Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10

Hi All!

Second day of SBD and loving it so far! Just finished a shrimp caesar salad - yum! I got a couple of cute workout things today at lunch too, so my day is going well! :)

I got up a little late today and only dod 40 minutes of Muscle Max. :-( I thin tomorrow is Kickmax. Did Imax 3 yesterday - it kicked my butt, but I made it all the way through!

Hope you are having a good day!


Hi everyone!

I haven't checked in for a few days, but here I am again... Workouts have been going great, but eating has been terrible for two days in a row now. The only positive thing I can say about it is that I've managed to avoid the worst foods, most of what I've stuffed myself with has been healthy (except a little piece of a brownie, two cookies and a chocolate candy...;O). But in all honesty, everything else I had was at least healthy (berries, whole wheat bread, cottage cheese, turkey slices... ...), but no doubt I just had too much... I don't feel good. Got to get back on the wagon...! It's this starting it again. I know being tired got me off track again. Which brings me to say that Lori, you truly are amazing! I keep reading of you working most of the time, being tired, and still managing everything! I'm envious...;)

But workoutwise I did good; did Imax1 and GS CT and Core segment 2 on Saturday and MIC, GS BSB and Core segment 1 on Sunday. So I suppose I burned a lot of calories too...;). I thought it would be fun to do something other than HC for a change, and it was. Imax1 felt funny...;))) can't explain. Sort of easier, sort of not...;)

Anyway, I'm welcoming any ideas to get my eating back on track. I keep wanting to munch on food all night long which is not good. Any advice?!

Hope ya all are doing great, have a good week!
Im back! Just finished a 6 mile run.I did 2 miles a a steady pace and the last 4 miles were interval ones.I don't do the minutes anymore.I just keep increasing my speed every .10 of a mile, and I will go up and down.It makes the mile go by alot faster.Watching the clock makes the run longer
Maria-I do work alot.I will be only working one job in a month.BUT my DH and my MIL are thinking about taking over a convience store which I will be part owner in.My MIL keeps asking what I think of it and I tell her its hard for me to say until I know what my duties are.I am wondering if the time spent will be worth the extra $30,000.income.We will see it may never happen.
Good Morning Everyone,
Today will be my first day on BFL! I need to get groceries though.I should have enough food in the house to keep me going for 2 meals:eek: I won't be able to follow the BFL workout b/c of work.So I am going to stick to the diet and do whatever else.
Remember the wedding I am standing for in Aug? Well she told me before,that if her maid-of-honur(who as been her best friend for years) can't make it, I would be her maid-of-honur.I am not totally tore up about this b/c I don't like giving speeches and I will have to then.I don't mind being a bridesmaid.I like the thoughts of sitting and looking pretty:) Anyway...her maid-of-honur can't make it.She just starting teaching in Twain (or somewhere:) )and won't be home over the summer monthes.My friend still hasn't asked me to be her maid-of-honur but in case she does....this body as to be whiped into shape!It needs to be anyway but now I have a reason.
Today I am going to do Imax3,I think.I sort of stopped following Cathes rotation this weekend.I did my own thing,whatever I had time for.I am going to try and get back at it.
I will check in later.My plan is to do house work for the next hour and then workout.
Good monring all! Third day on SBDand things are going pretty well! I had crab last night for dinner with old bay seasoning and a little butter (the cookbook said I could have it but that it was severely limited - so I won't have it again for a while!). Today will be a chicken salad for lunch and steak for dinner, cheese and nuts for snacks in between.

I did KickMax today for the first time and enjoyed it. Those leg drills are awesome!

Hope your day is going well! :)

Lisa, glad to hear you are doing so well on the SBD! That's awesome!

Maria, I really can't offer any good advice on eating well because I ate terribly last night. All I can say is start fresh and take one day at a time. :) I really think you are doing well anyway! You seem to have a very healthy diet. The junkfood is so hard to avoid isn't it?

I had a really busy day yesterday. I did Imax3, but didn't do the CM segment. I went to a birthday party last night. I had chicken fried rice, more chicken in a yummy chinese sauce, a couple cookies, and a piece of birthday cake!!

I am off to do MM. I will check in later. :)

Good morning everyone.

"Summer" Fitness Challenge always makes me so hopeful that summer may actually get here. Or at least spring! It's FREEZING here today. A sudden cold snap took us from about 6 degrees Celsius yesterday to 25 below with the wind chill today. Needless to say, all the stuff that melted yesterday is frozen solid this morning!

Kick Max last night. Love it, love it, love it. Those leg drills are killer, but I think I managed to keep my leg a little higher this time.

Maybe it's the weather, but I'm tired and cranky and CRAVING junk food. It's not PMS. That's not due for another week and a half or so. I'm trying really hard to resist. But I had a chocolate cookie this morning already and it's not even 10! Ah well, tonight is a run and the upper body conditioning from Body Max.

Sorry for blathering. Have a great day and a fulfilling work out!
Hi Shelley, I read your other thread on feeling yucky. I know what you mean. Maybe give yourself a little beauty treatment or a bubble bath. :)

I have never done the leg drills on KM. I was supposed to do them, but never did last week. I love KM, even though KB is not my favorite. I will do the drills this week for sure!! I just finished MM. Every time I lie down to do abs, or chest, my baby gets on top of me and starts kissing me. It's so sweet, but gets in the way too. :) Usually I just crunch while he lying on me, and try to call for my dh to come get him. Usually my dh just ignores me.

I want to go for a light run today. We will see how that goes. It is very windy here today.

Eating is going well so far. Tonight I am going for dinner with my inlaws for Italian. I am ordering fish. :)

Awwwwwwwwww, that's so sweet about your baby crawling on you and kissing you.

Last week I was doing the crunches on the stability ball in KPC and my cat was feeling all friendly and was weaving in and out of my legs. Then she started putting her cold, wet cat nose on the back of my thigh. Yikes!
Good Morning All!

Well, I guess it's not morning anymore where most of you are, but oh well! Ok...did great on my diet yesterday. Actually followed my plan and stayed within my points and felt great. I have my day all planned for today also and I'm making the Chunky Beef Stew from the Eating for Life book for dinner. It is soooo gooood! Yum!

Went for my run/walk this morning. Felt great! I will be so happy when I finally progress to just running. I really do like it and it's challenging. I've been working on a weekly workout schedule, trying to get in my run/walk four times a week, plus two upper body and two lower body workouts and rounding it out with some extra cardio, usually in the form of one of Cathe's circuit workouts which depending on how I feel could also count as one of the upper or lower body workouts for the week. Plus Abs and Stretching.

What I want to do starting next week is have four days were I do my usual walk/run, but I also want to add CTX as designed with each workout done one day per week. That would mean on some days I get two short cardio workouts. Do you think that is too much? I don't get sore from my walk/runs at all, and I thought this way I could get everything in I want to in less time. My primary goal right now is to lean out and get rid of excess body fat. I don't have any trouble at all building muscle. I haven't done all of the CTX workouts, but I've read on some other posts that Leaner Legs is a killer and should be done on it's own, ie. not on a running day. Are there any other workouts on this DVD that should be done alone?
Thanks for any advice here!

Oh!...I forgot...I have a lower body workout this afternoon too.

Thanks everyone..hope you all have a great day!

:D Nicole
Hi GUys,
I thought I checked in after I worked out but I guess not.I forgot to mention that I woke up with the cold today so I am not feeling 100%.Im sure it as nothing to do with that fact that I have been working none stop and probably not sleeping enough.
Anyway,I started to do GS B,S,B and I got a headache.I stopped part of the way through and took a pill.After I did that I felt a little stomach sick but I somehow (not sure how) managed to do Imax3 after.I probably didn't go all out on my intervals but I did do it.I just hope I am not getting the stomach flu...that would be bad.I never get sick.
My eating as been really good today.I had a oat bran bar and low carb(high protein) shake for breakfast,1/2 sandwich and soup for lunch.I picked up groceries so I tried one of the zero cookies (like oreos except no fat)and now I am having chicken,rice and carrots for dinner.The way I am feeling now, I don't think I will be eating much for dinner.
I will check back later,
Hi Ladies,

I caught my reflection in the mirror this morning and thought I looked smaller.:) So I took some quick measurements and am down 1" in the waist and 1/2" in each thigh. I haven't been to my ww meeting in several weeks, but the inch loss must be a good sign.
Yesterday I did Bodymax cardio and circuits only and took today as a rest day. I haven't decided what to do tomorrow, maybe musclemax.

Have a great day everyone,

Good Morning Ladies,

Diana-Congrats on the weightloss! I don't think I will need to take measurments for a while.Everything seems to have come to a stand still.You know what my problem is? I think I am on a diet but really I am eating the same. Anyone else ever get like this?

I was planning on running in the a.m before I take DD to the dentist but looking at the time now, it doesn't look like its going to happen.I may have to wait until after.I am also planning on doing GS legs or GS Tric and Chest.
Work again tonight so I think I will need to get a nap sometime today.I woke up with mmore flu symptoms today:-( Runny nose and a scratchy troat.....but everyones gett'in it.
I will check back later,
Hi Ladies.....I do not know what is wrong with me??? I have lost all motivation, and my diet has just plain stunk. I have 30 days till I go to Florida, so hopefully today, I get going again.

I am glad everyone else is doing well. It is motivating!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwwww, Lori, I'm sure your motivation will come back. Everyone slumps every now and then.:)

Last night I went for a 4 mile run. It was so cold, my breath was freezing my scarf and my hair was frozen. Later on I did the weights section from Body Max. I was going to do abs but just didn't have it in me.

My eating was okay yesterday. My daughter had Brownies last night and it's always a rush after I pick her up, get home, make dinner, get her changed, get changed myself, gather up all her gear and drive to Brownies. Tuesday is NOT my favourite night of the week.x(

Lori, I totally hear you about the "think you're on a diet" thing, but are still eating the same. I'm trying to get rid of those last stubborn 10 lbs and I think I'm eating better, but then I actually sit and think about what I've eaten and I don't think I've changed anything!

It's cold here again today and they're calling for more snow. Spring seems a long way off. *sigh*

Hope y'all have a wonderful day and a great workout.
Diana, congrats on the weight loss!!

Lorihart, Oh no! Don't get too sick. :( I know what you mean about thinking you are on a diet. I tell myself I am on a diet too, so why aren't the pounds dropping? I am eating so much better and healthier though lately. People have told me I looked slim last night, so that's nice to hear. I was wearing high heels so maybe it was an illusion.

Lorisax, I am sure you look great! Everybody loses their motivation from time to time. I have lost mine for years on end. :) What part of Florida are you visiting?

Shelley, is it still cold in your neck of the woods? Where do you live? We are so spoiled down here in sunny FLA. I already feel like I should be wearing skirts, but my legs are so pale. It is cold today, a cold front came in. High of 60. It's always so beautiful and sunny and as soon as the Bikers get here it turns cold. I feel sorry for them having to ride in the cold weather. Anyway!! It looks like everybody is doing pretty well.

KM is on the agenda for today and I am doing the whole thing!!

Lori - high of 60!!! I dream of that. This morning it was -27 Celsius with the wind chill. You ARE spoiled and so lucky!!! I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. It's not normally this cold this time of year. I'm hoping March will go out like a lamb, since it came in like a lion and has been roaring ever since!
No workout yet, but it is only 1:30.My dad is comming here and he wants me to cut his hair so I won't bother to workout until then.
I think I am just going to do a run today.I already did CM earlier.
DD was good at the dentist.She didn't make a sound.He gave her a needle and then he pulled the tooth out that was bothering her(baby teeth)It didn't look like fun as he was twisting the tooth out but she didn't feel a thing.They must go through torture sometimes with kids who hate the dentist.I never liked going but I didn't kick and scream b/c my mom wouldn't have aloud it.But kids are so much more out of control these days.He told her that she should teach kids how to be good at the dentist.
Shelly-Did you see my post to your orignal post? Where you were introducing yourself? I basically said that I live in Newfoundland and I have been to Hamilton a couple of times.Once when I was training with WestJet( I had a stop over).Hamilton must have been really upset when WestJet pulled out of Hamilton Ariport.
Anyway,I am gonna go...when I come back...I'll have my workout done:)
Hi Lori - I did see your post and meant to reply, but I guess I never got around to it. I know they weren't happy when Westjet left, but I think Canjet is doing some flights from there now, because lots of people I know are flying down south from Hamilton Airport this year. That's awesome about the dentist. I've found the best strategy with my daughter is to NOT go in with her. She seems to act up a bit more when I do.

I just went to Muscle Mag as they have a big sale on clothing right now. How depressing. I am just NOT cut out for those little tiny shorts. I got some pants instead.
Long time no see!!!

I have missed checking in! Have been sticking to workouts - CTX UB yesterday, and did IMAX 3 for the first time this morning (LOVED IT!!!). So, hanging in there with that.

LoriS, I am in the same boat as you diet wise. I have just plain not cared about what I eat. I have let it go. Still packing the same healthy lunches, breakfasts, etc, but if there has been cake, cookies, junk, I have let myself at it. I haven't noticed major changes (YET) probably because I refuse to let the exercise go. I've found that I go through times where I just can't do them both - exercise is easier to keep active than forcing a diet, and if I keep the exercise going, the dietary lack of control doesn't last that long. I just don't fight with myself (too exhausting and demoralizing) and try to keep my junk food eating under some control. Today I have much lower cravings (maybe because I've finally slaked my lust!). Also, it is relieving to realize that my body doesn't suddenly become this monstrosity just because I've let down my guard a bit.

Will hopefully check in a bit more frequently than I have been.

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