Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

Hi everybody. I did KM today including the leg drills. It is such a long workout, I found my mind wandering towards the end.

Eating is going well. I am trying to up my water and not drink so much diet coke. I bought some Arizona diet green tea that is in a big jug that you drink iced. It's really good and made with Splenda. I am trying to give aspartame (Equal) up all together, slowly but surely.

Tomorrow is lowmax. Have a great day.

Hi Ladies,
I managed to do a 5 mile run.I was in the mood until I got to mile 2, then I wanted to jump off.I wasn't enjoying it at all.But I did it.
I think I am going to do low max tomorrow to.My knees were hurting when I was running.Thats probably why I wasn't in the mood to run .
I am at work now but there is not much work for me to do.There were two girls in today so the place is spotless.I use to spend the first couple of hours cleaning up.I guess its just t.v for me tonight and maybe some phone calls to my friends:)
I did work out today, and have stuck with my Core eating. I did 2 Firms. I wonder if I am overtraining, that is why I am so burned out and tired. I might do them for a week, and then I will be ready to be back at Cathe. Maybe even tomorrow!! I up my weights with them, and I jump when I can in their cardio, but I never feel as worked out as Cathe, even though I work up a good sweat. I don't know, I will see how I feel tomorrow.
I did KPC tonight. Eating was sporadically awful today.

I was going to do Tae Bo for a change, but my SO asked me not to, said he couldn't bear listening to Billy telling me to "reach up to my higher power", then proceeded to do an amazing Billy impression that left me in stitches.:)
Shelley, lol about Tae Bo!

I haven't done LM yet. I need to get myself motivated and do it. The scale is nice this morning. Eating has been going fairly reasonable. Dinner is where I overindulge. If I can just maintain or lose that would be great!

My legs are perpetually sore. Between LM, KM, Imax3, and MM, they don't get much of a break!

I will check in after LM.

Have a great day,
Morning everyone.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight. I may just do something light, as it's Day 12 in a row for me. I have this insane idea in the back of my head that I want to go right through March with no rest day.

Not that this has anything to do with summer or working out or being a challenge, but I'm having the WORST HAIR DAY EVERx( I've stuck it up in a ponytail and it still looks bad.

On the bright side, I'm wearing pants today that I haven't been able to do the button up on for a while now. And guess what? THE BUTTON IS DONE UP!!!! *jumps for joy*
Hi Ladies,
I am just getting up on the go.I only slept for about 3 hours.I don't feel tired though.My plan is to workout and then take a nap.If not, on my way to work tonight I am going to buy a small alarm clock:) The refueler always gets a nap b/c I have my ears open and when a plane comes in at 3 in the morning, I will stay awake and not get any sleep at all.So I am thinking I may try to have a snooze between 11-1:15:) Im sure the boss will appreciate that.
Today is LM for me and I think GS chest and Tri.I need to be kind to my knees today.
I am thinking I would like to get my hair done tomorrow and maybe go for a tan.Just to treat myself:) I use to work at a salon before so DH thinks I should go back there.But I know what they are like.The job will be done half @ss and b/c they know me they won't worry about it to much.I just want a few foils and a light trim.I am suppose to be working tomorrow night but I think I will see if I can give it away.
Anyway....I will check back after I workout.

TOM time and it has slowed me down a bit, but not a lot. I did Low Max yesterday and Taebo Power Rounds 20 today. Eating well - today is my 5th day on SBD and I really like it! Having a turkey and ham roll up today with light muenster cheese and balsmic and basil dressing - yum!!!

Shelley - that's great about the pants!!! :)
Morning All!!

Well, my diet has been pretty good this week until yesterday I ate three Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints - my favorite!!) and a homemade chcolate chip cookie last night. I must say it was really good! Yesterday was also my rest day so no workout but I did Stretch Max, which could explain the cookies. Anyway, today is my run/walk and upper body and abs. Haven't been sleeping too well lately, so I feel a bit sluggish this morning. Hopefully my workout later on will perk things up!

Have a great day everyone!

:D Nicole
I know the feeling. All week I've just had this persistent, dull soreness... :) What is it they say? NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!!

Hi Ladies,

I haven't been sleeping well either. Tuesday I did 40 minute interval run on the elliptical trainer and 20 minutes on the stepper. I didn't get up early enough to w/o this morning. I was planning on doing KPC but I will hit the gym later and do something. Probably a 30 minute leg workout and 30 minute ellipt.
I also ate a bunch of junk yesterday late afternoon and evening (chocolate candies, and home made brownies). Today is another day.

Shelley-great job on the wt loss. I had to laugh at your Billy Blanks comment. I know exactly what you mean. I stopped doing Taebo a long time ago because he can't count, and he is very annoying.

My motivation seems to be waning at times also. It is almost overwhelming at times. Some days I want to spend the whole day working out to fit in everything and other days I just don't care! But that's what this check-in is all about. Keeping each other motivated and celebrating our small successes.

Have a great day ladies,

Hi Ladies,
Well I did what I said I was gonna do.I really enjoy doing LM.Its a fun workout.It probably helps that I don't feel like I am going to die.Thats always nice.I felt good while working out but I think I hit a brick wall.Getting tired again.It could be time for a nap.:)
Diana-I hear ya on the motivation.It never seems to last through the day with me.Last week I was doing really well Mon and Tues b/c they were normal days,8-6:30.But once I get thrown off of a scehdule I feel like everything as gone downhill.I am starting to get less hungry when working night shifts though.My troat was really sore last night and I kept reaching for the peppermint candy.Oh well...
I will check back later,
Shelley, WTG on the pants!!

Lisa, awesome job so far on the SBD. Keep up the good work!!

Everybody seems to be doing well. The hair talk has got me thinking about my next hair appt. I love getting my hair done. 2 hours of uninterrupted bliss. :)

I did LM today. I love this workout. Tomorrow is a run, a segment of CM, and a segment of SM.

Have a great night,
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow (just roots touched up). My hairdresser hates it, because I always so "don't do anything fancy to it, I'm just going home to work out". She's happy on the days I go and say "go to town!". Then it gets blow dried and spritzed and sprayed and flat-ironed and I look like a movie star. Too bad I can't do that at home myself.

Anyway, onto the day's activities. I didn't feel up to much, so I did a Gin Miller Circuit Challenge step/weights workout and the ab section from Body Max. My eating was HORRENDOUS. DD had Wendy's for dinner and I stole a few fries and a couple of mouthfuls of Frosty (about as far from clean eating as one can get!). I'm feeling a bit like PMS, but shouldn't be. Ah well. Perhaps tomorrow will be better (she said, hopefully).

Night all!

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