Summer Fitness Challenge Mar 5-10


Uhhhhhh,I don't know what date to put down.I was thinking a week but our threads have been getting really long so we may not make it that long.I am also to lazy to get up and look at the calender.;)

Good Morning Again!
I bet I was the only one who stayed up alnight long.I have 2 hours to go.It wasn't to bad.I didn't really fall asleep but I was in and out from 2-4 a.m. I have two more nights yet and 2 next week.
I will be going to bed when I get home (of course)I wish I could workout as soon as I got home and then crawl in bed until 5:30 tonight.If I get 6 hours sleep today I will be happy.
Yesterday I did the second seg of CM.I started to get irritated b/c I wasn't feeling anything.But when I stretched earlier, I felt something.I didn't know it was possible.I felt nothing while doing the moves but my abs are sore today:eek: I guess it doesn't take much to get me confussed.
I think today is MM.I am going to try to get a run in.We will see how long I sleep for.I should be able to do both.
I will check back later,it will probably be tonight when I come back to work.
Have a good day everyone!
Hi Lori, I did the first segment of CM yesterday and I wasn't feeling anything either. I kept on concentrating on my form, but I wasn't feeling the burn. I feel a little soreness today too.

I have a soccer clinic with my son today, after that, when my baby is napping I am doing MM. I didn't work all night like Lori, but my 2 year old was up several times last night. He just wants to get up and play lately. I don't understand how he cannot be tired. He finally went to sleep. Hopefully this is just a phase. :) So I am dragging today. I am going to bed early tonight. I might put the baby on the back porch if he gets up tonight. JUST KIDDING. :)

Have a great day,
Morning ladies!

Lori, I was up all night! After completing StepBlast (admittedly, I was more inspired to workout since I ate some Easter Chocolate at around 7:00 -x( ). My bf was out and wanted me to come, so I went at around 10:00. I was really good, only one glass of wine and lots of water. Then, when he and I stayed up downloading music and singing and dancing around the apartment - til around 4:00 am. I love it when you have those spontaneous moments, and even though I'm tired today it was great fun and bonding.

I am either to do KPC or SJP.

A neat experience happened last night too. One of our friends fiancee's (I like her, but she does seem very focused on appearances) was out last night too, and when my bf was trying to talk me into coming out I was in the middle of Cathe. Apparently, when we got off the phone, he told them all about Cathe and how committed to exercise I was, how strong I was, and how I often got up at 5:30 to workout. Now, this girl is skinny and I always feel like she comparing herself to others (i.e. that she is aware and pleased that I am not "skinny" - this is waht I've always assumed). Makes me feel uncomfortable around her, but I tolerate it. Well, apparently as he's talking about this, she starts getting kind of angry and saying that she needs to start doing these things and wanting to know what I do to be so strong! Small victory I know, but I could have kissed him for talking about that (he doesn't know how I feel about her). I don't know, I just wonder if others see me as muscular and athletic or "not skinny" so his talking about my workout ethic in a way changes her ability to judge. He said he started downplaying it, she was getting so upset! I feel kinda sorry for her that that would upset her so much...

Did anything I just wrote make any sense?
Hi Ladies,
No one got any sleep? YAHHHHH!!!! I am not alone?!:) I crawled in bed at 8:30 and I was up again at 12:15.I would like to workout and take another nap.I sort of feel hungover.Its 1:20 now so I should be able to work out in an hour.I would like to run or maybe Imax3!

Lori-I can remember the sleepless nights.My daughter NEVER slept.She would be up all the time.I didn't get a full nights sleep until she was 5.Its hard stuff.
FFD-Good story! I like stories like that.I think there are a few people around like that.Actually,I use to have friends like that and I had to ditch them.I thought about calling one of them last night.I miss her company at times but she is not a good influence.I think she may be aneoxic.This only came about over the last few monthes.

Anyway,I will check back later, after I workout.
Hi everyone,
I am back at work.And feeling pretty good.
My day went as planned and eating was good to.(the nights only young yet!)x(
This was my workout: Seg 3 Of CM,1/2 of MM,30 min run and 1/2 of Imax 3.So my plan tomorrow will be to do the other half of MM and Imax 3.I did Imax 3 last and interval 5 did me in.I was getting tired.I then got a shower,vacummed and had a nap.I think I may have slept for an hour.I think the nap I had is whats making me feel good.
Hopefully tomorrow will go the same.When I got up at 5:30,I started picking at a cake that was there.Next thing I knew,I had the thing fired in the garbage!:) I wasn't hungry...its just one of those things that I have to get out of.
I will check back later tonight,
Hi ladies,

FFD, I think it is bizarre that your friend became angry. People have mysterious personalities don't they? It's sweet your bf was bragging on you.

Lorihart, you are working it girl!! You must be so lean!

I just finished MM. I had to stop half way through because my little one was cranky. He woke up from a late nap and was still tired. Anyway,,, I finished MM, and glad I did. Eating was very bad today. I had pretzels, cheese, mac and cheese, baked beans, on top of breakfast of an egg and whole wheat toast. I said I wasn't going to eat dinner, but I ate my kids leftovers--chicken and rice and peas! I need to drink lots of water because I made the chicken and rice with lipton onion soup mix which is so salty. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Sometimes I do my workout with makeup on. I know I shouldn't do it, but I have makeup on from the morning, and workout. It runs into my eyes and my left eye always becomes inflamed, just like pinkeye. It is pinkeye, not the bacterial kind of conjunctivitis, but the same thing, because my conjunctiva becomes really swollen and the entire white of my eye is red. You think I would of learned to wash my face first! This is the third time it has happened! It goes away, but still very annoying! And very stupid of me on top of that.

Tomorrow I am going to try to do the entire length of SM. I should run, but we will see. :)

Have a good evening,
Good Morning,

I stepped on the scale this morning. I am up 2 pounds! What in the world? I didn't go over that much on calories yesterday, even though I had some junk with the kids. A small bowl of vegetarian baked beans, a small serving of Kraft mac and cheese. I did have pretzels, cheddar cheese, and a small breakfast, and a small dinner. I shouldn't of ate all of this sodium.

Oh well, live and learn. The reason why I know the reason why I ate the mac and cheese is because I was so tired from the night before. Tired and stressed, and bored. :)

I got good sleep last night. 9:30 pm to 7:30 am.

Lots of water today, clean eating, and stretch max. I will check in and report my day.

Have a great day,
I had the best compliment yesterday!!!!!!!! I did a jewelry show for a lady in Jan., and she tried to get me to eat some of this awesome carrot cake she made, and I declined, telling her I was on a diet. Well, I had a different show yesterday, from a lady who booked from her, and she was there, and told me that she could really tell my diet was working for me, and that I looked really good!!!! No one has said anything about me losing weight yet, so it was really nice. I still have not dared to get on the scale after my 4 day binge, but I am feeling back to where I was before.

Yesterday I did L&G's. No cardio, I just didn't have time. I am going to figure out a rotation today to get more back on the FreeStyle again. I make sure I work my legs alot, some how, but when I really stuck to it before, my legs looked good. I am going to do the GS UB every week, MM, and 3 lower body, and on the day I don't use heavy weights to do lower body, I am going to do my Firm Bss3's. They are cardio's, and they focus on lb, and they really helped tone me down before. I will also use Low Max on those days. Those Firm cardio's are very hard for the Firm, and I really like them. Have a good day everyone!!!!!!
Today is my first day on Phase one of SBD!!! i am going to do this phase for 4 weeks since the only thing I was going to add back in was apples and hummus. Weighed myself and ws not pleased by the number - says I have to lose 69.5 pounds to hit my goal - gosh! I don't see that much weight on me, but the scale can't lie, right? So I've got my work cut out for me!

Planning an egg, some nuts, a stick of string cheese, grilled salmon over lettuce with lemon vinaigrette, and sirloing with grilled veggies today for meals. Planning IMAX3 for my workout (Cathe's hardcore fat loss rotation). Haven't done that one yet - ykes. planning to take a Billy Blanks enegry pill before I get started!

Wish me luck! My goal is to hit my target weight by July 15th and I can just about do it by my calculations, give or take a week. I want to look geat in my swimsuit and sundresses!

"Every day is a good day."

Good Morning Everyone!!

I'm so happy to say my PMS is over and the cravings finally went away. It always amazes me how quickly they come and go...and how strong they are. Does anyone have any suggestions how to battle those sweet cravings? I feel like whenever I give in, it ruins all my hard work!

Lisa - I'm very interested to hear how SBD works for you. I've been thinking of doing this too to help get rid of the bad carbs & cravings.

Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but I took Friday off instead because I felt I needed it. So, yesterday I did All Step and the CTX upper body split. It was my first time doing both of these workouts and it was really fun! Last Thursday I did Low Max for the first time and that was just a ton of fun! I couldn't believe how quickly the time went by and how sweaty I was, and yet I wasn't dying at all. Looks like it will be a favorite of mine.

Truth be told, my diet has been really bad this past week, but starting today I'm back on track. We went to some friends house for dinner last night and I drank beer and ate Mexican food. Yum! But I sure don't like how I feel after a night of that. I didn't drink too much or anything like that, but gosh I just feel drained. I think it really affects you so much more when you workout regularly. Your body knows it's not good for you and starts to rebel! Not to mention I don't sleep nearly so well.

I don't know yet what workout I'll do today. I'm supposed to do my run, but in addition to that I don't know. I'll check back in later today. Sounds like everyone has had a good weekend!

:D Nicole
Argh! Apparently I'm feeling in "nesting" mode because I'm on a baking binge. Yesterday, pumpkin muffins, today, pumpkin cake (I wish the darn cans of pumpkin weren't so huge!). And to top that off, friends just dropped off their daughter to play with mine and brought chocolate cupcakes from their son's birthday party yesterday.

Weekends kill me. During the week at work I'm fine. I take tons of fruit and healthy stuff, and have no access to anything bad at my office.

I already did Step Blast today, but I'm feeling enormous and sloth-like. I'm going to do the weights and abs from Body Max tonight, because I don't have any other Cathe weight workouts. I think I'm going to order MuscleMax, Coremax and the Imax 2/Cardio and Weights DVD. Or maybe Low Max. There's way too many to choose from!
Hi Everyone,
I was surprised to see so many people checking in.Sundays around here are fairly boring.I guess it goes to show how committed we are to checking in:)

*Lori*-I wouldn't worry to much about what the scale says but some how I always do!Our body weight fluctuates so much.Its weird but do you know that my lightest day is always Thursdays? Don't ask me why.
*LoriS*-Nice compliment! It really gets you motivated doesn't it? I have to ask,I remember a while ago you were going through a tough time with your daugther? I think that was you.How are things going now? As she made a turn around? My friend as a teenage daugther so I know how trying it can be.She has good days and bad days.I have a 9 yr old so I am hoping the good Lord is going to be kind.I hope Im not going to get punished.
*Lisa*-How is your first day going? Keep us posted.I am always intriged my these low carb diets but I don't think I could tackle one myself.
*Nicole*-I am so glad I don't get PMS symptoms.Besides for being nasty every once in a whilex( My eating is usually undercontrol.As undercontrol as it as been;(
*Shelley*-I love baking.I baked a cake the other day and made my own icing.It was so sweet,even I screwed up my mouth.After picking at it for a couple of days,yesterday I fired it in the garbage.It didn't matter how sweet it was I would have ate it.
*FFD*- Where are you????

Today went pretty well.I slept until 1:30.Then DH wanted to take the dog for a walk BUT I wanted to workout.I felt bad b/c I haven't spent anytime with anyone this weekend.So I went for a walk with him but I was still back in time to hop on my treadmill for 30 min before work.

I really think I am going to get out my Body For Life book.I don't intend on following the workout plan but I think the eating plan would be o.k.I am wearing pants tonight that were loser then this christmas time.When I did BFL before I went down to 123 lbs in no time.The key is planning out my meals.If I know what I am going to eat and when, I am o.k.But when I have to wing it and I go to long without food, anything can happen.
I will check back later,
Hello everybody!

LoriSax-nice compliment!! Good for you!

Today was pretty good with eating. I am done eating for today. I just had dinner. I haven't done SM yet. I was out all day today, and just got home in time to make dinner. I am trying to psych myself up. It's not hard, it's only SM, but right now all I want to do is sit here. :) I will do it. It's been a great week, and I actually stuck to the first week of the fat loss rotation. :)

Tommorrow is IMAX 3.
Here I am Lori!! I've been missing you ladies, but am so BURIED under work I can't stand it! I got up at 8:00 this morning and have been working or running errands ever since! I have been reading journal entries from my Health Psych class all day, and still have to prep for a talk on eating disorders I've giving for a local sorority tomorrow. I still have not prepared for my Wednesday lecture. ARRGGGHHH!!!

ON a happier note, I did workout - KPC, which makes 6 times this week (January 2005 rotation). I actually really enjoyed KPC this morning for some reason. Also, I must comment again on the first week of this rotation. My diet has been far from ideal, and I can still tell changes. I'll let you know what happens after week 2! This week I am going to tackle IMAx 3 for the first time - YIKES! Also, I tried a core max workout yesterday and I could do a couple of levitation holds! Not all, and I really had to fight for it, but I did it. ALso, my pikes on the ball are getting much better. Its nice to see improvements!

I will try checking in more frequently again so my entries aren't so long! LoriS,your compliment experience is awesome - doesn't it just make you want to work harder? Lisa, I'm eager to see how your experience with SBD is, especially with Cathe. I couldn't workout hard without carbs when I tried it. And Shelley, I'm feeling the same! We're having a party at work and I volunteered to bake cake and cookies. Now, why did I do that???!!!
Hi Ladies,

We bought a new computer and got it all set up last night. I love it. Saturday was MIC and SS Lower Body Blast. Sunday, OH MY, I did GS BSB and GS CT and followed it up with Leaner Legs and Abs. I was planning on doing cardio, but ran out of time-go figure. Since I'm trying to incorporate freestyle back in my program, today I might just do BodyMax cardio and circuits only.

Have a great day everyone.

Hi Everyone....Eating was not the greatest yesterday. Not the worst, but not the greatest either.

Yes Lori, it was me who had so many problems with my daughter. She is better, but still, I have cried all day this morning, and half the day yesterday. She does so good for awhile, and brings me up, and slam!!!! She brings me down again.

I don't know what I am going to do today. I will check in some time tomorrow.
Hi Everyone!

I'm so glad I'm feeling up and ready to go today!! Nothing can stop me now! Don't know why I'm in such a good mood but I am! Hope it's contagious in case anyone is having a bad day!:D :D :D
Well....I didn't workout yesterday...that is, I didn't do a Cathe workout or my run like I was supposed to. I spent the day doing some spring cleaning, cleaning out closets, organizing, moving some furniture etc. And I do feel a little sore today, so I guess it was a workout! I'm not done by any means, but it's a huge start.

I stayed up later than usual last night and watched "The Womb" on the National Geographic Channel. Did anyone else see it? Very interesting program. Loved the 4D video of the fetus in the womb. Absolutely amazing! I'm sure that's nothing for you nurses out there, but I'm still green over here!:)

Ok...planned out my menu for the day...very clean and all within my WW points. Yeah! Also, I planned my dinners for the week using my Eating for Life Book and figured out the points for each serving. Dinners are usually the hardest meal for me as my husband usually does the cooking and I don't have as much control over things. This week I'm preparing the meals or making him use my recipes, so it will be much easier.

This WILL be a great week...I can just feel it! :) Maybe I'll actually go to WW this week and weigh in...obviously didn't go last week!

Ok...I can see I'm rambling now! Hope everyone has a great day!

:7 Nicole
Nicole, I did watch some of The Womb. Weren't the 4D images absoulutely beautiful. It is amazing.

I just finished IMAX3 a minute ago. I am off to do a segment of CM.

HI Ladies,
I was gonna say good morning but chances are I am the only whose just woken up, and its not morning anymore:) One way to ensure that I am going to have a good eating day...sleep through it!:7
I got off of work at 8 and I was so sleeeeeeppppppyyyyyy.I had a busy night.I had two planes at the sametime(of course).They didn't arrive until 3 a.m.By the time they left,I cleaned up,and did my paper work it was around 5.I think I may have gotten a 30 min nap between 5:30 and 6:30.When I got home I died.I heard the door come open and I thought DD and DH were home for lunch.Meanwhile it was 2:30 p.m:eek: They were home for lunch but I slept right trough it.I normally don't sleep that sound but I was obviously tired!
Anyway,enough about my sleeping.I am drinking my coffee now and trying to decide when to workout.I am thinking about doing a short run soon and then later on tonight working out again:)
I will check back later,

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