Summer Fitness Challenge March 11-15

Lorihart-I live in Daytona Beach, FL. It never snows here. :) It is 80 degrees today. We are heading to the beach. It is green here year round. We always have weeds. :)

Well, some friends just called, we are going to the beach. I am going to try to do HSC right now before I go to the beach at 10.

Oh! I'm jealous! We've had snow 4 times already! :)

So far so good on the South Beach Diet! This week will be the tester though. I am still in Phase 1 - which is great, by the way - and I have a a business trip to go on today throuh Thursday. I rented a car and wil go to the market to get good stuff but these kinds of things provide lunch and I hope I can get something good. Don't want to undo all the work I did last week!

my workouts will suffer also beause I absolutely hate the treadmill and hotel gyms typically have that and a stepper for cardio. I like classes so I'm bummed. Shrug. I'll do the best I can!

I really am enjoying SBD. I'm coming off like a gourmet cook with the things I've been making! :)
Did Muscle Max yesterday and Saturday was a rest day.

Have a good week folks!

Lori: Depending on how much it's snowed, it can take anywhere from 15 minutes (for a light dusting) to an hour (for a good dump). I try to look at it as a workout. I'm hoping I won't have to do it again this year, but last year we got 27 cm dumped on us towards the middle of March (I only remember so well because it was 2 weeks before I went to Cuba).

Lisa: Well done on the SBD! Sounds like you're really doing a good job sticking to it.

Back to work today. Ugh. Next week is a short week because we get Good Friday as a holiday.

Tonight I plan to do Imax 3 and KPC abs.
Hi Ladies......I am still a depressed, crumpled mess. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I did stay on Core yesterday. i did not work out, but I stayed on my food plan. I will work out today, I just do not know to what. I might rotate my Firm Classics this week, do 1, 2, then 3, and start over. I don't know, I just still can't face all the pounding with Cathe yet. I use 10, 12, and 15's with those workouts, and it is easier, but still very good. Have a good day.
Awwwwwwww Lori, I'm so sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Good for you for staying on your food plan though. That would be the first thing to go with me (if I even HAD a decent food plan!). Maybe you should try just getting outside and walking? After my Mom passed away, I would go for long walks and it seemed to help me. I hope you start to feel better soon:)
Lisa-Good for you,for staying on the plan! You have more willpower then I do.When are you going to weigh yourself? Keep us posted.

Lori- I CANNOT beleive that you would even tell us that you are going to the beach! Somethings are better left unsaid!:)
When I am doing weights I usually match Cathe,except for barbell curls and chest flyes.

LoriS-Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling the best.But look at all the good work you did do.Atleast your eating AND workouts aren't gone altogether.

Shelley- You go outside walking and look at ice? I should have been a bear b/c I only go outside when I have to in the winter time.I hate the cold and the wind.Your winter is probably a bit different then ours.

I just finished my workout but I would like to do some abs.I could save it for later today.I was thinking about working out again later today but I think I am going to stop.I have to work at 6:30 so I should probably just take it easy and try to catch a nap this afternoon.I have worked alot of night shifts, therefore I feel very antisocial.This job is different from any others I have had.There aren't alot of dealings with other people and when there is,chances are,there is a language barrier.And we don't have much to talk about,only the weather.Im sure as time goes by ,I will come up with other things to talk about.HOPEFULLY!

I will check back later.Time for a shower and a nice salad,I think :)
Lori: You would have HATED my walk yesterday. It was cold AND windy:p We walked around the Bay and it was all frozen. There were people ice sailing and playing hockey, and where it was clear, there were lots of ducks and geese and two swans looking for hand-outs. I enjoyed it. It felt truly Canadian:)
Hi girls, just got home. I did HSC, but didn't do the abs because I was running late. The beach was lovely, the water is still cold. A lot of Spring Breakers are starting to come in. I will check in later, hopefully after doing some ab work.

Lisa, awesome job on SBD!

Lorisax, I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully it will be yesterday's news soon.

Have a great day,
Hi Everone,
Just a quick check in while I am at work.Although there is nothing on the go.I am soon going to take my shoes off,sit back and watch the tube.Hard job,hey?
I went to my friends house after lunch and she gave me a recipe for low cal cookies.They are made with splena so I know alot of people don't like using that stuff.So I nibbled at them, but I guess you can also eat to much of a good thing to.They had oats,whole wheat flour,pineapple,carrots,almonds,coconut....pretty much anything you wanted to throw in.Then I had a quick nap.Dinner was ham,corn,carrots and a sweet potatoe,that I didn't eat all of.
Since starting this challenge with my friend (I know its only been a day)I have really been watching the nutrtional value in food again.I have gotten sort of slack in that area.I have been choosing more high fibre foods instead of junk.I think it will make a differnce.
Anyway,I should go see what is on t.v. Only 12 more hours of work to go;(
Lorihart, your dinner sounds delicious. :9

Hubby and I dropped the kids off at my parents and went to see Million Dollar Baby. What a great movie. I stuffed my face with popcorn, milk duds, and junior mints. I skipped dinner after this pigout!

I don't know what is on the rotation for tomorrow, but I will be doing it. Have a nice evening.

Lori-My dinner was good but i didn't enjoy it b/c I had to hurry for work.I am munching on some popcorn now, I have a feeling it isn't as good as yours.Mine is the low-fat kind.Just like eating a rice cake...and I don't eat many rice cakes.I thought I had some popcorn seasoning here but I don't so i threw some light parmesen cheese on it.
I will keep checking back although everyone should be sleepingx(
Morning everyone!

Last night was Imax 3 and KPC abs. Killer!

Tonight I'm thinking about a run and the weights and abs from Body Max.

The sun is shining here today and we may just break the 0 degrees Celsius mark! WHOOOT!

Hope y'all have a wickedly good day:)
Well, today I do feel slightly a bit better. I did Firm Vol. 1 yesterday, and if you do really heavy up, they are good workouts. My buns are sore today, I feel them more than I have in a long time. So, this week, I am going to do Firms. I feel like a wimp, but sometimes, I just gotta have a break.

Wasn't Million Dollar Baby good??? I cried thru the end, and I am not a crier at movies. I did not cry, I 1/2 sobbed. That was the best movie I have seen in forever. We went to see it a few weeks ago.

Well, I have stayed on Core, and I am doing pretty good at it. I tried this when it first came out, and I really did not lose anything, BUT that is because I thought if it was a Core food, I could eat as much of it as I wanted, and did. This time I am really listening to my body, stopping when full, and eating only when hungry. It is VERY clean eating, and I really hope to succeed at it this time. Doing Flex for 2 months really taught me about portions, so I think I will do ok.

Have a good day everyone.
Good Morning. I just finished LowMax. What a great workout. I am sweating bullets.

Lorisax, Million Dollar Baby was so good. I was tilting my head back, crying, half sobbing like you. Congrats on the great eating! That is such an accomplishment!

Have a wonderful day!

Good Morning!

I know it's been a while since I checked in (not that anyone noticed!):) . I just didn't really have anything positive to say! Actually it all started last week when I ate some bad cottage cheese. I was thinking when I ate it that it didn't seem quite right, but not bad enough to throw it out. I had just bought a fresh pineapple and piled some on top, so there was no way I was going to waste that! Oh well...paid my price! On top of that, I've been waiting and waiting to get into nursing school and I know the acceptance letters come out this month and I think I've been making myself sick just worrying. I don't know why, since there's nothing I can do about it. It's been causing me some lost sleep and making me cranky. So I decided yesterday to let it all go and focus on something else. Gee...a workout...that would be a novel concept!
I hadn't worked out in 4 days (yikes!) and I really needed it. I decided to just do Body Fusion and it was easy, so I felt much better. I finally had a very good night sleep last night and am feeling 100% today. :D Now I just have to revamp my rotation I made since it's all messed up now!

Wow! I haven't seen Million Dollar Baby yet (I am always so behing on seeing movies) but I will have to watch that one.

I'm so glad to see so many of you are doing so well! I got on the scale today for the first time in a week and I'm only up one pound. Considering all the junk I ate over the weekend I'm pleasantly surprised. :9

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Hi Ladies,
Just gett'in my lazy bum out of bed.:eek: When I first started this job,I could get up at 12 (not getting to bed until 8:30) and of course,it wasn't enough sleep.But over the last week,I have been able to turn over alot more and stay where I am.And sometimes I don't even move.I wake up and its 3:00 p.m and Ive missed the whole day.But tonights night shift would be torture if I didn't get the recommended amount of sleep.
I have to be at work again in 3 hours so that doesn't leave me with much time to workout.My knees have been bothering me lately, and this is one of those days when I am limited on time and I would just love to run and get it over with.So I am thinking of doing HSC or HST with running.
Sounds like everyone else as been having a good day.Million Dollar baby isn't playing here yet but with all the good reviews,I'll have to go see it.
Nicole-Sorry you got sick.DH always smells milk before he drinks it.One time when he was in highschool, he came home from basketball practice and he was really thristy.So he got a container of milk out of the fridge and downed it.As he was drinking it,he could feel the lumps.Gross hey? I don't know if he got sick after,or he made himself throw it up.He sort of drives me nuts now b/c he won't eat anything close to an experation date.
LoriS-I am glad you are feeling better.Who cares what workout you do as long as you are doing something.:) And it must be working b/c your buns are sore
Where is FFD? She hasn't been checking in lately.....lets kick her off.....who wants to vote}( If this were survivor she would have been gone long ago!!!!!!:) :) :) :7 :7 :+ :+
Lori, I just looked at your pics and noticed that you stayed at Tryp in Varadero in Cuba. When I go, I stay at Tryp Cayo Coco. I wish I was there right now!

I had a really good run tonight, even managed to add on an extra block. Then I did the weights and abs from Body Max.

Now I'm going to go make yummy lentil soup so I'll have something for my lunch tomorrow. Dinner will probably be cereal, cuz I just can't be bothered to put any more effort into it than that!
I think we looked at that resort last year.I wish I was there to but I don't think we are going anywhere this year.;( Next year though:7 Can you tell by my faces that I have mood swings? Just joking!
Today I did HST and a 20 minute run.I didn't get a chance to do the last seg of HST.Time was running short.
I just read a few threads on this site and I am getting sad that this place is going downhill (fast).There are so many new names.I think it is the fittv thing.I am not talking about you Shelly.You seem like a sensible person.But there are alot of weird topics being brought up and most of them are being deleted, it was never like that before.I just hope it doesn't get to the point where I don't enjoy comming here anymore.I usually head to this thread and leave we gotta keep this one going.
Good Evening Everybody,

Nicole, I feel your stress about your acceptance letter. I hope everything works out. I applied for a small, very part time nursing job, and nobody has called me yet. It's sort of depressing, but on the other hand, I really enjoy not working. I just wanted to get out and use my brain once or twice a week. Anyway, I have my fingers crossed for you.

FFD, we miss you. Hope you are doing well. :)

Lorihart, I have read a couple threads about people leaving, and the site going downhill. I am new to this site also. I discovered Cathe on FitTV, and got hooked. I am now starting to feel the best I have in a long time, even though I have a long way to go. I love my HC series, and I love posting on this forum. I have made one stupid mistake on this forum, well probably a couple. One was when Trevor said something about slavery not causing the Civil War. I asked a very short question why he thought this was so. Well, it started a downright war, especially between Maximus and Trevor. It caused Trevor to leave. I never posted again on that thread, it was just a battle. I have regrets because after studying and reading more, I did find out that slavery was a small cause of the war, money and politics had more to do with it. That was just stupid of me. Nobody blamed me, or mentioned me again in the thread. It was a fight between a couple of posters. So now, I try to keep things fitness/health related. Or I like to talk about cosmetics and light stuff like that.

Anyway, I am running tomorrow. Tomorrow the rotation calls for a HC Extreme workout. I don't have that DVD, so I am running and doing some core work.

Who ever posts first in the morning can start a new thread. Have a great night. :)

Lori - I have never read this rotation thread before but I was looking for inspiration. I was shocked to find that we had the EXACT SAME MEAL last night. Right down to the broccoli. I only make it about 2 times a year and I have always served it with peas, but last night I did a change up on the old family and gave them broccoli! I just had a strange craving for it. Must be in the air!!!!

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