 2x per day will help me stay on track. I have all the knowledge I need (although I am learning a few new things from this book), so reading magazines was no longer helping. I have to say its amazing how easily I can lose sight of my own goals. For example, one of them is to eat slowly and enjoy my food and here I am typing and eating oatmeal at the same time! Excuse me while I step away to enjoy it...

Yum! It really does taste better when you focus on it!:)
LISA!!!! That is so great! Makes me wanna do it but I am a crab lover! Im so proud of you! I was wondering how it was going but I knew that you were away.Are you feeling a difference in your clothes yet? You probably are with 2.5 lbs gone around your waist.

Lori- My daughters name is Jayna.I asked why she came home and she said b/c she missed me.I said,you didn't even see me.SHe said,yeah,I know.Lately she hasn't been sleeping out a whole lot (the last year) she wants to be home.Sort of drove me crazy for a while b/c I couldn't go very far.She would be calling the cell phone and crying to come home.She is o.k with a babysitter as long as it is in the house.Her b-day party is next saturday,she will be 9 on tuesday.And of course, she wants a dog.

FFD-GALD TO SEE YOU BACK! I guess we don't motivate much if you had to go away and then come back!:7

I am just eating my lunch.I was starting to get a headache and I think it was b/c I was hungry.
I will check back later,
Lisa, WTG on the SBD!!! Awesome! Have fun in Virginia Beach.

FFD, welcome back! The book you are reading sounds interesting.

Lori, your daughter's name is beautiful. I love it.

I am going to do MM right now. I will check in later. :)

HI EVERYONE!! i am new to this open discussion, i hope it's alright to jump in on this. i think it's great that we all have a supportive place to go to. i don't have any friends that workout the same way that i do so this is where i come to get my information on videos and workout tips.

i just ordered IMAX3 last night and can't wait to get it in the mail and get started. i've been doing pretty well with IMAX2 and STEP BLAST.

well, i hope everyone has a healthy day(no matter what you ate!)

Welcome Patti! I'm pretty new myself and love the support I get for my obsession here:)

Lisa! That's amazing about your weight and inches lost. You go girl!

Lori - my daughter has her first sleepover that's NOT with Grandma and Grandpa in a couple of weeks and I'm a bit nervous about how it's going to go. It's with Brownies.

Well, today I did Imax 3 and I can now say I have all the combinations. I haven't exactly MASTERED them yet, but at least I end up on the right foot on the right side of the step! And I did the first segment of Core Max. WOW! I'm anticipating some DOMS tomorrow.

Have a great evening everyone!
Hi !ll!

Lori - I feel a little bit of a difference in the waist but a lot of difference in the tush and legs!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

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